They cried holding each other and Jin did his best to calm himself. He placed his forehead against Shun’s forehead and tried to catch his wavering breath. Standing, he helped Shun to stand with him and told the Mortician that they were ready. The caskets were moved to where the ground was dug up for all three persons. Oil Ju and Gina Sutoshi were buried together, but Hei Gun was buried in a plot with an empty spot for his wife.

Online, Reporter Allie was respectful and provided information of each victim. She also mentioned the Judge who chose to just let CEO Hosh Pendulth off without any detainment had stepped down after the event had taken place. The pictures were of those deceased and how to help them.

Unfortunately, not all the news outlets were as respectful. There were some who spoke about how handsome Suu Jin looked even with tears down his eyes with a picture provided. How reporters even gotten that picture was beyond them. No reporters or news staff were allowed in, including Reporter Allie. Others mentioned Suu Jin and Xiong Shun strong together even with the deaths. Suu Jin this, Suu Jin that, all surrounding the pinkette idol.

It pissed Jin off. It was not about him!

“Ah Jin,” Shun pulled the phone away from his hand and put it away, “Stop. You were the one to tell me to just ignore them, remember? People just make up things or focus on things that isn’t important. It is business. You told me that. Remember?”

“But this?! How disrespectful could they be?!” Jin was fuming and Shun didn’t know what to say. He went to start the bath and called Ping Ping’s mother to ask if she could care for the twin a bit longer. Jin wanted the twins back, but Shun shook his head. He pulled Jin with him to the bath and began stripping. Stopping the water, he turned to helped Jin out of his clothes.

“Let’s bath, Ah Jin, please.”

He spoke softly and Jin complied, but lips were still in a frown. They soaked in and Shun moved to lay against Jin. He cried softly and the pinkette’s eyes widened slightly. Holding Shun close and rubbing his lover’s back, he sighed with his head resting at the lip of the tub. He stared at the ceiling as tears slipped down his eyes.

“Please, Ah Jin,” Shun cried softly, “The twins… They are depending on us. We, we have to take care of them.”

He pulled away and cupped Jin’s face. They kissed softly and Jin held him close, pressing against one another’s temple.

“I’m sorry,” Jin whispered and Shun held him tighter.

“I’m angry too,” Shun sighed, “I want to hurt someone, but I’m just too sad.”

Jin nodded understanding what he was feeling. Kissing Shun again, he apologized each time he took a breath before pressing their lips together again. They kissed one another’s forehead before cleaning themselves up. They just held one another the entire time and when Shun fell asleep, he was holding him so tightly, Jin felt the bruises against his chest.

When he woke, Shun felt so tired. He blinked and blinked to noticed Jin was not there. Worried, he turned to sit up to find Jin was holding the twins. Green eyes turned to him and there was a smile on those lips.

“Morning, baby.”

“Ah Jin?” Shun looked at the parted curtains, “When did you pick them up?”

“I just got back an hour ago,” the idol prince smiled and looked at his arms where the small babies were resting against his chest, “They are beautiful.”

Shun smiled and leaned forward to look at the sleeping babies. A kiss was placed on the crown of his head and Shun smiled, leaning up to kiss his lover’s lips.

“Are you feeling better today?” Shun questioned and Jin nodded.

“Sorry, Ah Shun. I’m still angry, but I rather not see you sad or worried because of me. Also, I read that babies could feel what we feel, so I don't want them to feel my anger.”

“Hm? They can?” Shun was surprised and tried to exude as much love as he could call for. Jin laughed and kissed him again, which Shun happily kissed back.

When they parted, a small hand smacked Jin’s chest. Well, it felt too light to be a smack. Green eyes looked down to see big brown eyes staring at him and he smiled.

“Good morning, Peter.”

The male twin turned and began crying. Shun quickly got off the bed and took out the breast milk provided. He poured it into a small baby bottle and warmed it. Once done, he rushed back to the room and placed the slow dripping nipple against Peter’s lips. The boy cried a bit more before beginning to suck.

“Baby, hold him.”

Shun nodded and adjusted Peter into his arms. He rocked the boy and hummed his mother’s lullaby, smiling as eyelids fluttered. Brown eyes stared at him for a second before they closed again. Fingers touched his face and he smiled, kissing the palm of his lover’s hand.

“Angel Gina,” Jin spoke softly staring at the girl, “You certainly are your mother. A sleepy sloth.”

Shun laughed softly and looked back down at baby Peter. The boy had fallen asleep again so he pulled the bottle away from his lips.

“Let’s bring the cribs in here, Ah Jin,” Shun smiled, “In case they wake up and stuff, we are here.”

Agreeing, Jin said he would bring the cribs to the room and handed Angel for Shun to hold. Both arms occupied the newborns. When Jin returned with one crib, Shun voiced where he thought the cribs should be at. Once the new arrangements were made, they placed the newborns down and tucked them in separate cribs. Shun stared and stared, before he picked up baby Peter to place inside of Angel’s crib as well.

“They should be together, don’t you think?” Shun looked at Jin to see his lover smiling.

“Forever,” Jin replied and Shun sighed happily.

“I love you.”

“I know.”



“Tell me you love me too,” Shun pouted and Jin shook his head.

“I don’t love you, Ah Shun.. Didn’t I tell you?” Jin leaned closer to his lips, “It is way beyond love, baby.”