Chapter 1313

It's just that China's take-off is not difficult, but the headquarters don't think so. Many leaders, including the head of the headquarters, not only feel that this work is beyond the scope of existing domestic technology, but also feel that it may not be able to be established in the first decade of the 21st century.

There is no way. A large number of military leaders, including the head of the headquarters, have not organically integrated aviation and aerospace. Just like the current domestic industrial pattern, the two industries are actually separated.

Aviation is aviation, and aerospace is aerospace. Both sides are well water, not river water.

Because of this, the air force's target indication and command system can't be connected with aerospace. However, aviation is still a blank in this area, so we can't find a good way to only go around in the field of aviation.

That's all right. The key is that the suggestions given by the Russians also make the head of the headquarters and others less optimistic.

Since China and foreign countries are walking on two legs, the headquarters, in addition to widely posting heroic posts at home, has also turned its attention to foreign countries. Naturally, Europe and the United States will not sell such core equipment that can be called the pillar of combat power for any amount of money.

So from the beginning, the headquarters did not expect Europe and the United States, but placed their hopes on Russia.

After all, Russia was rich in the past, and the power of the Soviet Army's comprehensive group army in the 1980s is still a shadow in the hearts of Europeans.

Because of this, the headquarters thinks that as long as the price is in place, Russia even sold its underwear in the past few years, so it should be able to "give it to each other".

As a result, I didn't expect that this time, Russia not only didn't sell it, but also gave dawari a piece of advice from China, that is, instead of making a lot of investment in this area, it's better to save money and do something else, because this kind of target instruction and command system is too expensive.

The most typical example is Russia. In the Soviet era, the investment in this field was really regardless of cost. But what happened? Although it is a bit hard nowadays, since Russia gave up its high investment in this field, it can really save a lot of useful money to do other more important things.

For example, increase the development of energy; Another example is to strengthen agricultural development.

In a word, some of them didn't give a big push. They all advised the headquarters not to get into the corner. It's better to have a good life than anything else.

It's not stupid for the head of the headquarters to lead the delegation to Russia. How can they not hear the implication of Russia? That is, their target instructions and command system completely collapsed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Coupled with the setbacks in recent years, even they know what to do, let alone sell them.

The head of the headquarters and others who are aware of this point say that they are not disappointed. It's a fake. It's less than ten years since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia is so decadent, and it's so fast that it's lost such an important combat support system left by the Soviet Union. If it's not for seeing and hearing, the head of the headquarters who studied in the Soviet Union in the early years can't believe it.

However, after disappointment, there was a bit of depression. Even Russia, which has such a deep background, is hard to copy the target instruction and command system. Can it be done at home without any experience and accumulation?

As a result, when the head of the headquarters ended his visit to Russia and returned home, he was ready to worry about the relevant leaders of the air force, preparing to incorporate the target indication and command system into the medium and long-term development plan, China's take-off made use of synthetic aperture radar, data link and other space technologies improved by "sky link" information transmission, The air joint ground attack radar command plane scheme integrated into trj-700 regional airliner was sent to the head of the headquarters and others.

At this time, the head of the headquarters and others realized that once the shackles between aviation and aerospace were broken, it would have such a strong effect. At the same time, they could not help admiring the foresight of the old head of the headquarters, who set the then Tengfei group as a pilot across the two major industrial sectors of aviation and aerospace, and has continued to this day.

At the beginning, we didn't see the promotion effect of letting Tengfei group have aviation and aerospace business at the same time. After all, the two business sectors of Tengfei group at that time were also independent, which was also quite torn.

As a result, many people have strong doubts about the old head of the headquarters, and even some leaders have proposed to split the Tengfei group and return the aerospace business to Tiankou; Aviation business continues to let aviation authorities grasp, so that not only clear responsibilities, but also can better promote the development of enterprises.

Fortunately, the influence of the retired head of the headquarters was still there, and he was the only reform pilot appointed during his term of office.

But doubts have never stopped over the years. Even the head of the headquarters who inherited the old head of the headquarters sometimes disagreed with the original decision of the old head of the headquarters.

I feel that China's current take-off should pay more attention to their aviation business, just like Kawasaki heavy industries and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Japan. They should first refine one industry, and then think about developing other businesses.

It is believed that under the condition that the third-generation aircraft are in service and the fourth-generation aircraft are gradually launched, China's take-off with certain advanced aviation technology should concentrate on one place rather than dispersing its energy in the complex multi business pattern.

Fortunately, the idea of the head of the headquarters just passed away in a flash, and the general direction was still implemented according to the guidelines set by the old head of the headquarters. Therefore, even though he was suspicious, the general direction did not change, and he took care of China's take-off.

Thanks to the insistence of the two generations of headquarters leaders, China Tengfei can survive the long internal integration period of the two major businesses, and finally integrate the aviation and aerospace businesses perfectly by virtue of the air force's target instructions and command system bidding. At this time, the leaders, including the head of the headquarters, realized that the unbridled expansion of Loma by a big country outside the region was not simply to create a monopoly arms dealer. But through all kinds of mergers and acquisitions, let Loma company in the aviation, aerospace two major fields more comprehensive, so that the two fields of cutting-edge technology can be organically integrated on some platforms. On this basis, it can not only effectively promote the development of the two industries, but also has the advantage of decentralized industrial layout in interdisciplinary and system integration. From this point of view, when the old head of the headquarters determined that Tengfei group was a pilot project across the two major business sectors of aviation and aerospace, it should not be far sighted. You know, the target instruction and command system submitted by China's take-off this time is not only the yun-3x series special support aircraft platform modified by trj-700 regional airliner, but also the full integration of the future space-based and land-based air defense and antimissile systems that are being built to make the original two-dimensional command structure into a three-dimensional panoramic dynamic command mode. Think about the technology integration of China's take-off in two major business areas, and look at the huge vision shown by the use of yun-3x series of special support aircraft platform, so that many leaders of the headquarters privately do not call China's take-off a take-off department or a take-off factory, but a more high-end Name: Teng Loma!