Chapter 1485

"I believe that Europe will complete its plan on time!" the senior reporter of France TV 2 was not shocked by Zhuang Jianye's words and replied with a smile: "after all, Europe has the most advanced technology and the strongest economic strength in the world."

"Maybe so, but like a fat sloth, it also has the lowest efficiency in the world..." Zhuang Jianye also did not stop his heavy artillery because of the ugly face of senior reporters: "for example, Europe launched Galileo at the end of last year According to our latest monitoring data, the navigation test satellite has not received any signals. It is likely that some faults have occurred, resulting in the scrapping of the test satellite.

If ztm-nb space exploration company handles this, it will not hesitate to launch a new standby satellite and eliminate the old scrapped satellites, because from the perspective of operation, efficiency is always the first, but what does the bureaucratic European space agency do? "

Zhuang Jianye spread out his hands in front of the camera and made an exaggerated and helpless expression: "So far, they haven't done anything, not even a statement of the situation. This is the attitude of the European Space Agency towards the so-called greatest space project in Europe in nearly half a century by investing 6.8 billion euros and integrating the most advanced space technology in Europe... Nothing has happened at all, 6.8 billion euros. To be honest, if we ztm-nb space exploration company With such financial support, the global navigation system can be built in five years, which will not take eight years at all... This is the basic quality and efficiency of new start-ups with internet thinking under the condition of market economy. By the way, does the European Space Agency know what Internet thinking is? "

When Zhuang Jianye said this, there was always a smile on his face. However, it was such a smile. Both the senior reporter of France TV 2 opposite Zhuang Jianye and delaine in front of the TV felt that Zhuang Jianye was laughing at them with a superior attitude.

In particular, the last rhetorical question gave full play to this ridicule with a gesture of the upper class celebrities in big cities towards the country old hat, so that merlinz, standing behind delaine, almost burst into laughter. Fortunately, he coughed at the critical moment.

This is a live broadcast to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Zhuang Jianye directly dares to say that the European Space Agency is bureaucratic and does not understand Internet thinking. What is this?

It's just pulling the European collar, slapping the old face, slapping and scolding: "you old thing, you can't even play with TMD Internet, and TMD pretends to force everywhere, killing you old bastard!"

Just ask the old European face if it hurts!

Of course it hurts, but what can I do about it?

In the new round of Internet economy, Europe is really backward. In fact, it can't blame Europe. After all, the EU has a strong organization, but it is not a country after all. It can't cultivate its own Internet economy with a large-scale market and a single national attribute like China and the United States, and then start sweeping with the attitude of being strong and strong.

European regions are too fragmented, and there is no way to achieve winner take all. The Internet enterprises that are hard to cultivate can only become Chinese food for large American manufacturers because of their narrow market and lack of competitiveness.

Therefore, talking about Internet thinking with Europeans is tantamount to pointing to the lower body of a fierce man and exposing the essence of his toothpick. It is not only more harmful, but also more insulting.

What's more, is it so simple for Zhuang Jianye to expose the scars of Europe? It's obvious that Zhuang Jianye sprinkles salt on the artery of Europe.

The European Space Agency has not yet reached a conclusion about the "Galileo" navigation test satellite hitting the street, so Zhuang Jianye poked it out, which is tantamount to announcing to the world that the European "Galileo" navigation satellite program is a bragging Xibei product, just like the Internet economy in Europe, it is nothing but a bunch of guns.

This nm is really digging the ancestral grave of the Galileo navigation satellite program.

If not, delaine in front of the TV wouldn't be so angry that he was ready to get into the TV, pull Zhuang Jianye's neck and shout, "you're lying, you're lying... Shut up!"

Of course, it doesn't need delaine to say this. The senior reporter of French television 2, who is also a European, has spoken out. As a result, Zhuang Jianye turned his mouth, smiled more and more ridiculed and... Missed beating: "Is there a problem? You can ask your colleagues in Europe. I remember that at the end of last year, Galileo navigation satellite operation company under the European Space Agency began to sell terminal equipment carrying navigation modules to all Europe. It seems that 100000 units were sold at one time. It should be easy to ask about the signal with such a large quantity..."

Zhuang Jianye took out a terminal with "Galileo" navigation satellite marked with Nokia logo from his pocket and continued: "For example, I haven't received any signal since 8:00 this morning. Of course, this is Hong Kong Island, not the focus of Galileo's navigation satellite coverage, so you'd better ask your friends in Europe. After all, it's a live program. I think the media organization in charge of Europe has the responsibility to clarify the facts to the majority of TV viewers. What do you think, my dear reporter "Sir!"

After listening to this, delaine was ready to climb into the TV and strangle Zhuang Jianye. Zhuang Jianye was planning the ancestral grave of Galileo navigation satellite program. It was clear that Zhuang Jianye wanted to completely frustrate the Galileo program.

Immediately, delaine turned back and shouted at his assistant: "contact France TV 2 to stop this live interview..."

But although delaine reacted quickly, he was still a little late. After all, the senior reporter of French television 2 who was responsible for interviewing Zhuang Jianye was a firm believer in the theory of European superiority. As a result, he was run like this by the CEO of a start-up company labeled as a developing country.

It really makes this man think highly of himself. There is always a superior European French pure man who feels uncomfortable from the depths of his soul, so he symbolizes to prove that what Zhuang Jianye said is false as soon as possible, so as to complete the rapid anti killing and face beating in the live broadcast and completely crush Zhuang Jianye's arrogance.

So I connected several European peers through satellite live broadcast without thinking. As a result, I was completely confused when I asked.

Since the early morning, the signal of Galileo navigation satellite has been interrupted. However, many peers can only re enable the GPS of the United States.

That's good. There's a unlucky guy, which is a tragedy. Because he believes too much in European products, he only brought the "Galileo" navigation terminal when camping in the wild. As a result, the signal disappeared. The goods lost their way in the deep mountains and forests, so they were chased by wild bears, chased out by jackals, and took them off the ditch to play extreme rafting.

Fortunately, an expedition team into the mountain found him and successfully rescued him, which saved his life. Otherwise, I didn't know that the dead body was taken away by the jackal, wolf, tiger and leopard at the moment.

Because of this, the media man who almost lost his life because of the failure of Galileo Navigation Satellite scolded the senior reporter of France TV 2 how bad and disgusting the European navigation plan is. He heard that the senior reporter of France TV 2 was straight. You know, this moment is a global live broadcast. Brother, can you scold Galileo like this?