Chapter 1353

"It carries 6.2 tons of fuel, 6 tons of payload... It also has supersonic flight capability, which is really..."

The leader from the naval air force could not help muttering to himself, but the more he said it, the more incredible he felt. In fact, it was not only the leader of the naval air force, but also the head and leader of the air force. After listening to Zhuang Jianye's introduction just now, they were all very shocked.

As we all know, vertical take-off and landing fighter because of its unique take-off and landing mode and aerodynamic layout, the internal fuel load and missile load can not bear to look directly at.

Take the well-known British "harrier" fighter for example, the internal fuel capacity is only a little more than 2 tons, and the maximum bomb capacity is only about 2 tons. This is still based on the data of short takeoff. If vertical takeoff and landing is used, the bomb capacity will have to be reduced by half, leaving only 1 ton payload.

The operational radius is even more intolerable. If the ultra-low altitude penetration is less than 300 km, even if the high medium high operational profile is used to block the battlefield, the operational radius can barely reach 800 km.

That's all. The key is that the "harrier" fighter does not have supersonic flight capability at all. Even if the United States changed the AV-8B vertical take-off and landing attack aircraft for the Marine Corps on the basis of the "harrier" in the later period, the data has been improved a lot. However, there is still no qualitative change in the characteristics of short legs, small missile load, poor mission flexibility and slow speed.

Because of this, the U.S. military has been looking for AV-8B replacement models.

However, compared with the British "harrier" and the subsequent American magic AV-8B, the Soviet era jacques-38 VTOL fighter is even more unbearable. It not only has a short range, a small bomb carrying capacity, but also has poor safety, which is basically the same as the coffin in flight.

Basically, there's nothing to praise except the ability to take off and land vertically on the carrier deck.

Even its successor model, Jacques-141, has made little improvement in other aspects except that it can achieve supersonic flight in speed and the original three bearing rotating vector nozzle.

However, these inherent defects almost become the iron law of VTOL fighters in the industry, and it seems that they have been completely broken in China's VTOL verification aircraft.

The three key data of 5.8 tons of empty weight, 6.2 tons of internal fuel and 6 tons of effective weapon load are almost 1:1:1. Let's not say that the internal fuel load is three times that of "harrier", nor that the effective weapon load is twice that of the magic modified AV-8B. The 1:1:1 data alone will undoubtedly reveal the profound foundation of China's take-off in the aviation field.

It is the so-called layman watching the crowd and the expert looking at the door. There are many leaders and leaders who have been fighting in the aviation force for half a lifetime. It is not enough to say that they are experts in aircraft. Because of this, their point of view is completely different from that of ordinary people. The effective load carrying oil and weapons is almost equal to the empty weight of aircraft. What does that mean?

Most people may think that the data is more beautiful and more pleasant.

But in the eyes of these Army leaders, it means that China's take-off and landing verification aircraft has a super first-class aerodynamic layout, amazing total structural control and very surging power output.

There is one less of the three, and the three key data are almost 1:1:1.

In fact, it is true that China's take-off and landing verification plane has set two key indicators when it designs it. One is an average operational radius of 1200 km; Next is a payload of at least five tons.

We need to know this index, not to mention the VTOL fighter, but the data of fixed wing carrier based aircraft is not low, because without the aid of catapult, the carrier based aircraft simply can not achieve full fuel and full ammunition by ski jump takeoff, The average operational radius of 1200 km and the missile carrying capacity of at least 5 tons are at the same level as the daily state of the Russian heavy carrier Su-33 aircraft carrier.

You know, the Su-33 is a carrier based combat aircraft improved from the Su-27. It is the only heavy carrier based fighter in the world except for the US F-14.

If China's take-off is to build a Su-33 imitation version, it will have to build a vertical take-off and landing fighter, and its basic indicators are comparable to those of the Su-33. Therefore, once the relevant research of China's take-off is published in academic journals, it will be widely questioned by the industry.

Some people think that China's take-off is too ambitious.

Some people think that China's take-off has gone a little bit far. They think that they are brave, and they are bound to be hit by reality.

Some people speculate on China's take-off by conspiracy theory, which is an opportunity for speculation and gimmicks in order to make a difference in other fields.

Some people believe that China's take-off is deceiving.


In a word, no one believes that China's take-off can accomplish this.

To tell you the truth, at that time, China's take-off and landing did not have much confidence. After all, the natural disadvantages of vertical take-off and landing in fighter planes were there. Did China's take-off and landing have relevant development experience? In fact, let alone China's take-off and landing, the whole country did not use similar experience as a reference.

The only way to provide a reference for China's take-off is that Yakovlev Design Bureau has retained some technical data of yak-38 and yak-141.

But even so, it still can't meet the real needs of China's take-off. After all, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many subsystems were separated together, which led to the aviation industry chain becoming extremely incomplete. In addition, the Russians began to haggle over intellectual property rights, which led to a lot of easy-to-obtain things being held by laomaozi.

All these lead to China's take-off and can not continue to move forward on the basis of Yakovlev Design Bureau, can only find a new way, from a subversive path to work hard.

After all, China is not the United States. In addition to amphibious attack ships, there are also super aircraft carriers, which can get the support of naval air force at any time.

If we want to develop a regular aircraft carrier in China, what should we do if we take the European Strategic delivery ship as the core ship?

Do you expect a low-level combat aircraft like Harrier, whose range and speed are not even comparable to anti-ship missiles, to protect the increasingly busy trade routes and energy channels, and to compete with potential enemies for air supremacy at sea?

It's a joke.

Therefore, even if it is a VTOL fighter, it must have the performance and combat capability no less than that of a fixed wing fighter. Only in this way can it have the combat capability no less than that of a light aircraft carrier after adopting the concept of strategic delivery ship in China.

It's just that it's easy to set the target, but it's extremely difficult to do it.

Among other things, China Tengfei has designed 1589 aircraft models for this purpose, implemented 6.78 million hours of wind tunnel test, and made 524 equal scale models of wind tunnel test. It took 10 years to determine the optimal solution of aerodynamic layout of similar flying wings in tens of thousands of design schemes!