Chapter 543

It's not surprising that Zhuang Jianye is like this. It's just that the trainer equipped by the Thai air force is too wonderful.

The trainer produced by German Rhine aircraft manufacturing company, just like its name, has a large fan. This is not to say that the trainer is named after the use of a more advanced turbofan engine.

On the contrary, such a fixed wing trainer uses the Acheson 250-c30 turboshaft engine produced by Rollo company, which is the same model as Bell 206 helicopter.

This alone is enough to subvert people's imagination. Even after decades, no one dares to open such a big brain hole.

However, in Europe in the 1960s and 1970s, in order to prevent the invasion of the Soviet Union and enable combat aircraft to have the so-called ultra short take-off and landing capability, some aviation powers such as Britain, France, Germany and Italy have been constantly exploring this road.

British harrier VTOL fighters and French F-1 fighters were all products of this time.

Although Germany was limited in fighter planes because of its defeat in World War II, it still made an attempt in this respect, and "fan coach" is one of the achievements.

The turboshaft engine is used to drive a large fan at the rear of the fuselage, so that it has a strong reaction force to complete the power transmission.

Because the power selection is too alternative, and the demand for short-range take-off and landing, the layout of "fan coach" is not mainstream. For example, in order to stabilize the center, the forward swept wing structure is adopted, and the T-shaped vertical tail is adopted at the rear, which seems to be very different from the traditional layout of the aircraft in the impression.

But it's such a wonderful aircraft, but its flight performance is very good, especially the stability of the rear engine and the forward swept wing structure at medium and low speed, so that the "fan Trainer" can simulate many effects of a jet fighter.

In addition, the small turboshaft engine has good economy and low cost, so it is a kind of good quality trainer for primary and middle schools.

Otherwise, the Thai Air Force would not have purchased 47 at a time for the training and teaching of F-5 fighters and the adaptive training of pilots in go around.

The main reason is that the "fan coach" has broken the original three-level training system of primary, intermediate and advanced trainer planes. Using the "fan coach" aircraft, all the primary and intermediate training subjects can be completed. In addition, the Thai Air Force has not yet equipped with the third generation fighters, and the training subjects of advanced trainer planes are missing.

Therefore, after completing the training course of "fan coach", you can directly fly the F-5 fighter to perform the mission.

Reducing the use, maintenance and maintenance of class I aircraft and the maintenance of the personnel team is equivalent to saving a lot of money. Under the condition of the same training effect, the Thai air force naturally feels that the "fan coach" is really fragrant.

Otherwise, the Thai Air Force would not continue to maintain the size of the "fan coach" fleet and would have swept into the garbage heap.

However, such a model with good performance and even the ability to subvert the existing mainstream trainer training system has encountered a serious setback in the country. It is not that the Germans themselves don't like it, but just like the actor company's experience in Germany. No matter how good the product is, because of the original sin of World War II, several forces will still put pressure on it.

Especially in the United States, the three-level coach system is working well. The major aviation giants are counting on the junior, middle and senior models to make a lot of money. The German suddenly jumped out and said, "don't be so troublesome. My" fan coach "can do all the work of junior coaches and intermediate trainers.

What do Americans think? Of course, without saying a word, he just put out his finger and pressed it to death.

As a result, the sales performance of "fan coach" in Germany can't be described as miserable. Only less than 10 of them are equipped, which can be regarded as the spiritual encouragement for German Rhine aircraft manufacturing company. Only Thai people think that this aircraft is good, and they want 47 at a time, becoming the largest user in the world.

And then Then there's no more.

Because this amount didn't even recover the minimum R & D expenses, it was obviously a blood loss, so the German Rhine aircraft manufacturing company went bankrupt within a few years. However, the German also had a conscience, and the other company that took over continued to perform the contract with Thailand, providing spare parts and maintenance work.

It's a pity that the German company still didn't hold on. More than a year ago, it also declared bankruptcy. This time, it broke even more thoroughly and sold all that it could sell, including the parts production line of "fan coach".

Fortunately, the Thai Air Force has built up a lot of inventory. In the past year, it has managed to save money. However, with the gradual reduction of spare parts, the status of the aircraft has gradually declined. There is no way to do this. We can only find other ways.

For example, the rest of Europe, or the United States, the big backer behind it.

As a result, these European and American countries show extraordinary enthusiasm for Thailand. It's like the fierce man meets the goddess he's looking for. We can repair old airplanes in one step How nice to buy a new plane?

So the British "Eagle" trainer, the French "alpha jet" trainer, and the American T-38 trainer are just like all kinds of fierce men in front of the little princess of Thailand, shouting shamelessly, choose me, choose meThe problem is that Thai people want to repair an airplane, but they don't want to sell it. Why is it so difficult?

The European and American aviation giants frowned and immediately settled the bill for the little princess of Thailand. The "fan coach" in Germany has been out of production for many years. If you want to do in-depth maintenance, you have to restart the parts production line. The cost is not a small fraction. After that, you have to train workers, which is an astronomical number. Then you have to re measure, design tooling, make plans and so on If it comes down, the cost of deep maintenance of a "fan coach" is more expensive than buying a new aircraft of the same type.

In a word, in a word, if Thailand wants deep maintenance, it can first take over one billion US dollars of initial investment, and they guarantee that all kinds of potential can be easily tossed.

Thailand knows that this is a hole dug by European and American aviation giants, but it has nothing to do. This is the sorrow of the lack of support for the aviation industry. You don't even have a chance to argue what people really mean. You can't do anything except choose to be taken away by that wolf.

Originally, the Thai Air Force had accepted its fate, but its own royal aerospace industry company suddenly got up. The fire of hope, which was about to die out, immediately burned, and then rushed to Tengfei group Partners who only care about users.

Zhuang Jianye looked at the strange "fan coach" and the busy technicians around the plane, and his thinking began to diverge involuntarily. Until he found Lin Guanghua with a little oil on his body, he glanced around and found that there was no outsider around, so he asked in the southwest dialect of China, "how about it?"

Lin Guanghua did not have any accident. He also replied in southwest Dialect: "it should be no problem, but In the engine, we may be a little bit worse. After all, our turboshaft engine has not been used. I don't know if it can work