Chapter 290

It's no wonder that Zhuang Jianye is so happy. Different from the drilling technologies such as electron beam, laser and electric spark, the quality of film cooling holes, especially the film cooling holes on turbine blades, has been greatly improved due to the unique machining mode of electrochemical drilling.

On this basis, the turbine blade cooling technology from the traditional single cooling, to more advanced composite cooling technology, coupled with more advanced heat-resistant materials, the aero-engine power has a qualitative leap.

Let's not mention the military engines that are equipped on the third and a half generation, or even the fourth generation combat aircraft (using the fourth generation division method), that is, the turbofan engine with large bypass ratio in civil aviation. With the rapid development of aeroengine in the manufacturing field, it has also taken a big step forward.

Let's take the Boeing 787 for example. In the past, if we wanted to promote this volume of aircraft to do long-distance cross continental flight, we needed at least three aeroengines. If we want to achieve more stable and safe flight performance, it is not impossible to make four aeroengines.

However, due to the over flight of aeroengine technology, the gas temperature has increased by one third compared with the past, so that the power of the new aeroengine is twice that of the old aeroengine.

In this way, a large wide body airliner with the volume of Boeing 787 only needs two aeroengines to achieve the effect of four engines in the past.

Don't underestimate the reduction in the number of engines. There is a deep cost logic in this. No matter it is old or new, the principle of ground maintenance will not change. Therefore, the number of aeroengines will directly affect the maintenance cost of aircraft.

You know, airplanes are not cars. You can just go into a 4S store and spend a few money on them. If you want to maintain airplanes, changing rivets may be worth a high-end car. The high cost is amazing.

The fundamental driving force for airlines to buy airplanes is also to make money. Naturally, they try to reduce the later maintenance costs of airplanes.

Boeing 787, with the bonus of aeroengine technology leap, has made two of the traditional four engines. With the same flight quality and range, the maintenance cost of the engine has been reduced by half. Naturally, major airlines are flocking to it, and it is difficult to become a big money. (just take 787 as an example, and don't comment on the quality issue here)

nowadays, people always say that we should seize the opportunity to stand at the air outlet and grasp that even pigs can fly. If this theory is applied to aeroengine, the new generation of aeroengine manufacturing equipment, represented by electrochemical drilling machine, will gradually mature and be widely used.

As long as we can grasp it, not to mention Overtaking around the corner, Tengfei factory can at least make a gas turbine power plant that can be used. At the worst, we can cultivate the key processing technology in the spare parts of Hangfa and make a complete set for other Hangfa giants.

So we should not only do it, but also do it as soon as possible.

As for Tengfei factory's use of other people's Japanese technology to light up its own scientific and technological tree, Zhuang Jianye is not worried about whether the Japanese will come to look for the future after the achievements are made.

Let's not say anything else. Just look at the irresponsible attitude in the materials of Mitsubishi group, we can see that company H has made a lot of things that are beneficial but not costly.

It's full of expectations, blueprints and even fantasies. It's obviously the result of Mitsubishi's extensive net fishing. Anyway, no one can figure out where the future technological path is. They can't afford to raise so many technicians, so let them do it according to their own ideas. It can help Mitsubishi to improve its technology and make a lot of money Yes.

No, it's nothing. Go on in another direction.

In a word, Mitsubishi in Japan is like an antique dealer in Panjiayuan. He sprinkles money and collects money everywhere. As long as there is one Mongolian, it will make a lot of money.

It is obvious that the pile of H company is a hodgepodge of Japanese Mitsubishi. Even experienced people are confused after watching it, and they are not sure which is the key technology in the future.

To be sure, the best way is to find a bunch of technical experts like Mitsubishi and try them one by one with a lot of money.

The problem is that the whole country can't afford to do this, let alone take off the factory.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye is a man who has lived two lives. His eyes are just like those of a shopkeeper who is used to antiques. You can see whether you are an old thing or a modern high-end imitation.

But even so, Zhuang Jianye only picked out three useful ones from more than 40 technologies. It can be seen that the technology tree is not so easy to climb. If you are not careful, you may run to other branches.

Of course, H company is not kind enough to give you so many so-called "cutting-edge" aero-engine technologies. I wish you would jump in one by one. Let alone drown, you would be exhausted.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye thinks that H company is very good. If he has the opportunity to let H company dig more holes, Zhuang Jianye is absolutely willing and does not hesitate at all.

In a happy mood, he sorted out three useful materials, threw the rest aside, and then rubbed his swollen temple. Then he picked up the phone and said with a smile, "director Guo, I'm Xiaozhuang. Can you contact me about what you told me a few days ago?"……

At the same time, Wei Guangping, director of the zero degree factory not far from the flight Machinery Research Institute, looked at the backlog of electric fans, pressure cookers, electric spoons, washing machines and other products, and was anxious to grab his hair.

As a mechanical equipment and instrument factory organized by the ministries and commissions at that time, the zero degree factory was built in the mid-1970s, and then undertook the production and manufacturing of EDM drilling equipment. After several years of efforts, the completed EDM drilling equipment was accepted by the ministries and commissions and the state, and delivered to use, the zero degree factory gained numerous praise.

I thought that by taking this opportunity, zero factory could become a supporting supplier of precision machining equipment for various aero-engine manufacturers.

With the shutdown of "Spey" engine, the difficulty of turbofan 6, and the foreign orientation of turbojet 14, the zero degree factory, which is specialized in the production of aeroengine equipment, suddenly finds that it has no work to do.

This makes the zero degree factory very embarrassed. Wei Guangping, the director of the factory, has no choice but to go to the ministries and commissions, hoping to give some production tasks to the zero degree factory. The ministries and commissions also don't want to waste their own efforts to build the factory and squeeze out some production tasks so that the zero degree factory can maintain production.

But the problem is that the ministries and commissions can't give too many production tasks with great efforts. After all, the army, which accounts for the absolute majority, has been tightening its belts, and the ministries and commissions have a hard time.

As a result, the zero degree factory inevitably fell into trouble, and the whole factory fell to the bottom, especially those technical teams who were transferred from the factory in those years.

For a time, the doggerel that building missiles is better than selling tea eggs, and that holding scalpels is better than killing pigs is rampant in the zero degree factory.

Some skilled workers have been transferred out of the zero degree factory, while others boldly quit their official posts and went to the coastal areas to fight.

But more is to stay in zero silent suffering.

Wei Guangping didn't think of a way to get out of trouble. He switched to civilian products. Other factories under the Ministry could do it. Their zero degree factory's technology and equipment were not bad, so it was unreasonable. As a result, he was ruthless and realistic. He taught Wei Guangping a lesson, and their zero degree factory was really not good.

Basically, it's what you do and what you lose. In the end, it's like this. There's a huge backlog of things that can't be sold!