Chapter 1352

"... of course, except for the kinetic energy interceptor on the lyj-18 missile, the leader of the Naval Air Force did not have the courage. The reason is very simple. His unit sent him as a leader, subordinate to several Navy commanders. He was tall in front of him. He was too short to jump up, so he had to bear it first, I'm going to bring the head of my own army back to make a detailed investigation.

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Jianye's introduction of three-dimensional weaving technology is to turn the conversation around the vertical take-off and landing verification fuselage. Naturally, the naval aviation leader who asked for details could not help but ask directly along Zhuang Jianye's conversation.

Zhuang Jianye basically answers all the questions raised by these Army leaders. What's more, this opportunity to design VTOL verification machine is really rare. Zhuang Jianye also hopes to take this opportunity to ask the army for some funds to develop VTOL verification machine.

However, the beginning of the story always deviates, leading to the VTOL verification machine has not said much, but a jump to the three-dimensional weaving technology.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye is also very distressed. Is there anything wrong with the good things in their hands? Who's in the way of better things? How can these Army leaders and leaders, like scum men, be so happy with the new and tired of the old that they can't give money to others first?

Fortunately, there are different loyalties in this system. Otherwise, it will be the scum man system. I don't know when the funding for the VTOL verification machine will be delayed.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye responded seriously: "at present, the lift fan blades used in VTOL fighters are made by dl-527 three-dimensional knitting machine. Thanks to the application of three-dimensional weaving technology, the lift fan of VTOL verification machine has gained 15% weight reduction and 30% lift increase, Thus, the fuel consumption of this powertrain with wd-64vip turbofan engine as the core is controlled at 10% of the total fuel consumption in the two stages of vertical take-off and landing. "

"10% of the total fuel..." hearing this data, the leader of the naval aviation unit pondered for a moment and immediately nodded: "it's already very good. I remember that the British harrier vertical take-off and landing fighter needs to consume 25% of the total fuel if it takes off and lands vertically in the whole process. It has to be said that your wd-64vip control is very good, right, What's the current loading capacity of VTOL

"At present, it is only a verification aircraft, so the aircraft is not too large. The maximum take-off weight is 18.7 tons, the empty weight is 5.8 tons, the internal fuel load is 6.2 tons, and the payload is 6 tons. The aircraft as a whole has a certain supersonic flight capability just like the Jacques-141..."

Zhuang Jianye talked about the specific data of the VTOL verification plane, but the more he listened, the brighter his eyes were