A squeeze to his hand and he turned to see Shun was watching him with those worry filled eyes. Taking a deep breath, he nodded and smiled, before turning on the television.

They watched.

No one spoke for the entire duration of the interview. Shun watched as he was smiling, kissing Suu Jin, singing about his love for the idol, and talking about his adoration for the man. He glanced at the pinkette and watched the side profile of the handsome man. He tried to remember anything about the Suu Jin, but the only thing that came was earlier when they were cooking.

‘I want to know.’

Suu Jin turned to caught him staring and Shun turned quickly away to stare at the television. He heard the soft chuckle and felt the kiss to his cheek. His face warmed and he bit his lips shyly.

Gina’s portion came on and Jin turned back to watch the rest of the interview.

“Gina, can you tell me about your relationship with both Suu Jin and Xiong Shun?”

“What can I say,” Gina sighed, “They are both nice, handsome, I dated and took advantage of them. We are still friends after all that. I am honestly still shocked they are willing to help me after all the troubles I put them through.”

“I see. You mentioned you took advantage of them. For Suu Jin, there had been a lot of rumors and even from the idol prince himself about your relationship. Care to explain?”

Gina turned away and rubbed her growing belly. Sighing, she nodded.

“I was poor growing up and so having money, I like to spend. When I met Jin and we got together, I couldn’t help buying all the nice things. Jin had no problem splurging on me. He is a wonderful boyfriend,” Gina laughed softly, “One time he took me on a boat ride across the ocean to that famous island where pigs were.”

She paused and her smile fell.

“Anything I wanted, Jin was willing to do. That was me taking advantage of his kindness, his love for me. Then I forced him to come with me and a friend of ours to a party from CEO Hosh…”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Gina. We can-”

“No, it is fine,” Gina swallowed and took a deep breath, “He drugged me and took advantage of my weakened state, and forced me to leave the country with him. I couldn’t tell Jin the truth. I couldn’t tell anyone the truth. I was embarrassed and angry at myself for not being smart enough, strong enough. I spent a lot of time depressed and hating myself, hating him. I am glad for my Manager, Oil. He was my rock during that whole time.”

“CEO Hosh was exiled out of the country. It was said Suu Jin helped support you during this time by letting you stay with him and also paying for the lawsuit,” Allie stated and Gina nodded.

“Yes, what a man, huh?” Gina smiled, “I am very happy.”

“Suu Jin sure is forgiving,” Allie commented, “Ah, then how did Xiong Shun come into your life?”

“We were on the Project Idol show. He was kind and reminded me of Suu Jin. We were friendly and then I told him we should date and we did. It… I…” Gina paused and furrowed her brows as she thought of what she was going to say.

“Shun is nice,” Gina continued softly, “He was right, our relationship is complicated because… I blackmailed him.”

Jin found his eyes widening as he turned to see Gina with his head hung low rubbing her stomach.

“I knew they were dating and I was jealous. That happiness, that love… They used to be mine. So I stole a picture from Shun and told him I would reveal to the world about their relationship. Of course, Xiong Shun loves Suu Jin so much, he was willing to do anything. What the world saw was a lie. Xiong Shun and I were never dating or in love. I am not Jinny, Suu Jin was Jinny.”

Gina sighed and looked at the camera.

“I know I messed up. I made it harder for them, but we are good again,” Gina laughed as tears fell down her eyes, “That is why, I wanted to carry their child.”

“Oh? The child in you is theirs?”

“Actually, they are twins,” Gina laughed, “Yes. These babies are Xiong Shun’s and Suu Jin’s.”

Shun had stood up with his mouth dropped and eyes wide. He… He was going to be a father?! With… Suu Jin?! His heart was beating fast and he hated not being able to remember anything in regards to Suu Jin. They both had agreed for a child? Were they married?!

Looking at his fingers, there was no ring or tattoo stating they belonged to one another.

“Ah Shun,” Jin spoke softly and he turned to him, “It would be alright. Come sit down.”

Shun slowly sat back down and Jin placed kisses to his face and he couldn’t help smiling. He pushed the pinkette away with a laugh and it eased the idol’s heart. Focusing on the television, people were talking about Suu Jin and his terrible attitude. It made Shun upset, more upset than he should feel with a stranger.

“You said you were a part of Suu Jin’s team when he just joined Manager Yaotzu?”

“Yes,” the female nodded, “He was young but so talented, but he was so angry. He was smiling and happy, but then offstage he was demanding. I remember handing him water and he said it wasn’t cold enough. He threw the glass against the wall and a piece of shard actually cut me. It was small and healed up, but it still traumatized me.”

Another person, one that worked with Jin when Gina left him.

“He drank a lot. Even when they weren’t dating, Suu Jin was drinking. Sometimes he would come to work drunk and slur his words. Manager Yaotzu was so angry. He actually wanted to drop Jin at one point. They had an argument and even got physical.”

“They fought?”

“Yeah, it was the first time I saw them that way. After that, Jin was away from a couple weeks.”

“Was that when the statement of Jin going on vacation during that time?” Allie questioned and the man nodded.

“Yeah. We have to save face, after all.”

There were a few more that showed Suu Jin in a bad light and Shun wanted to yell at them all. Then two men appeared on screen and he heard the confused sound from Jin. Turning to the pinkette, he had his brows furrowed and slight frown on his lips.

“Pengu and Yanny?” Heeang brightened happy to see his role models.

“Pengu and Yanny, thank you for taking you time for this interview,” Allie greeted, “Can you tell me about the rumors with your former member of 1Luv, Suu Jin. What is your relationship with him?”

The blue haired male looked to the freckled faced man.

“Suu Jin is a brat.”