Chapter 921

Etiquette is that after the civilized society enters a certain standard, different forms of etiquette have been formulated for a variety of reasons, which has become a code of conduct on a certain occasion.

No one is born with knowledge and reason. Only when they are born with knowledge and practice will they know what rules to abide by on what occasions.

In short, the code of conduct of the Han people is formed the day after tomorrow. They don't cross the line is based on what kind of punishment they will encounter after crossing the line.

All kinds of legal rules restrict what can be done and what punishment will be given to what kind of things are done, which makes the Han people observe the social environment of order.

Officials and people with a certain degree of titles have stayed in the palace city since last night. In previous years, they only participated in the new year's palace city activities. This year, because Liu Yan's day of becoming emperor was chosen on the first day of the lunar new year, they waited for the beginning of the ceremony in the palace city.

Miyagi does not lack a place to rest, but few people slept last night.

Officials with certain responsibilities for the ceremony need to be busy for the day, repeatedly confirm certain links, and ensure that there can be no mistakes.

Most people who are not responsible are extremely excited. Due to the excited state and the environment, they prefer to chat with people all night rather than spend their time sleeping.

At three o'clock in the morning, a group of palace maids in Miyagi walked at night with lanterns. The loud female officials shouted at what time, the sleeping people got up and prepared for busy grooming, and the sleepless people also went to groom for their own preparations.

Before the appearance of white fish in the East, everything that should be ready has been ready.

Last night's Chang'an city was also a sleepless city. In fact, the annual Chinese New Year's Eve is a sleepless night for Han people. It is a custom to watch the night. The people who sleep are usually the elderly and children. Even if the adults are bored, they will not sleep.

It is said that the Nian beast in ancient times will come out to eat people on the last day of each year. It is not safe to burn bonfires and make explosions to scare the Nian beast. Someone needs to be on duty all night. Once danger is found, it is good to warn people to resist or avoid, and the custom of new year's Eve vigil has been handed down.

As early as after midnight last night, people came to the square outside Miyagi.

Every night in the Palace Square, the stone lamp stand will be lit up. There is no lack of light in the square. People will not go close to the city wall or palace gate, or even step on the walkway. They or their family choose a place to sit down, or get together with people they know.

As more and more people come to Miyagi square, the space naturally becomes crowded, so people can't sit down leisurely and have to stand up.

The palace city is on duty every night, including the square and walls. The most heavily guarded are the palace gates.

The forbidden guards did not drive away the people who came, not only during the new year, but also during the day, as long as they were not close to the palace city within a hundred meters, but they were not allowed to come at night.

Chinese New Year's Eve is special. People's coming to the Palace Square is considered to be the behavior of the king and the people. People are no longer restricted from coming to the square at night, but they still can't be close to within 100 meters.

At four or five o'clock in the morning, Miyagi square, including Qinglong Avenue facing the east of Miyagi, was a sea of people.

No one goes to make a loud noise, but even if you speak at a normal volume, too many people will make a loud noise, like the "buzzing" sound made by a large group of bees.

After the appearance of white fish in the East, the city gate on the left side of the palace gate was slowly opened in a loud "creak" sound.

The first to come out of the palace gate were groups of forbidden guards. They stood one person per meter along the corridor, forming a cordon composed of soldiers.

After the palace gate was opened, the people who were talking were quiet. Everyone looked forward to the palace city.

About half an hour later, the main door and the right door of the palace gate were slowly opened in a loud "creak". People outside looked inside and could see the standing procession in full dress.

I don't know who was the first to shout out the first cheers, and then someone followed. The scene soon sounded the cheers of mountains and tsunamis.

It was in the cheers that Ji Chang and Xu Zheng walked out of the Palace door side by side, and the people behind them followed.

Those who came out from the front door were all wearing Marquis level crown clothes. In the early days, they were princes' formal clothes. The biggest difference between the style and the crown clothes of the son of heaven was in the crown and ribbon, and then in the chapter pattern and pattern. Generally, there was no big difference.

