Chapter 199 Gentleness Is The Best Weapon For Women

However, the two children kept Nancy's unintentional words in mind.

Therefore, now she was left with a new problem. And the problem that she had to face every day was like,

"Mommy, are you busy now?"

"Mommy, when will you stop working?"

As soon as she came back from work, Bobby and Nadia would ask her the same question again and again.

This made her exhausted. She never thought that her words would put her into such trouble.

Of course, Charles was quite happy to see that.

It seemed that the two kids were forcing her to marry him.

What tormented Nancy even more was that the two children kept asking, "Mommy, is there a little baby in your belly? Soon, the month will be over, when you'll be giving us a little brother or sister!"

Nancy was just speechless. "Kids, Mommy, is still preparing..."

"What are you preparing?" Nadia asked eagerly.

"Now, no baby wants me to be his or her mother. In other words, no baby wants your father to be his or her father," Nancy explained lamely.

ey, what do you prefer to eat? I'll cook for you myself."

At first, Doris looked at him in confusion, thinking that he was just on a whim.

"Are you out of your mind, Jay?" asked Doris, disdainfully.

At this time, Jay raised his hand and swore, "Honey, I'm absolutely not crazy. I sincerely feel that my wife is the most important woman in the family. So it's my responsibility to take good care of you. And of course, I'm willing to do it!"

Hearing his words, Doris burst into laughter.

"Good boy!" As she spoke, she gave a sweet kiss to Jay.

It was such a simple move and it attracted him so much that he became more diligent to serve her.

Finally, Doris knew what it meant to say that gentleness was the best weapon for women.

Well, gentleness was indeed much easier to use than toughness!

Therefore, as long as she wanted something, all she did was to say in a gentle voice, "Honey, can you help me?"

Hearing her soft voice melted him in ways no song ever could. How could he refuse her?