As a highly developed economic regime in the world, if Japan is a mechanical watch with good wind up, then Japan is the second hand on the mechanical watch. It runs every minute and every second, and hardly stops.

But on December 28, at nine o'clock in the morning, something beyond the limits of human cognition suddenly crowded into the unchanging life of Japanese people

At Shibuya Station in Tokyo, Yoshihara steps off the streetcar with swollen eyes due to insomnia. Her pace is somewhat flimsy due to fatigue and work pressure. However, compared with other residents in the city, she is much better.

Thank goodness, as the front desk of the hotel, she is very lucky not to follow the hard and fast rule of 9:00 work as other staff members do. The customized time for work handover is 9:30, which means that she has half an hour more buffer period than others.

Half an hour may not be long, but at least it can make her not have to squeeze into the tram and subway at the peak of the crowd like that group of office workers, and let her busy day have a little more leisure

As a world famous for its fast-paced Tokyo, Yoshihara's eye-catching place, everyone's face is sickly pale because of pressure and mental tension. They walk like the wind, and even have to use their time waiting for the bus. They read books, send messages, close their eyes and have a rest Looking around, she suddenly breathed out a breath of joy and let her carry her bag. Her numb right hand moved for a moment. In the bag, because it contained the lunch prepared by her parents, it seemed a little heavy.

Looking at the time, it was nine o'clock sharp. She needed to arrive at the hotel in half an hour to replace the night shift miss duojiazi. Thinking of this, she did not dare to continue to stay at the station, but completely integrated into the rush of people and walked towards the work place.

However, just as she stepped out of the station, she suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the street was a little strange. Two ogysans stopped in front of her, stretched their necks and looked into the sky like two stupid geese.

Because the incident happened suddenly, Yoshihara almost bumped into each other. She frowned a little discontented and walked around the two weirdos quietly. However, after a few steps, she suddenly saw another person looking up into the sky. Not only that, the other party was even surprised to see something very shocking, and then quickly took out her mobile phone , aiming the camera at the sky.

"What the hell is going on?" Yoshihara finally felt a little curious, but she did not stop. She walked and raised her head and looked at the position the three people had seen before.

Today, the weather in Tokyo is very sunny. It's almost sunny and cloudless. At the moment when she raises her head, she suddenly squints her eyes and looks at the sunrise. Suddenly, in the middle of her head, she sees a string of bright red numbers

Yoshihara meiga just had a meal at the foot. She seemed to be a little unable to believe it. Subconsciously, she blinked. But when she looked again, the line of Arabic numbers was still hanging on the sky like a engraving!


This string of numbers is bright red, and it is a standard electronic font. It is the "day" shape formed by two boxes. From 1 to 9, it can be represented by the lines in the box.

It's like entering a strange and illogical dream world. The original sky turns into a liquid crystal display in an instant. At this moment, the end of the string of numbers is still flashing -

3, 2, 1, 0

Subconsciously, Yoshihara understood the meaning of the numbers. This is a series of countdown, which means 38 hours 58 minutes 03 seconds!

"Is this a real trick show?" Yoshihara murmured in a low, unconscious voice. Her eyes were full of shock and bewilderment of the unknown. This string of figures was not huge from the ground, but she knew that such a string of numbers could appear in the sky thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters, and could be seen. I'm afraid the real size could not be measured at all!

For a moment, the world seemed to fall into a dead silence. She seemed to feel something and looked around in a daze. At this moment, the abnormal scene had spread to the whole street like the speed of light. Everyone's eyes were wide, or they were shocked or puzzled to stare at the sky. Even if the car was also infected by people, it stopped slowly on the roadside, and the driver would Head out of the window, eyes with a daze and puzzled.

"Sky, there are numbers in the sky!" All of a sudden, someone yelled, as if a word awakened the world, the next second, the whole street from a very quiet into an uproar!

"It's a miracle! Miracle! God is revealed

"The end of the world! Let's run! Ha ha

"Is it an alien attack? Three body three body

Yoshihara stepped back in fear. Almost for a moment, people all over the world seemed to be crazy. Everyone was venting their emotions. A pedestrian was shouting "eliminate human tyranny!" One side rushed to the middle of the road, but did not say the next classic saying. Suddenly, a black car suddenly ran out from behind him, like a giant animal running fast. It ran over him without any scruple. It immediately ran left and right, and disappeared at the end of the road in a panic, leaving only a gradually dim and bloody car markOn both sides of the street, four or five young people with colorful long hair were laughing and shouting meaninglessly. One of them kicked the roadside retail vending machine with his foot, and the rest immediately scrambled to grab all kinds of snacks inside, and then opened the pop-up cans in public to drink!

Other passers-by, some were running and shouting, some took out gasoline and poured them on the roadside vehicles. Yoshihara even saw that in a building across the street, a woman in slippers directly jumped down from the height of the seventh floor. Her figure flashed away in the mid air, like the flame of life. The next second, with a bang, a pool of blood Splash out, causing roadside pedestrians a burst of exclamation!

"Crazy, crazy..." Yoshara meiga covered her head in fear, squatted helplessly on the ground and closed her eyes. She only felt that there were countless crazy shouting crowds roaring by her side. These people, as if the animal nature and violence genes in their bodies were inspired by the strange scenes in the sky, and became completely dehumanized beasts!

Ying Xiao

Yoshihara meiga vaguely understood why this situation occurred. She had read similar explanations: originally, this situation only appeared in military camps or prisons, because the pressure in military camps and prisons was far higher than that in ordinary society. For example, officers arbitrarily oppressed soldiers, veterans ganged up to bully new recruits, and groups of soldiers fought openly and secretly, and contradictions were accumulated year after year Because the space of the barracks is relatively closed, once there is some external stimulation, this scene will appear now!

In short, this is a kind of group mental stress syndrome caused by excessive psychological pressure in a relatively closed environment. When the psychological pressure is overstocked to a certain critical point, once something stimulates this group of people with great pressure, the next second, it is very likely to happen yingxiao !

Obviously, as the world's fastest pace of life, the most stressful Tokyo, at least most people's hearts are filled with some extreme pressure, and today, that string of miraculous figures on the top of the head will thoroughly stimulate the pressure of pedestrians on this street!

If this situation is not suppressed as soon as possible, it will even evolve into a riot spreading throughout the city! , the fastest update of the webnovel!