Not many people had been granted Marquis earlier. Today, many people lined up in Marquis coronal clothes. Some people have an odd number. There are as many as 37 people, more than 20 more than the Marquis he knew before.

In the past, Liu Yan was very stingy with the marquee. The main credit for participating in the destruction of the enemy country was the foundation of the marquee, resulting in the very limited number of marquees.

Today, those who are not Marquis but can walk in the queue in Marquis coronal clothes also benefited from the main credit in a war to destroy the enemy country, but they must have more water than those who were granted marquis in the past.

Today's Han Dynasty is more cautious in granting Marquis than previous dynasties, which also doomed the Marquis's wealth and weight.

For example, when the Western Han Dynasty was founded, there were eight kings with different surnames, and there were as many as 145 princes in Che and Guannei.

Liu Bang's designation of Wang and Marquis with different surnames is not based on merit. For example, Zhang Liang, one of the three outstanding heroes in the early Han Dynasty, ranked 62nd. Han Xin, who laid down half of Liu Bang, ranked 21st. Xiao he ranked first, but Xiao He is Liu Bang's local party, and Cao Shen, Zhang Ao, Zhou Bo, fan Kuai, etc. are all ranked in the top 10, The other two LV Ze and LV Shizhi, who laid half of the country for Liu Bang and even took charge of logistics, simply hung their tails.

According to the theory of the contribution to the unification of the dynasty, the contribution to the founding of the Western Han Dynasty is not based on the contribution, but on the distance. Only when the ranking of the founding heroes of the Eastern Han Dynasty is based on the point spectrum. Some separatist regimes generally look at the distance, and even Sima family, who reunited the world, also adopts the distance.

Liu Yan is a loner. Even if he wants to be distant and close relatives, he can't do it. He adopts a strict credit theory, but he doesn't rank.

In fact, today's Han country still has merit ranking, but it is not Liu Yan's ranking, but an unofficial recognition.

It seems that the queue in line is based on the recognition. Ji Chang and Xu Zheng go side by side. The Hussars general and the imperial envoy doctor are in the second queue. The general of the fourth expedition and the millet internal history, imperial servants, major officials and Tingwei of Jiuqing are in the third queue. The fourth queue is the rest of Jiuqing's official positions, followed by the rest. The whole queue consists of five rows.

If Liu Yan wants to be emperor, he must send a big gift package. Three gongs and nine Qings have not been marquees before. As long as they don't really have no credit foundation, they are all marquees today.

Like those who enjoy the big gift bag, there are some people who lack credit. They may be a little less than a distance to be granted a marquis or a Duke of Jin. The key is that Liu Yan's claim to the emperor must be celebrated all over the world, and those who lack credit to be a Duke of Jin are promoted during the evaluation.

The whole Chang'an city was filled with the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami. The sound waves rolled up and spread out and resounded through the mountains and rivers.

The officials and dignitaries who came out of the palace stepped on the Qinglong Avenue and enjoyed the cheers and attention from the people. Everyone had a proud expression.

They are indeed proud to expel the tartar prisoners, recover the Han family, retaliate against all races that have hurt the Han family, and carry out the spiritual and physical extinction of the Jie family. The killing and integration of the rest of the Hu prisoners created another prosperous era of the Han family.

It's just that we should be proud to recover the old land of the Han family and restore our glory. Then we killed the old land to open up new territories, conquered countless foreign nationalities, and achieved the eastern territory of the Empire. In the daytime, the western territory is night, so that the Empire will always have a territory under the sunshine, creating an era of constant sun belonging to the Han people. Can't we be a little proud?

Officials and dignitaries walked to the temple of heaven. About half an hour later, the cheers that rang through the whole city were covered by the ringing of the bell.

The bell was sounded at the same time. The source of the sound was the palace city and every high place in the city.

