Chapter 936

"Landing exercise? Shouldn't it be a rescue drill? "

Listening to the rumble of the guns, feeling the tremor under his feet, we can see the flickering fire light in the distant place where the sea and the sky meet. The spokesman of Egypt behind Maxim can't help but ask Zhuang Jianye.

Zhuang Jianye pointed to the ship of the maritime supervision department cruising around the island not far away: "the rescue drill started together with the landing drill. You know, one of our rescue drills is close to the actual combat. It happened that the landing drill had the subject of rescuing the pilot who fell into the sea, so we were allowed to participate by our superiors, so our zhi-12 came to stand by 。”

What Zhuang Jianye said is true. The rescue drill does exist and has already started. What is little known is that the rescue drill is only a part of the whole landing drill. In addition to a part of the troops, the people, such as the Marine Surveillance, the marine police and the fishery administration, have been mobilized to participate in the rescue drill. The purpose is to test the emergency response of the main functional departments in the case of comprehensive landing Reaction.

Tengfei group originally belongs to the key strategic logistics Mobilization Unit in China. Therefore, in this landing exercise, it also received the mobilization order to send a helicopter to join the maritime surveillance rescue team to participate in the rescue and search task in the sea area dominated by the maritime surveillance.

The surrounding island is just located in the center of this sea area, and it is just used as a fixed helicopter landing base in the case of lack of helicopter carrying ships.

Maxim and others were shocked. They didn't expect that an ordinary rescue drill would be a larger landing drill. For those foreigners who can't get in touch with the situation of domestic front-line forces, it's no less than a big surprise.

In particular, the spokesmen of Egypt, Algeria, Syria and other countries who came with Maxim were even more excited. They were different from Qatar, Kuwait and other countries. The spokesmen who joined the fund were either rich or expensive. As an Arab country that believed in strongman politics, the spokesmen sent by Egypt and other countries to the fund were basically soldiers.

I'm not sure my head is full of muscles, but I'm very interested in this kind of exercise and strategy. At least I can show their abundant martial virtues in front of such a delicate prince as Maxim.

Because of this, they are eager to rush directly to the center of the landing exercise and have a good look at how the domestic forces perform new tricks on this military subject which has been very difficult since ancient times.

Then he made a serious comment and showed his so-called military accomplishment. If he pretended to be 13, he could ask for money from the fund without shame.

All the reasons are well thought out. You see, China is like this. How can we fall behind? As far as I know, similar products from Europe, the United States and Russia are more advanced and more capable. They are enough to guarantee the security of the Arab region

The problem is that they have a good idea, but they can't really get into the core area of the exercise. They can only look at it with high-power telescopes on the surrounding island.

No way. Although this landing exercise can be observed, it is only limited to the periphery, and the core area is not open. Otherwise, without waiting for the spokesmen of Egypt and other countries to complain, Zhuang Jianye directly led them in.

Shopping in the supermarket also pays attention to experiential consumption. Of course, Zhuang Jianye has to learn from others and try his best to expand the platform so that different customers can experience the advantages of the helicopter of Tengfei group on different occasions.

The reason why Zhuang Jianye made such a great effort, even persuading his superiors to pull a group of foreigners to the periphery of the exercise and personally set up his own helicopter platform, is that the growth of the helicopter business of Tengfei group in recent years is weak, which has seriously delayed the development of Tengfei group.

There is no way to do this. The helicopter business of Tengfei group started late and has a weak foundation. Although the performance of several helicopters launched at the beginning of merging Xiangzhou helicopter factory is passable, it is basically just a few attempts to verify the nature.

Only after the landing of zhi-12 and zhi-15 did Tengfei group really complete the helicopter leap from 0 to 1.

At the same time, zhi-9, which is located in Bincheng in the north, and Zhi-8 and zhi-11, which are located in the porcelain capital of central China, have entered the stage of substantial engineering aircraft flight test and even mass production.

We can't say how good the performance of these models is, but the basic models are mature and solid, and the overall performance of domestic manufacturers is more stable after imitation.

In contrast, the performance of the zhi-12 and the zhi-15 is undeniable, but there are too many new technologies applied to them. As a result, the paper capabilities of the two models are extremely powerful. In practical application, there are no big problems, but there are no small problems.

Not to mention anything else, the world only saw the continuous operation of zhi-12 and zhi-15 in Karakorum mountain during the earthquake rescue of Karakorum mountain pass a few days ago. However, what is little known is that in order to protect several zhi-12 and zhi-15, Tengfei group transported almost a full set of helicopter spare parts and maintenance equipment, including turboshaft engine, by 12 sorties of yun-17.

At the same time, 60 professional helicopter mechanics and factory engineers from all parts of Tengfei group were dispatched to the airstrip on our side of Karakoram pass to ensure the smooth implementation of the tasks of zhi-12 and zhi-15.As for the way of doing it, it's a bit simple and crude, and there's no one in the moat.

Whether it is zhi-12 or zhi-15, the pilots of Tengfei group will replace all the parts that may have problems at one time after each transportation mission, whether they are good or bad.

After 20 sorties, all the turboshaft engines on zhi-12 and zhi-15 will be replaced with new ones, regardless of their state.

Even in some abnormal straight-12 and straight-15 maintenance operations, the pilots of Tengfei group even replaced the hub and even the gear set inside.

So much so that the headquarters leaders in charge of command at the scene were surprised, and felt that they were engaged in helicopter maintenance, and they were simply serving their ancestors.

make complaints about Tucao, but make complaints about Tengfei group's inhumane maintenance. No one can make it available. The two models of Tengfei group can only be used on the plateau of five thousand meters. The rest of the country is not too small, but it is basically not.

Fortunately, the maintenance is not borne by Tengfei group. The troops only need to call transport planes to cooperate immediately. Otherwise, the bill after the rescue will be enough for the leader in charge to cry for three days and three nights.

However, for the sake of this rescue operation, Tengfei group has almost consumed all the spare parts of the helicopter. Fortunately, at the last moment, New Delhi can't hold on to it, so it's the first to give up the fight, which greatly eases the pressure on the Chinese side. Otherwise, as long as the officers and soldiers of sb airstrip in New Delhi persist for a week, zhi-12 and zhi-15 will have to be withdrawn In recent years, because the spare parts are used up, it is not impossible to use them forcibly, but there is a high probability of mechanical failure leading to a crash.

Zhuang Jianye can muddle along with other things, but he can't let the plane crash happen even if he empties his bottom line. Apart from human life, a plane crash is even more fatal to the goodwill of an enterprise. After all, zhi-12 and zhi-15 have to sell money. They are just like fresh meat. They not only have to be beautiful, light, able to sing and dance rap, but also have to be healthy Can't have half a cent and scandal related flaws, so as to let fans scream, let customers pay!