Chapter 145 - Proud Of You, Brother.

“Heh,” Suu Jin sounded and continued to listen to his old friends.

“Pengu,” Yanny sighed, “Suu Jin was young and it wasn’t all his fault. We were their big brothers. They are our responsibility so how Jin acted… that is our fault.”

“Yanny is being nice,” the dark haired man shook his head, “Here is the thing. Suu Jin was like 12 when we met him. We practiced, learned about one another before we even debuted. We all had a strong bond, so when Suu Jin was being pissy, we knew how to handle it. Anyone else wouldn’t. The boy was a spoiled rich kid. Genu, Yanny, and myself didn’t come from a rich family with no siblings. Suu Jin was used to the attention, so it took him a long time to know how to even talk to us.”

“I remember when we were talking and Jin was so quiet, you forgot he was there,” Yanny laughed and looked over at his partner, “You made him cry.”

“Ugh, but I never forgot him after,” Pangu frowned, “You remind me of that all the time, Yanny.”

The freckled face carrot top laughed and looked at Allie.

“He did better and Genu and Jin were inseparable. They were so close, it made my relationship with Pengu look like acquantainces.”

“Even though we’ve known each other longer,” Pengu laughed, “It was nice. Genu was able to break that wall of Jin’s. He was patient with him…”

There was a pause and Yanny continued.

“They loved one another. When Jin left, we were all angry. We blamed him for breaking our relationships. He avoided all of us and Genu… He was broken for a long time. He tried to smile throughout the pain he was feeling, but Pengu and I knew how terrible he felt. Everyone knew about Genu’s sickness. I… We were not ready for him to be gone so soon.”

Pengu cupped his friend’s shoulder, squeezing it gently.

“I hated Jin. I still do when I think about it. But the truth was… I am the one who should be blamed. Yes, Jin broke Genu’s heart, but I could had been a better brother. I was too caught up in being angry at Suu Jin that I didn’t help heal Genu. I pushed him to work harder, to prove that we still did good without Suu Jin. I didn’t act as a big brother should.”

“And I… I told Genu to write the letter,” Yanny admitted and looked at his knees.

Pengu’s eyes widened and even Jin’s. No one ever heard this before and Suu Jin felt anger slowly blaze through his heart, but just as quickly, his love for Yanny changed into empathy. It wasn’t Yanny’s fault.

It was the driver’s fault.

“That morning, he called me crying. He wanted to… harm himself. I talked him out of it and all he kept thinking about was Suu Jin so… I told him to write a letter. Suu Jin must be busy so he wasn’t able to have his phone or it might be broken. I have not seen his smile so bright as that day,” Yanny’s shoulders were shaking and Pengu threw his shoulder over his and pulled him closer to the warmth.

“I blame myself everyday. If he didn’t write the letter, he could still be alive. That driver wouldn’t have… I… I am sorry,” Yanny covered his face and cried into Pengu’s shoulder.

His partner held him tightly and the video jumped to where Yanny was apologizing for crying.

“It isn’t your fault,” Pengu sighed, “It’s that damn driver who hit and ran away. If I find out who it was I will kill him myself,” he threatened with a glare at nowhere.

“In game, of course,” Yanny let out a chuckle, “I… I know you blamed Suu Jin a lot and I should have told you sooner… I am sorry, Ah Peng.”

“Honestly, I wished you did too,” Pengu nodded, “Eh, but like Genu with Jin, I can’t be mad at you, but I will want an apology dinner!”

Yanny smiled and nodded before addressing the reporter again.

“I ask forgiveness from everyone. I am partially at fault.”

“We all are,” Pengu corrected and sighed, “I hope you all can forgive us for our actions. Suu Jin and I had made up. He had grown up a lot. I am proud of him.”

“Me too,” Yanny smiled.

“I see,” Allie spoke up, “The investigation to find the culprit is still ongoing, so if anyone have an idea or seen it, please contact the police department. Now, as both of you probably know, Suu Jin and Xiong Shun have come out as a couple.”

Pengu laughed and Yanny grinned.

“Honestly, I was surprised Suu Jin even told us,” Pengu grinned, “Guess he still cares to get approval from his brothers.”

“Approval?” Allie questioned and the dark haired man nodded with a chuckle.

“He came to one of our shows and was waiting backstage for us. To anyone else, Suu Jin looked calm, cool, collected, but to us,” Pengu winked, “That boy was easy to read.”

Yanny laughed and nodded.

“He was so nervous.”

“Just as nervous as when we first preformed,” Pengu added, “He was trying so hard to hold a conversation, but we already knew he was avoiding something.”

“Jin looked so cute,” Yanny cooed, “Like a little Jin again.”

“You’re right!” Pengu laughed loudly, “Like we literally went back to when Suu Jin was 12 again!”

Once Pengu was done laughing, he let out a sigh and smiled.

“He asked if we would be upset if he were to date a man.”

Allie waited for them to continue, but it was quiet for a moment. Both Yanny and Pengu had softened looks and a small smile.

“As long as he loves that person, how could this brother judge him,” Pengu shrugged, “If I told him he shouldn’t, Suu Jin wouldn’t. I know that for certain. He had always been on top. He did everything, his sweat, his blood, his heart to become what he is. If he is willing to come to us and ask for our blessings, that meant he had thought about it deeply.”

Yanny nodded in agreement and Allie smiled.

“Is there anything you want to share to the world or to Suu Jin?”

“Do you want to talk, Yanny?” Pengu questioned.

“You are doing such a good job. Go ahead and continue,” the carrot top smiled.

Pengu chuckled and looked straight at the camera.

“To the world, the fans of both 1Luv, Suu Jin, Xiong Shun, and everyone,” Pengu smiled, “I know it is weird and different, but they are the same. Suu Jin is still Suu Jin from before. Xiong Shun is Xiong Shun. Nothing has changed. Love is hard to find and I am happy they found one another. They have people who care for them, fans who love them, so please continue to support them.

To Suu Jin: I know this is hard for you and it is hard for Xiong Shun as well. It is hard for all who supported you, but stay strong. You’ve persevered this entire time and rebuild yourself through the blames, the breakups, and the downfall. I am proud of you, brother. We will always be here for you.”

Jin was in tears.