Chapter 141 - So You Drank It (little Bit Of Smut :3)

Jin laughed and kissed him again, but this time the kiss made his hips jerk and his fingers gripped. Dear Lord did Suu Jin know how to kiss him into submission. His tongue was a sin. His fingers were death. Him, just being Suu Jin was a walking distraction of lust and pain. God, why did He create a being like Suu Jin!

“Baby,” Shun panted out as he shucked his bottoms off him, “I really, really, don’t like how you look so, so, ugh!”

“Ugly?” Jin nibbled his perked nipple as fingers gripped the other.

“Ah!” He cried and wiggled his hips in want.

“Disgusting?” The pinkette continued dragging teeth over his soft skin and he moaned ready for his lover.

“No, not that. You are just so beau- Ah! Oh God!”

Shun’s hips thrusted up and Jin relaxed his mouth more to take his lover’s cock inside him. His pink hair was gripped tightly as Shun thrusted into his lips. He winced from his throat being forced to open quickly, choking a bit from the force. Jin moved his dry finger to press into his lover’s pucker.

“Oh~ Yes!” Shun cried out before gritting his teeth.

Oh he missed Jin’s mouth on him and fingers in him. He wanted more. Everything. All that Suu Jin was forever!

“Ah~!” He cried out bucking into his lover’s hot mouth. Shun looked down and he groaned rocking his hips as Suu Jin sucked harder. When the pinkette pulled away, he watched the saliva and cum on his lover’s lips, sticky and wet. To think he was done coming, he was wrong. A couple spurt shot up and landed on Jin’s face… his beautiful face.

“Fuck,” Shun whispered in awe and arousal.

“Heh,” Jin smirked licking his lips, “I thought you don’t like that word, darling?”

Shun watched as his lover wiped the cum off that pretty face to suck it off those long fingers. His body wanted to cum again just from how debauched and perfect Jin was. He leaned down from the bed to where Jin was kneeling on the floor. In his hurry to connect their lips, he fell forward taking Jin down with him.

“You look so delicious,” Shun admitted and straddled Jin, feeling the erect cock against his hole.

“Baby,” Jin smiled and sat up to stare at his heated face, “The others will be here soon. We should prepare a meal.”



“Fine,” Shun sighed and smiled kissing his lover’s lips, “A quick blowjob?”

“Later,” Jin laughed and kissed him one more time before helping him to stand.

Shun was sad they couldn’t do more, but his lover was a perfect gentleman. He was sure if they ended up making love, they would be too occupied to host their friends or watch the reveal of them coming out together. Giggling to himself as Jin left to prepare the meal, he pulled up his pants and bit his lips.

“Guess no potion yet.”

“You are a child.”

‘Huh?! Witch?! I thought you were done being in my head!’

“I forgot to tell you there is a time limit and caught you wanting to do everything you can with Suu Jin’s cock.”

‘You- Ah!’ He wiped his reddened face, ‘What… What time limit?’

“On your 21st birthday, if you have not completed the mission… This world will die and you along with it.”


“It was already done before you go and bat that pretty eyes of yours,” the witch pouted, “You should be happy I told you now. You have time to prepare. Also, do make sure you watch your stats. Lack of training had dropped it.”

‘Alright. I’ll be sure to hit it before then.’

“And the potion? I am surprised you haven’t taken it.”

‘Why? Did you put something in there?’

“Mm, no. Just know you might not reach 21 at this rate with your nosebleed.”

‘I haven’t had one yet.’

“… Check your nose.”

Shun did and his eyes widened. Quickly rushing to the bathroom, he shut the door and leaned his head forward over the sink. He gripped the sides of the sink as he felt dizzy. Shutting his eyes, Shun tried to breath. In and out. In and out. He was fine. He would be fine. Nothing was wrong. He just needed to clean his nose and stuff tissues in it to stop the bleeding.

‘But then… Ah Jin would know what happened and… He’d think it was his fault!’ Shun cried inwardly already seeing his lover’s sad face and avoiding him again.

“Ah Shun?” Jin turned the door handle but it was locked, “Are you okay?”

“Uh,” Shun wanted to lie. He wanted to say he was fine. He locked the door because he was pooping, but he didn’t want to lie to Jin. Not anymore.

“My… My nose is bleeding again,” he admitted and the sound of the door handle was louder. Jin was upset and tried to open the door even harder. Shun found himself smiling before closing his eyes. Reaching his hand out, he unlocked the door and his sweet lover opened it quickly. His face was held and the feel of tissues were against his nose.

“Shun, open your eyes! Look at me!” Jin was shouting at him… well it sounded like shouting to him. Wait… When did he close his eyes? His head felt foggy and was… was that the witch’s voice? Was she trying to tell him something?

“Drink,” Shun whispered and Jin stared at his silver haired lover. Placing his lover to lean against the wall, Jin quickly went to get the potion. Uncorking it, he poured the purple liquid down his lover’s throat slowly. He still was not too accepting of what it was, but there was a lot that he didn’t understand.

The taste was like blueberries. Shun swallowed and swallowed until there was nothing left. Eyes still closed; his nose was pressed up against Jin’s curve of his neck. They stayed like that for a moment, before Jin realized he left the stove on cooking the vegetables.

“Can you stand?”

Shun nodded and was helped to astand, but held onto the pinkette. Jin was fine with it. He wanted Shun close to him so he coul help him somehow if something were to happen again. Holding Shun, he walked the to the kitchen, manuevering Shun to hug his back.

‘I feel weird…’

“So, you drank it,” the witch’s voice flowed in to his mind.


“Now your soul is mine.”