Chapter 1484

Now delaine's head was really dizzy. He didn't expect such a result anyway, but a trace of rational clarity encouraged him to bite his teeth and say, "is there any evidence?"

Yes, is there any evidence?

If there is relevant evidence that the navigation satellite image of a big country in the East, "Galileo" navigation test satellite, operates normally, delaine will immediately instruct the European Space Agency to use its influence in international organizations to sue the satellite navigation system of a big country in the East.

Even if you can't sue the other party, you can delay its promotion speed in Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia and other markets, and you can ruin your reputation. In a word, you can do whatever you want.

However, it's OK not to listen to Draine's words. After listening to them, the old face of the European Space Agency official at the other end of the phone immediately turned into a bitter gourd and smoked desperately: "we don't have full evidence. All these are based on theoretical speculation. After all, in terms of the characteristics of wireless signals, we can't trace the source effectively..."

The official of the European Space Agency spoke in a very vague way, but broke it up and crushed it. It is just a word. Even if our satellite is disturbed, there is no evidence that someone did it.

Delaine almost went crazy on the spot. It's like her beautiful daughter who was forced to drive by a bully, but she couldn't find any handle to prove that it was a bully.

You can scold a bully for failing in some way, or accuse a bully of being a son of no man, but the fact that his daughter was forced to drag racing exists objectively and can't be erased. What can you do except to be angry?

However, just before delaine's tortured heart beat and was about to call the rescue center, the official of the European Space Agency at the other end of the phone suddenly said: "Mr. delaine, hurry to watch French TV 2, where is the live broadcast of their exclusive interview with Zhuang Jianye."

"Zhuang Jianye?"

At the moment, delaine's head was a little confused. He didn't react to who Zhuang Jianye was for a while.

The official of the European Space Agency hurriedly reminded: "it is the CEO of China's take-off, the founder of ztm-nb space exploration company, and an important contractor of their national navigation satellite..."

Before the other party finished speaking, delaine remembered who Zhuang Jianye was and boasted that he knew the king in aviation and aerospace. However, in delaine's eyes, Zhuang Jianye was not so much a king as a full-fledged shit stirring stick.

As the most active opponent of the "Galileo" satellite navigation plan, Zhuang Jianye not only prevented his country from jumping up and down when participating in the plan, but also tried his best to sing down the "Galileo" satellite navigation plan in public, so that the European space agency gave it a bad rating.

Delaine, in particular, thinks Zhuang Jianye is a hooligan, madman and stinking shit in the industry.

Fortunately, at that time, the overall staffing of European aerospace was particularly tall. As a high-tech concentration second only to freedom and beauty after the cold war, European standards were equivalent to world standards for some time.

In particular, some exporters often talk about the European standard in order to show how tall their products are.

At that time, Zhuang Jianye did have all kinds of mouths, but the products produced by his own enterprise were all in accordance with EU standards, which made some of Zhuang Jianye's remarks very flashy.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye's explanation is very disgusting: "making money and facts can not be equated. I have the freedom to explain the facts, and I also have the freedom to make money. In essence, there are no opposing conditions, right?"

It is conceivable that when the European aerospace industry heard these shameless remarks, it almost didn't vomit collectively. It had seen shameless people, and had never seen such shameless people as Zhuang Jianye.

Fortunately, at that time, the European aerospace industry had a strong backbone. In addition, these European elites more or less integrated the noble demeanor of the older generation of European aristocrats. They basically didn't pay much attention to Zhuang Jianye, that is, being a clown to vent their dissatisfaction.

However, it is different now. Two domestic navigation satellites have successfully entered orbit and broadcast navigation signals. The European Galileo navigation test satellite has lost its signal for 10 hours for no reason and is in a state of actually jumping on the street.

In such a contrast, before, the tall human structure in European aerospace, second only to freedom and beauty, was directly stripped away. At this time, Zhuang Jianye landed on French TV 2 and fired some heavy artillery regardless, which had an impact on the European aerospace industry

Delaine did not dare to think about it. Instead, he quickly picked up the remote control and switched to French TV 2. He wanted to see with his own eyes what Zhuang Jianye could do, so as to better deal with the dispute over navigation satellite resources between the two sides.

Delaine soon found French TV station 2. Zhuang Jianye was dressed casually in a gray T-shirt, blue jeans and a thick black inch head. At the moment, Zhuang Jianye was talking to the camera. The subtitle at the bottom of the picture said the key point of the reporter's question:

"As an aerospace start-up company, why does ztm-nb participate in the development of navigation satellites? What is the meaning behind it? Zhuang Jianye is answering..."

"The reason why we are involved in the development of satellite navigation is very simple. It is for ztm-nb to realize the great dream of human flying to space with high efficiency and low cost.

You know, the cost of launch vehicles is very high, but things with such high cost can only be used as one-time consumables, and tens of millions of dollars can only be used once, which is a waste... "

The senior reporter of French TV station 2, who was responsible for interviewing Zhuang Jianye, accurately grasped Zhuang Jianye's words: "Mr. Zhuang, do you mean that launch vehicles can also be reused?"

"Space shuttles can be reused. Why not launch vehicles?" Zhuang Jianye asked.

"However, the cost of the space shuttle in practical application is not cheaper than that of a one-time carrier rocket carrying a spacecraft, and even more expensive in some aspects. Moreover, from the recent use effect, the safety is not necessarily high." the senior reporter was not given in vain and directly refuted with facts.

Zhuang Jianye smiled: "Believe me, science and technology can make everything better, and this is also the core driving force of ztm-nb. Just as we saw this trend and joined the plan of navigation satellite, we have always been guided by science and technology, rather than using our old thinking and endless quarrels to determine the development of one thing like you Europeans..."

"Mr. Zhuang, I'm sorry, I have to interrupt you..." after listening to Zhuang Jianye's words, the senior reporter's face became very ugly. Before Zhuang Jianye finished speaking, he immediately interrupted: "you say that Europeans have old thinking and are used to quarreling. I don't agree. As the most dynamic joint organization in the world, Europe has its own set of code of conduct..."

"Then there are all kinds of inefficiencies, and even end up in wrangling and prevarication..." Zhuang Jianye also interrupted each other and asked with interest: "Isn't it? If you don't think so, it's no problem. Your Galileo Navigation Satellite plan can guarantee the launch frequency of six satellites every year? Can you guarantee to complete the networking task within eight years? It's useless to say something with your mouth..."

Zhuang Jianye pointed to his head with his finger: "it depends on what to do!"