
“You did. No matter what I tried to tell you, you still are in love with him. So now, Shun Nottingale, you have died again. The real Xiong Shun will return to his body and you will be safe, here with me.”

Shun… could not believe what he was hearing. What was Prince Peter saying to him? He died in his past life, didn’t he? But… what did Prince Peter meant saying he let him go to Xiong Shun’s body to find happiness? What did he mean he was dead again?

He couldn’t be dead again! They were in the middle of catching that predator and Suu Jin and he were going to be official and Gina was going to give birth in a couple months and-

“Ah! No, no no. no!” Shun pulled away and shouted, “Bring… bring me back! I can’t leave them. Please, Prince Peter, please.”

Prince Peter sighed and rubbed his head.

“Ah, I knew it was a bad idea,” the demeanor of Prince Peter changed into a more expressive one, “Ugh, that boy and his damn charms. Sigh~ I should have said no, but this old heart just couldn’t help myself.”

“Who are you?!” Shun backed up with his brows dipped, “You are NOT Prince Peter.”

The person that looked like the prince laughed and tsked. It only made Shun scowl harder.

“Oi, don’t look at me like that! I am an old lady after all. Come here,” the person waved him over, “I’ll let you stay a bit longer, but soon Xiong Shun would need to return to his body and I will destroy this idol world. Now, go have fun.”

Fingers touched his amulet and then everything was so bright, Shun squeezed his eyes tightly.

Blinking slowly, so slow he thought he was in a slow-motion movie. Everything was so blurry but the smell, the warmth holding him made his heart at ease. He recognized this smell, this hold, the fingers stroking his face.

His blue eyes cleared to see emerald eyes staring at him. He smiled and sighed, then lips touched his and the feeling along his limps came alive. A kiss placed to his forehead and he was helped to sit up. He looked around to see he was in Jin’s room.

“Are you alright?” Jin questioned softly.

“Yes,” Shin sighed and leaned over to press into his lover, holding him tiredly, “Did I… miss a lot?”

“Two days.”

“Two… days?”

“Yes. They caught Hosh, but his lawyers are fighting the sentence. He was not caught in the act, and the recordings are admissible in court. Allie had posted multiple articles on the situation and her interviews with other victims. Everyone returned home yesterday back to their work. Gina and Manager Oil are asleep.”

The pinkette paused for a moment and kissed his lips.

“You scared me,” Jin admitted, “Gina told me you just passed out a few seconds before I entered. You were cold, Ah Shun. I thought you died if it weren’t for the heartbeat.”

“I’m sorry,” Shun apologized and kissed his lover again, “I’m… tired. I’m going to sleep again, okay?”

Jin stroked his face and hummed his mother’s lullaby. Ah, that was right. How did Jin know his mother’s lullaby? Ah, he would ask more when he wakes. Right now, in Jin’s arms, he felt safe and protected.

For the next couple of days, Jin’s lawyers worked tirelessly to bring CEO Hosh to justice. The news articles, television, and videos were being made of the situation. Taemeng's live and those at the party who recorded the scene had gone viral. There were speculations, and even more females had spoken up about the situation and their experiences with Hosh.

Gina had finally told the public about her own story with the girls of Shinny Dolls.

“Excuse me, Miss. Gina, why have you not spoken up sooner?” A news reporter asked.

“I didn’t want the video to be released. I believed him. I believe he would. He had power and money. There was no way I could fight him, but I am thankful that my manager, Manager Oil, was willing to stay by my side. If he was not there… I don’t know if I would be here carrying my babies.”

More questions were asked, and Gina answered what she could. She told the audience she would be interviewed by Miss Allie, so maybe it would clear the questions then. Moving to sit down, she thanked Lisa who helped her. Once they were done speaking for the No Means No cause, the girls filed into the car waiting for them.

“Are you feeling alright? Eating well?” Star questioned Gina.

“Yes, yes,” Gina sighed, “You’ve all been asking me all day already. I just want to sleep to be honest. Hmm… maybe eat some icecream.”

“Geez, Gina, those twins in you sure likes ice cream. You sure they aren’t Shun’s?” Jenell quirked her brow with a grin.

“Ha Ha,” the pregnant female mocked with a frowned, “You already know it isn't. That boy didn’t even let me touch him. He is too loyal to Suu Jin. Did you know? When we kissed in public and then got home, he would brush his lips and mouth washed twice! My kisses aren’t that bad, you know!”

The girls laughed and Gina grinned grabbing Lisa’s face. Her eyes widened and Gina kissed her. When the pregnant woman pulled away, she searched the surprised face with red cheeks on Lisa and laughed.

“Good, right?”

“You… What the heck?!” Lisa screeched and the girls laughed so hard, they were crying with tears. They didn't fully trust the female, but it was funny to see their flustered sister.

Leaving their car, they went shopping for baby items and clothes. Gina didn’t want to hold a baby shower, there were not many friends or any family she knew of. So, choosing to just do a gender reveal with everyone was good enough. She would let her fans know afterwards.

Speaking of fans, she did lose some and that made her upset, but then it rose higher than she expected. It must have been because people understood her, Shinny Dolls involvement, and Suu Jin’s assistance that she still had some form of visibility.

She wasn’t on top, but that was alright.

Who needed the top anyways? It would only burn her face and she needed her face.

She had to stay pretty after all.