“Geez, braver than I thought,” Manager Bon sighed and patted his shoulder, “Alright, go on. It’s in the freezer. Strawberry Ice cream. Be sure to give me a scoop.”

“Yes!” Shun jumped up and ran to the freezer, causing Kaiden and Mikey to laugh.

The girls of Shinny Dolls came over and huddled around Manager Bon. They’ve known her for a couple years and they were glad they had the female as their manager. The older female wrapped her arms around them and Mikey came over to snap a pic. Jenell chased after the lanky boy who refused to show the picture. Kola went to Taemeng and were rapping freestyle for fun. Star listened and cheered along with Kaiden. Heeang was with Xiong Shun who was scooping ice cream for everyone.

Heeang took the bowl with a scoop and a spoon, heading to their manager. Of course, Mikey had to bump into him and of course, the ice cream landed on his head. Why his head?! It was like a target or something?!

“Ah! Sorry Ah Ang!” Mikey quickly ran to get paper towels to help wipe off the mess, but Heeang ignored him and grabbed another bowl to bring to their manager.

“Here you go, Manager Bon. Thank you for all your help,” He bowed and made sure to hold the bowl on his head. Pulling it away, the ice cream slipped back into the bowl and he walked with a straight face to the sink. Everyone was staring at him, but Heeang walked calmly to the bathroom to wash up.

With the shower turned on and stripped out of his clothes, he sat in the tub and cried. He tucked his knees to his chest and cried as softly as he could. Water splashed on him and he could feel the coolness of the ice cream slipping off his head. He hated being the laughingstock, the ridiculous one, the one everyone hated!

It wasn’t his fault that he was just the way he was!

It wasn’t his fault that stupid Mikey was being so STUPID!

Squeezing his eyes shut and pulling his hair, he huffed and cleaned himself up. Once he finished, he stepped out of the bath to realize the towels that were in the bathroom were used and not replaced. Groaning, he opened the door to peek out, only to see Mikey standing there with a towel outstretched to wrap around him. Heeang glared and frowned, but accepted the wipe down and wrap of the towel.

Rolling his eyes as Mikey carried him to the room, he was still mad at his friend, even if the lanky boy was apologizing the entire time.

While on the couch, Shun was ignoring the spoiled Heeang. That boy was treated as a damn prince by Mikey, and it wouldn’t take long for them to be all cuddly again. He was currently watching a rerun of the performance of his good friends on television. Ah, Ping Ping is still so adorable and he missed him dearly. Wen Dong… His childhood friend looked really good with his makeover!

He cheered when they finished, standing with his heart full of proudness. Kaiden, who had gone online, aimed at him and Shun grinned with love fingers. He wrapped an arm around Taemeng who was smiling softly into the camera. Jenell had also went online and they were filming one another, laughing and going into one another’s live video. Their fans and audience were spreading lots of love and happiness. Then a name popped up on Kaiden’s live and the older male chuckled. Sending the link to the person, the video showed the boys of Mix4U Boys.

Shun, who was still watching his friends backstage after the performance that night, heard the voice of his friends and he pushed his way to the front of the mobile. Kaiden who was laughing, handed him the phone and he greeted his old friends.


“Ah Shun!” “Shun!” Gege!”

Everyone was talking and Shun was laughing wiping at his eyes. He missed them and he could not help staring at them as they tried talking to him.

“Hey, hey,” Wen Dong calmed his groupmates with a laugh, “Okay, one at a time. Baby Ping, you go first.”



Shun listened to the boy talk happily and brightened up even more when he saw the girls of Shinny Dolls, but the excitement quickly quieted down when green eyes saw Lisa.

“Ping Ping, hello. It is nice to see you. Ah Jin spoke a lot about you.”


“Eh? Ping Ping, don’t be rude,” Shun tried keeping his smile on.


Wen Dong let out a nervous laugh and rubbed Ping’s curly pink hair.

“Ah Tee and Marik, you two next, here,” Wen Dong handed them the phone. While the two boys were talking and taking turns, what good boys they were, he grabbed the pinkette’s face. Quirking a brow, he stared at Ping who was frowning.

“Stop it.”

“But that is Lisa! And Ah Jin-”

“Is a big boy. He can do what the hell he wants. You, Ping Ping, is cute and lovely and loves everyone, right?”


“At least try. Remember, Master Quang said it is good if we invite them to the party. Then you can finally see your gege again. You want that, right?”

The boy nodded.

“Then be nice or I will make you wear that baby shirt again.”

“No!” Ping whined and wrapped his arms around his good friend, “I don’t like that baby shirt!”

“Then be nice.”

“Fine!” He pouted and sighed with a smile when Wen Dong pressed a kiss to his forehead.

“Now, apologize.”

Wen Dong grinned and was given the phone back and he grinned seeing his childhood friend.

“Ah Dong!” Shun called out, “I love ice cream!”

“Eh? Aren’t you allergic though…” Wen Dong whispered and Ping pushed himself into the screen.

“Gege! You will get sick! No more ice cream!” Ping frowned and Shun looked shocked.

“Eh?! No! Didi! I love ice cream!” Shun held his bowl of ice cream close to his chest.

“Ah Shun.”

Ping frowned and Shun pouted glancing at the look of the pinkette and his ice cream. Wen Dong laughed and changed the subject by greeting everyone.

“Wow, you all are so pretty,” Wen Dong grinned, “Ah, how lucky Symmony are to be there with Shinny Dolls.”

“Super lucky!” Mikey called out piggy backing Heeang as he joined everyone on the couch.

“We are lucky as well,” Lisa smiled.

“You better be,” Ping frowned before the pinch at his side from Wen Dong made him let out a laugh, “I would be lucky too being there with everyone too!”

Shun quirked a brow and narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

“Oh! Hey, ya’ll should come to the afterparty here at Mono J! It would be fun,” Wen Dong offered and his friends pleaded with the other groups, “We could go live there, right everyone?”

Hearts spread flooded the screen and Shun looked over at Manager Bon who was pursing her lips. The female manager received a call and picked it up. A few exchange and she looked over at them and nodded her head. Everyone was excited and could not wait to meet.

A couple hours later, Suu Jin had finished the day and was currently washing up. Walking out of the restroom shirtless, he yawned and saw Manager Yaotzu on the phone. The man pointed to the paper plate and the bottled protein shake on the table. Sighing, he ate the small chicken breast and side salad, then drank the bottle.

‘Ah, I miss Shun’s cooking…’