Chapter 1314

However, after the name "Teng Luoma" spread to China, it didn't make any splash. I even felt that this nickname had lowered the rank of China's take-off.

As Zhuang Jianye said when he was asked by some media during the two sessions, "China's take-off is China's take-off. What's Teng Loma and Teng Hoy's is just a kind of ridicule. We don't think much about it, because what we have to do is ourselves, not imitate others. What's more, are we worse than Loma and suhoy?

If you look at our product line, you can see that China's take-off is far ahead of these two companies in the field of civil aviation, so I would like to call it "China's take-off"

This interview, as always, shows Zhuang Jianye's pride and the aviation industry's understanding of Wang's style, which naturally attracts a lot of abuse from all walks of life.

Don Loma, don Hoy. What does that mean? It means that China's take-off is regarded as China's Loma, China's Sukhoi, which are all famous military equipment manufacturers in the world. This analogy has been regarded as the highest praise. As a result, Zhuang Jianye didn't take a fancy to it and made bold suggestions to be himself, which naturally attracted a lot of criticism.

Some criticized Zhuang Jianye for not being modest; Some accused Zhuang Jianye of arrogance; Some people think that Zhuang Jianye has gone with the wind after he has made achievements; Some even scold Zhuang Jianye for not being a son.

Some media even listed the data published on the market, made a detailed comparison between China's take-off and the two large military equipment manufacturers, the United States and Russia, and finally came to the conclusion that Zhuang Jianye wanted to do his own estimation of the next life.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he took out the financial report of the previous year. The revenue of 65.4 billion yuan and the profit of 35.1 billion yuan are more than the sum of several major domestic aviation and aerospace enterprises.

With technology and ability, the key is to make money. In the eyes of the leaders at higher levels, it's a sweet cake. How can a few media that only depend on their mouths be comparable to China's take-off?

No matter how China takes off, some people will come forward to clean up the blind media.

Of course, these Zhuang Jianye managers are lazy, and his whole mind is focused on the special support aircraft orders signed with the air force.

In the first stage, China took off and landed to build five special support aircraft for the air force, including electronic reconnaissance, air early warning, target indication and integrated command, communication jamming and psychological warfare, and medical rescue.

In the second stage, on the basis of consolidating the achievements of the first stage, China Tengfei will build several satellite systems for the air force, including synthetic aperture radar, optical reconnaissance and real-time communication, so as to build a space-based reconnaissance network.

The third stage is to embed the air force's existing surface to air missile force system into the achievements of the first two stages, and further improve some surface to air missile seeker and radar systems, so that some key forces can be upgraded from the existing air defense operations to a new type of solid air defense and anti missile combat force.

The three stages can be said to involve all aspects of the air force. Once completed, the air force can not only transform from the existing land and air defense type to both offensive and defensive type, but more importantly, expand the existing boundaries of the air force, and formally incorporate the concept of air and space into the framework of air force operations, which greatly improves the combat capability and importance of the air force.

Because of this, this plan of China's take-off will be highly valued by the air force and even the headquarters, and is full of expectations for the combat capability of the air force after the completion of this structure.

If there is expectation, there will be naysayers. There are plenty of reasons for these people. First of all, whether the pie of Chinese take-off painting can be realized or not, even if it can be realized, the cost is too large.

The total amount of research and development of the five special support aircraft in the first stage alone is 29.6 billion yuan, which does not guarantee the further price increase caused by the rising cost in the future.

That's nearly 30 billion yuan. Even if it's divided into five years, it's nearly 6 billion yuan a year. You should know that with the current total amount of funding, the annual funding of the air force is less than 20 billion yuan. 6 billion yuan is equivalent to taking one third of the annual funding of the air force and smashing it into an unknown project that is not sure to succeed. This is really a big risk.

This is only the first stage. If the remaining two stages are included, the total cost will be as high as 148.7 billion yuan,

At this moment, the Three Gorges project, the largest project in China, is in full swing. Its total budget is only 138 billion yuan, and the actual investment will be 76.4 billion yuan.

That is to say, the total cost of the air force's three stages of target indication and command and control system exceeds the total budget of the Three Gorges dam. Even if calculated according to the inflation rate, the cost of this large project of the air force is too much.

We should know that the high cost of the construction of the Three Gorges at the beginning caused a lot of controversy, but no matter how much controversy, the role of benefiting the country and the people after the completion of the Three Gorges is immediate.

Even if the air force invested more in the target indication and command and control system than in the Three Gorges project, its role, even if it has, is recessive, not to mention that the common people can't see it, even though the internal estimation of the force has no obvious feeling.

There's no way. Whether it's a special support aircraft, a satellite in the sky, or an air defense and anti missile system, every one of them is a god level existence hiding behind the scenes and peeping at the screen silently. It's often just a matter of meaning, but it can't be explained in words, so naturally it can't be felt.

Because of this, many people object to the air force building a target indication and command and control system at this time, and feel that such a large investment is not worth the loss. The problem is that if we do not establish such a system, the air over China will always be threatened by foreign forces, just like if we do not set up defenses. If we can not guarantee domestic peace and stability, economic construction will be impossible. Therefore, under the strong support of the military leaders, the head of the headquarters reduced the funds of the army and navy. At the same time, he set aside half of the annual unplanned special funds. Together with the allocated R & D funds and local research fund subsidies, he put 22.5 billion yuan into the R & D of the target indication and command and control system every year. Although the asking price of China's take-off is a little expensive, its efficiency and quality are generally recognized in the industry. As long as the milk supply is available... Bah, the capital is in place, China's take-off is bound to be full of chicken blood and will never stop to satisfy customers. So in the second year when the capital of the headquarters dropped, the yun-17x medical aid special aircraft refitted from the yun-17 medium transport aircraft made its first flight, followed by the yun-31 psychological warfare aircraft refitted on the basis of the trj-700 regional airliner, and then the yun-32, yun-33 and yun-34, The original plan took five years to complete the first stage of R & D, which took only three and a half years to complete ahead of schedule. This encouraged the air force and the headquarters to continue to spend money, which means that it is obvious that China's take-off potential should be completely drained of money!