While the ladies were out doing their thing, Shun cleaned up Jin’s home.

His former team members of Symmony and Mix4U Boys had come to visit him. They watched movies and ate pizza together. It reminded him of good times and he was happy for that. It also gave him time to grill his friends this time!

“Ah Tae, I saw pictures of you and Star a lot. Where is that tea place? I want to take Jin there.”

“Oh,” the dancer looked at the picture on Shun’s phone, “She said it was somewhere downtown. She usually put where on the descriptions.”

“Ah, you two have gone to a lot of places together and she had been helping you out at the studio. She is very nice, isn’t she?”





Shun quirked his brow and the man just stared at him. He grinned and patted his friend on the shoulder, happy his friend was doing more than being stuck in the studio.

When he got the chance, he cleared his throat and sidled closer to Kaiden as they were washing the plates.

“Hey, Kaiden,” he smiled, “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course, Ah Shun,” the raven haired male smiled putting the plates away.

“Are you and Jenell… you know… dating?”

“Uh… Well,” Kaiden coughed into his fist, “We do like each other, but I haven’t asked her out yet. I will though… Don’t tell her, Shun.”

“Secret is safe with me~” Shun grinned and chuckled happily.

Then, the next two he really wanted to know about was his dear oldest friends. Wen Dong and Ping Ping. He was sure there was something going on between them. Almost as sure as his love for Suu Jin! He would bet on it!

So, when the two went into one of the rooms, he followed. The door was locked and Shun frowned and headed into Jin’s room. Finding the master key, he made sure his other friends were doing alright before going back to that room. Putting in the key and turning it, he opened the door slowly to find…

‘What the hell?!’

He walked in and quickly closed the door to lock it.

Ping had his shirt off with his face red and eyes shut. The boy’s fingers were gripping Wen Dong’s shirt. The pinkette was sitting on pantless lap and Shun felt his entire body was hot.

“You! What… What are you doing?! Ah Ping is still a baby! He isn’t old enough yet! Ah Dong! You terrible-”

“Eh? What is it?” Purple eyes blinked at him confused and Ping also had his eyes blinking at him innocently.

“You… Where are your pants?! Put them back on! How shameless could you be?! Oh gawd, if Suu Jin knew what you two were doing… Ah! I didn’t think I would see this happening,” Shun cried in despair and both boys blinked at him with furrowed brows.

“Oi, Shun, why you acting all weird,” Wen Dong sighed and patted the pinkette off him.

“Did you mark me? I didn’t feel it, Ah Dong.”

“I’ll mark you later. Your gege is having a panic attack.”

“I want it now,” Ping pouted and turned to Shun who was trying to pull him off of Wen Dong.

“Gege, I mark Ah Dong. Ah Dong mark me. It is alright.”

“But! Why?! Are you two together? If so, he better not have touched you… Ah! What am I saying? Ah Dong wouldn’t do that, right? Please tell me I am right but don’t lie to me either.”

Shun questioned looking back and forth, still unable get the pinkette off.

“Gege!” Ping Ping huffed, “Stop. Ah Jin and you mark each other! I want Ah Dong to mark me. If… If you don’t let us mark each other then I… I won’t let you and Ah Jin either!”


Shun saw the huff and Ping looking away from him. He frowned and looked at Wen Dong, really looked at him this time. Teeth marks were like tattoos on his friend’s legs and even some deeper ones on the thighs. He looked into his childhood friend’s purple eyes and the man shrugged out a sigh.

“You… are okay with this?”

“Why not? I love Baby Ping. You also know I can’t say no to him. I mean, look at how cute he is.”

Wen Dong cupped Ping Ping’s face and turned to him and Shun had to cover his eyes from the cuteness. Laughing, he nodded and headed to the door.

“I am happy for you two, you know. Wished you two would tell me sooner, though, but take care of each other. Okay?”

Shun smiled and left them in the room. He stood there for a moment, happy to see his friends were finding love, passion, and happiness. His smile wavered for a moment as the thought of that old witch with Prince Peter’s face had told him. How long was she willing to give him to stay here? He didn’t want this world to die.

“Suu Jin, what did you bring with you?”

Mikey asked and Shun perked up. He grinned and joined everyone at the living room. Once Jin, his damn generous self, gave thank you gifts of expensive alcohol and belts to everyone, Shun wrapped his arms around the idol prince and sighed into the hug. Jin kissed his lips and he smiled into it.

“Welcome home,” Shun whispered and his lover smiled, crinkling his eyes.

“Thank you, baby.”

Ah~ his heart was truly melting.

The rest of the day was wonderful. The girls had returned and the managers and Allie, anyone involved in the situation had come to Jin’s house to celebrate. Unfortunately, the lawyers weren’t there but Shun would definitely invite them over for dinner after everything was over.

They shared drinks and laughs and Shun just felt so full of warmth. He had been feeling this lately when he was around them all. Saying his goodbyes and hugging everyone, he watched them pull out of the gates. Gina was in the bath Jin got ready for her and Shun was in the kitchen, cleaning the glasses used.

Arms wrapped around him from behind and he felt kisses to the back of his head.

“Baby,” Jin sighed against his ear, “I love you.”


Author's Note:

Shun will be back in the spotlight soon enough~ But first, some good ol' domestic life.

Thank you everyone for continually supporting! <3

Next chap smut~*