Chapter 935

Maksim had no doubts about the professionalism of Pakistan Navy. The problem is that the religious fund he controlled is not Maksim has the final say, but is jointly established by the United Arab Emirates, including Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and several other major oil rich countries. The Pakistan Navy is a member of the United Nations.

Every country has its own spokesperson in the fund. Although Maxim can suppress the spokesperson of these countries because of his transcendent position in religion, it is unnecessary for Maxim to offend such people.

As a result, Maxim will call together these spokesmen to discuss the large amount of aid applications.

In addition, in the huge Arab world, there are many demands, but a large part of them are the same. In order to avoid multiple purchases of a product or unnecessary duplication of construction, the fund will generally specify a final product, and then centrally allocate it to countries or organizations with similar demands.

That is to say, Pakistan is in favor of zhi-12. Even if Maxim agrees, he needs to obtain the majority support of all the agents. This is not to mention that countries or organizations with similar needs should also be interested in zhi-12. Otherwise, if they are not willing to accept it or even demolish it behind their backs, it will have a great impact on religious funds.

After all, the religious fund is not a real country, and it has no special binding force on the outside world. On the contrary, it often participates in the capital exchanges that can't be seen.

Because of this, despite the fact that the Arab religious fund is very powerful and powerful, in fact, many powerful governments in Arab countries just regard the fund as a fat sheep that can bite at any time.

So even if Maxim agrees with Pakistan and persuades the vast majority of his agents to support him, he will not be able to deal with powerful countries such as Egypt, Algeria and Syria.

Pakistan said that the direct-12 of Tengfei group is cheap and of good quality, and has many advantages.

Egyptians said, how good can a rookie who has never participated in actual combat be? In contrast, the British "Bobcat" helicopter and the American "Black Hawk" helicopter are no better than the Chinese zhi-12?

The Syrians, on the other hand, turned their lips. We have never heard of zhi-12. Is it more powerful than Mi-35 female deer or more powerful than Mi-35?

Shipboard helicopter?

Russian business card printing - 25 and card - 27, but the Soviet era to build a dedicated shipboard helicopter, whether it is professional or practical that is not better than the straight - 12!

The Algerians sighed and finally made a final decision. Whether it's Britain, the U.S. or Russia, their helicopters have been tested in actual combat. Is there a Chinese zhi-12? Don't be embarrassed to be the type 59 and type 62 that were opened by the US military in the Gulf War.

Let alone maxim, the Pakistanis who strongly supported zhi-12 have nothing to say. We should know that the Gulf War not only created the world's only superpower, but also laid the foundation for the future world pattern of one superpower and many superpowers. What's more, it completely knocked down a series of Soviet made weapons and equipment that seemed to be of high quality and low price, and was pinned on the ground by European and American giants.

Unfortunately, some of the imitations produced at home are listed. Since the end of the Gulf War, the export of complete sets of domestic military equipment has met with great resistance, because many countries believe that the domestic weapons and equipment produced by relying on the Soviet equipment system have fallen behind the times and are not enough to compete with the products of developed countries in Europe and the United States.

It's better to bite your teeth and buy some European and American star products than to buy a pile of rags destined to be broken into scrap iron. As in the past,

is the only old fellow in Syria who supports Russia's old iron industry. All the rest are embracing Western products.

As for domestic things What's that? Anybody want it?

In the face of this situation, even maxim, who was blessed by religion, had to submit to the pressure of Egypt and other powerful parties, and organized an expert evaluation team to come to China. It was called to further test the zhi-12 of Tengfei group. In fact, under the pretext of testing, he organized a large group of people to travel at public expense.

Of course, they still have to do the right thing. In the actual test, they have neither the ability nor the ability. They can only choose a drill to observe it. Even if they have completed the task, the spokesmen of Egypt and other countries behind Maxim don't even think about whether they can succeed or not.

Zhi-12: who wants what they want? Anyway, they don't like it.

So Maxim's fund will not move, and stay to help them buy some F-16 fighters and M1 main battle tanks. If they can't subsidize their finance, is it not good for domestic stability?

Even if Zhuang Jianye launched the take-off group to produce zhi-12 with Arab countries, the spokesmen of Egypt, Algeria and Syria remained unmoved.

The reason is very simple. Even if the factory is built in the United Arab Emirates, it's none of their business. If the United Arab Emirates thinks it's good, it's better to buy more. Anyway, there are many local tyrants in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The land can no longer accommodate their inflated ego. It's better to install a propeller to fly into the sky and vent. It's better to kill a few of them so that they are not very rich countries It's better for family members to understand Qi.As a result, Maxim was soon embarrassed to find that the cooperation with Tengfei group to produce the zhi-12 helicopter seemed to be his one-man show. Except for the spokesman from Pakistan Navy who nodded frequently, the other spokesmen from Egypt, Algeria, Syria and even Yemen didn't pay attention to it.

Looking around one by one, it seems that the scenery on this surrounding island is more important than what I just talked about.

Don't mention the anger in Maxim's heart. These countries are proud of their military virtues. What's more, they are also shouting loud slogans for the protection of the Arab world.

But in fact, one by one, otherwise, how could Israel press all kinds of friction on the ground.

They say that Israel can build tanks, artillery and missiles. What can you countries with plenty of military virtue build? I don't know what I think of the helicopter that I don't like.

Maxim really wants to get rid of these people's heads to see if they are filled with shit.

No wonder maxim is so angry. If the United Arab Emirates and Tengfei group jointly produce the zhi-12 helicopter, these countries with abundant military virtue are naturally the dumping market expected by the United Arab Emirates. If these countries do not accept it, why does the United Arab Emirates bother to produce the zhi-12 helicopter? Do you really think that the money of local tyrants is used to make money?

The problem is that his anger returns to his anger. Maxim has no way to speak for these countries. The United Arab Emirates still has to rely on these countries to send troops to maintain domestic security. Even the royal family is respectful to them. What can Maxim do?

Can only be helpless to see Zhuang Jianye, dejected sigh.

However, Zhuang Jianye, who is very insightful, turns a blind eye to this. Instead, he smiles and pats Maxim on the shoulder. He doesn't speak much. He just politely signals Maxim and others to go to the surrounding island village committee. Maxim is puzzled and says, "what's the matter with Zhuang Jianye?"? Want to see business go yellow?

Just as Maxim couldn't figure it out, three flare flares suddenly rose on the distant sea surface, and the next moment the overwhelming sound of artillery shook the earth around the island.

Seeing this, Zhuang Jianye coughed softly: "ha ~ ~ this landing exercise is quite lively!"