Chapter 168 - Family In The Next Life

Gina’s fans mourned and set up a vigil to be held for her. Though Gina didn't have millions of fans or even thousands, those that cared for her were small but loyal. They were going to meet that night with candles at the hospital. Signs and pictures were being made and the news spread throughout the world of the tragedy of those that were lost.

In the hospital, Jin and Shun had already called their friends before the news broke the outlets. Now, after 3 days of staying in the hospital and waiting for the news, they were devastated. Shun had cried so much, he felt exhausted. Jin held him tightly and close to his chest, also crying as they were staring at the two premature babies in the incubators.

They were healthy, but since they were born early, the doctor had told them they wanted to watch the twins for a couple days to make sure everything was well. Shun had told them the names Gina had wanted for her babies and both him and Jin signed that the child was theirs. Everyone had given them their condolences, and some mentioned the vigil that was happening.

“We should go,” Shun whispered as they continued to stare at the twins sleeping soundly.

“You should,” Jin held his hand, “I will stay.”

Shun stared at his boyfriend who was staring at the newborns with tired eyes. He couldn’t believe this had happened. Gina… She really had such bad luck, didn’t she? Shun prayed that she was given a better life, one that made her suffrage low and happiness high.

Jin had barely left this room since he was confirmed for himself that Gina was really gone. He didn’t cry hard like Shun had when he heard the news. Jin was trying to hold himself back, the blue eyed man was certain. Maybe it was because people would judge him or there were just too many people around, but Shun was ready to go home and hold Jin as they cry together.

“I’m going to get us food, okay?”

Jin nodded and kissed his forehead, but his emerald eyes quickly went back to staring at the twins. Shun smiled the best he could and headed to the cafeteria to order something for the both of them. When Shun was gone and Jin was alone to his thoughts, all the idol prince could think about was Gina’s face. She was so excited to have children, care for her own, unlike her parents. She had plans and dreams for her babies, but it was all gone now.

All because of that bastard.

Manager Oil had already set up plans for Gina’s career and future. The older man was excited to become a God father. Jin fisted his hands and felt his heart sink when he thought about his personal driver. Hei Gun became his driver for over 7 years. The man was quiet and loyal, made sure to not repeat anything he had heard or seen. His family… Jin was sure they were hurting. He would make sure to help them as much as he could.

As of now, Suu Jin was not going to take his eyes away from Angel Gina Sutoshi and Peter Oil Sutoshi. He would make sure they were protected forever.

When the time came for the vigil, Shun stood before the crowd with his friends. The girls of Shinny Dolls had arrived with their manager. Mix4U Boys were also present. Unfortunately, BestTwo were still overseas, so they were unable to join. They asked that he spoke, gave a speech about Gina. Some asked for Suu Jin, but he shook his head.

“Today is hard for all of us,” Shun spoke softly as he wiped his eyes, “Suu Jin wishes to stay with the twins, but he appreciates that everyone is here today. Gina,” Shun’s voice cracked and he took a moment to collect himself, “She was very happy to have children. She planned out their years and how she would care for them. There were clothes and cribs, everything was already set up at home. She… really loves them.”

Shun wiped his eyes and looked at his friends and Gina’s fans.

“She always talked about you all, all the fans that still supported her and new ones that are. She even planned a special event to reveal the twins to you all,” he laughed and covered his eyes, making sure the candle in his hand was stabled, “I will miss her.”

Lisa hugged him and looked at the crying fans. She began singing Gina’s single, one that was her most popular song. Everyone slowly sang along, staring at Gina’s picture leaned against the tree. Shun didn’t know how long they were standing lost in their thoughts, but by the time everyone slowly returned, the sun was rising again.

The twins were sent home with Suu Jin and Xiong Shun the next day and the funeral was set the day after. Thankfully, Ping Ping’s mother offered to watch the twins as they went to the funeral service for Hei Gun, Oil Ju, and Gina Sutoshi. To be honest, Suu Jin was fighting to stay with teh twins, but Shun had to force him to go to the burial. he knew the pinkette would regret it if he didn't go and say his peace.

At the funeral, Shun watched as Jin bowed lowly to a female with a young boy. The female was crying and the young boy was still too young to understand what was happening. Shun watched the exchange of words and hugs, before Jin returned to sit beside him. They held hands and listened to people who wanted to talk about each person. Suu Jin was the last to speak and he spoke in details of all three people he had known for a long time.

“They are my family,” the pinkette ended with red rimmed eyes, “May we be family in the next life as well. I will miss you all.”

Jin covered his eyes as his body shook where he stood. Legs gave out under him and Shun quickly moved to drop to his knees. He pulled Jin to him, hiding Jin’s face, but the deep cries from his lover echoed the entire hall. It was the sound of a dying heart.. Shun knew because it was exactly how he sounded at Prince Peter’s funeral.