Nancy smiled helplessly, knowing that since she was a part of Charles’ life, the rumors about them would never stop.

At this point, Nancy had already accepted that, but this time around, she couldn’t understand what was happening.

While Charles had always been overbearing and arrogant, he had always been kind to her.

She thought back to that one night he was cruel to her. ‘Had he ever been that awful to anyone else?’ she wondered.

Thoughts of Charles filled her mind as she walked towards her office.

Her steps wobbled as she walked. Steadying herself, she decided that it must be because she was tired.

Taking a seat in her office, she turned on her phone and opened WeChat. Browsing through her notifications, she noticed there were many comments from Doris. "Nancy, has Charles abandoned you? Or is Charles just playing around with that woman to spite you?" Doris asked in one of the comments.

She still had no idea what Doris was talking about. As she was typing a message to her to ask, she received a picture from Doris.

In the picture was Charles having lunch with a woman in a restaurant. Nancy was frozen as she looked at the photo. What was going on?

What was Charles thinking?

Charles had always been fon

meet her?" Frederic’s brows wrinkled in confusion. He couldn’t believe that his cocky and rebellious grandson would relent to Angelina like this.

The more he thought about the situation, the more he couldn’t figure it out.

"It’s normal for a man to want a beautiful and tender woman. Don’t you agree, Father?" Angelina asked. The thought of Charles and Christine delighted her.

"Humph! Isn’t she much prettier than Nancy?" she continued. Frederic grunted in disagreement.

"Christine is pure and innocent, while Nancy had a child before she was even married. How can Nancy even compare?" Angelina frowned.

"Is that a valid reason to dislike her?" Frederic challenged.

"It’s not just that. There’s also her family background…" she defended.

"The Fu family doesn’t need any more money!" Frederic reasoned with an exasperated sigh.

"Father, you didn’t approve of her earlier. What changed? Why are you taking her side? Do you want her to marry into our family? Don’t you care that she had a child before marrying?" she questioned him angrily.

"She’s not my first choice for Charles, but he seems serious about her. If we continue to go against him, what if he…" Frederic frowned and stopped himself from saying anything more.