Chapter 1161

The Navy leader is not nonsense, holding a mobile phone, he told Ning Xiaodong about his idea of a flash of inspiration. Ning Xiaodong, who is in Ukraine, thinks what the Navy leader said is quite reasonable.

You know, in addition to normal sightseeing, luxury cruise ships can also apply for a gambling license and start a maritime gambling business. Ning Xiaodong has long wanted to try this business. However, in Hong Kong and Macao, traditional gambling giants are deeply rooted. He, a mainlander who has been in Hong Kong for a few years, really can't compete with those sitting on the ground.

But I can't do it on land. Can I go to sea?

As a result, when the Navy leader said this, he woke up the dreamer with a word. He immediately patted his thigh. Why didn't he expect that? This aircraft carrier is a luxury cruise ship. It has to suck up all the gamblers in Asia like a magnet?

So without saying a word, he went to the Black Sea shipyard and directly dropped $5 million, saying that he would take down the abandoned aircraft carrier.

After so many years, Heihai shipyard was the first time to see such a heroic and unjust leader. He was immediately excited and didn't talk nonsense with Ning Xiaodong. The cost soared to 12 million US dollars. Ning Xiaodong almost didn't feel depressed and cried. At the moment, he couldn't afford so much money, so he had to go to Zhuang Jianye again. At this time, Zhuang Jianye woke up and knew that it was not so bad Simple.

So I went to the Navy leaders who had dinner at that time. The reply of the Navy leaders was as follows: "don't worry about doing it. We'll take care of something."

Zhuang Jianye was waiting for this sentence, so he did not hesitate to ask China Merchants Bank to release all the credit lines to Ning Xiaodong, and he almost gave everything he wanted. Finally, he used 20 million US dollars to win the scrapped aircraft carrier named Waliang Ge.

Of course, the purchase of the two aircraft carriers does not mean that the Ukrainian authorities really own this dilapidated ship. After learning that the Black Sea Shipyard sold this scrapped ship to a Chinese local tyrant, the Ukrainian authorities immediately became red eyed. What's more?

If you don't write this, how can you be worthy of the name of Er Mao!

So a series of out of thin air instructions put Ning Xiaodong in Ukraine. The broken ship occupied the Ukrainian port for so many years, so it had to pay some shipping fees, right?

It's only $2 million. Isn't it a small deal for boss Ning?

Such a large ship, with no power equipment or navigation equipment, must be towed by tugboat, right? Eight million US dollars will take you from the Black Sea to Panyu port. Boss Ning, do you want to report the cost?


Lin Lin's various expenses add up to make Ning Xiaodong the first two. However, Zhuang Jianye, chairman and CEO of Tengfei group, can't participate in all this.

The reason is very simple, that is, the identity is too sensitive, and it is easy to be used by some evil forces to make a mess of good things. In contrast, Ning Xiaodong is a pure businessman, and he is a bit eccentric. He is more suitable to stand at the front desk.

So Zhuang Jianye simply let him let ningxiaodong take full responsibility, at this time, he do a good job in fund co-ordination.

What's more, even if Zhuang Jianye is allowed to go to Ukraine at this time, he will not have that time, because Tengfei group has received a large order since last year.

Marine gas turbine for large ships.

A total of six sets, single power and overall performance can not be lower than the Navy 052 missile destroyer equipped with American lm2500 marine steam turbine, in order to be able to be equipped with two types of cutting-edge missile destroyers in the early 21st century.

The power system of the new warship, together with the long-term plan within the navy in the near future, made Zhuang Jianye keenly aware that the great development of the navy is coming.

This is an unprecedented opportunity for Tengfei group.

The reason is very simple. If the modern navy wants to gain sea power, it must get air power. Just because of this, if the future Navy wants to gain ocean power, it must be equipped with aircraft carriers, equipped with aircraft carriers, and equipped with carrier based aircraft. Now there are domestic aircraft development units with experience in the production of carrier based aircraft. Besides Tengfei group, who else?

The answer is no!

For a long time, the aircraft carrier of the navy has been a paradox. Even if the major aviation R & D and production units don't regard the building of aircraft carrier by the Navy as farting, they treat it as a matter of fact. If the right ear comes in and the left ear comes out, they don't regard the carrier based aircraft as a matter of fact.

Just as the predecessor of Tengfei group, Yonghong factory, in order to keep its status as a military production unit, actually plunges the Navy slogan into the big pit of carrier based aircraft.

Although Yonghong factory did not turn over because of the carrier based aircraft in the end, it was merged by the former subordinate branch Tengfei group.

But the root of the carrier based aircraft is not broken, Zhuang Jianye replaced it with the j-jiao-7max trainer, which was able to survive.

However, because there are no relevant facilities and equipment and real aircraft carrier entities in China, it is impossible to further verify the structural system, so the so-called shipborne functions of Tengfei group can not be launched, even in Tengfei group's mind.

However, this does not affect the ascendant position of Tengfei group in carrier based aircraft. With the list of large-scale marine gas turbines falling on Tengfei group, and the Navy leaders can't wait to drag the Varyag aircraft carrier back to China for research.A few years ago, the Navy used the same method to drag the two abandoned aircraft carriers of the former Soviet Union, Kiev and Minsk, back to China as templates for amphibious attack ships. After careful surveying, mapping and research, the Navy's ambition is beyond doubt.

Don't ask why Zhuang Jianye knows so much? At that time, when the aircraft carriers Minsk and Kiev returned home, he was invited to participate in the naval symposium as a marine power provider, and made a feasibility study report on the marine power of large ships of 20000 to 40000 tons.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye is also very clear about the Navy's ambition, not only to have aircraft carriers, but also to be equipped with amphibious attack ships.

Even in an internal meeting, the Navy leaders made a timetable, hoping to realize the configuration of ocean fleet with one aircraft carrier, two amphibious attack ships and four dock landing ships as the core before the 1930s.

According to the estimation at that time, China's economy will usher in great development after China's accession to the WTO, and in the 1930s, the level of domestic GDP will be equal to that of Japan.

At that time, the comprehensive national strength will quadruple at the present level, which will be enough to support such a huge ocean fleet and protect the growing demand for overseas trade.

However, the problem arises. What about the aircraft on one aircraft carrier, two amphibious attack ships and four dock landing ships?

Buy? There is no one to sell!

Self made, domestic experienced manufacturers almost no!

With inside information, Zhuang Jianye immediately realized that there was an opportunity for Tengfei group to break the existing shackles and rise completely.

In his words:

our Tengfei group was born later than the eldest son, the second son and the third son of the Republic. They shared their property early and had their own land.

We don't get a score even if we want to split up. What should we do? They can only earn their own money. Carrier based aircraft is the fertile land for new development. The eldest, second and third of them can't even understand their own three-thirds of an acre, and they haven't had time to manage this new fertile land. So we're just running around to occupy the pit.

After all, it's not the same now as it was ten years ago. At that time, everyone was afraid to avoid the carrier based aircraft, but in the next ten years, the carrier based aircraft will surely be the hot spot for everyone.

We must take the first step, step by step, firmly seize the opportunity brought by the great development of the Navy, and make a wave of counter attack like salted fish turning over!