In fact, those bell towers will also be sounded at ordinary times, mainly used to tell the whole time of the day. If they are invaded, they will also be sounded.

Today, there will be 108 bells ringing in unison, not only Chang'an, but also every county in the Han Dynasty. As long as the clock tower is installed, it will ring 108, which can be regarded as a sign that all Han people have the "emperor" with the dual identity of emperor and Emperor again.

From a long time ago to a long time later, people living in this land have always been inseparable from "those who control the world".

It is the "emperor", not the "son of heaven" or "emperor" of a single identity, and there can only be one "emperor".

When the bell rang, there was only the sound of the bell in the whole country.

At that moment, everyone was filled with emotion. Some people with special sensibility had wet eyes. They had waited for their own "emperor" with the dual identity of the emperor and the emperor for too long.

Liu Yan said that from the moment of the emperor, it represented that the Han people had their own guardian, and he did fulfill the responsibility of eliminating and expelling the Hu prisoners.

Liu Yan, who was called the son of heaven early, ascended to the pole after a lapse of nine years (the son of heaven in the third year of Yuanshuo).

If the emperor was the guardian of the Han people, Liu Yan regarded the emperor's work as a whip of an alien race.

The current Han state was conquering and opening up to the outside world as early as possible, but in Liu Yan's view, it was just a small fight. The army swept all the way to the West until it reached the end of the western world. It would be carried out in his career as emperor.

The bell rang every two seconds and stopped nearly four minutes later.

At the palace gate, the forbidden guards appeared again. In front of him was a burly man. He held high the flag of nine birds. Behind him were teams of equally burly forbidden guards.

The totem of the nine headed bird is the totem of Lao Liu's family. The standardized title is "King flag", which is also in line with the practice inherited from civilization and takes birds as the totem.

After the army square on foot, the knight square on horseback came out of the palace gate.

Each knight is wearing the latest style of plate armor, with a bright red cloak behind him. The mounts are also wrapped in vests. They are armor mounted with a square array.

The sound of neat steps was added to the sound of equally neat hoofs, and the onlookers held their breath and waited for the most solemn moment.

Liu Yan rode on the chariot wearing a twelve chapter crown suit. The appearance of the frame made the people who had been brewing burst out the voice of "ten thousand years" with all their strength.

The cry of "ten thousand years" appeared from the palace city and spread to the whole city. The wave of sound swept the vast world one after another.

When the chariot passed, the people on both sides knelt down and worshipped, and still shouted the word "ten thousand years".

Kneeling is not an official requirement, and no one at the scene commanded the people to kneel. It is in today's special day, with a solemn atmosphere and feelings, no one asked to make such a move.

On non major ceremonial occasions, Han people's knees are not so soft. People kneel down to worship Liu Yan today. Is it about a way to express obedience to authority?

Liu Yan, who was in a kneeling position, kept his eyes fixed on the front, and the expression on his face was blocked by "Diao".

When the cry of "ten thousand years" was shouted out, people everywhere knew that Liu Yan's chariot had left the palace city. People who performed their duties raised 120000 spirit and waited for Liu Yan's chariot to reach the position of the temple of heaven.

The temple of heaven is the east city built in the city. Its construction is not only used for today's emperor worship ceremony, but also used for holding heaven worship ceremony if subsequent successors ascend to the pole.

After Liu Yan came here, what he saw was still a sea of people. He walked up the steps to the top of the temple of heaven, turned to see the officials and dignitaries standing at the bottom, looked at the foreign envoys on one side, and nodded to Jichang, who had been waiting long ago.

In Zhuxia, there was a link in major ceremonies, that is, the step of "burning watches".

There was a huge four legged tripod at the scene. The tripod was rectangular and burning inside. Today, many dishes, utensils and objects will be thrown in.

Ji Chang may have been too excited and worked hard to force his trembling to be less serious. He took a deep breath and began his duty.

"Since ancient times, emperors have been around the world to control barbarians. Barbarians live outside China to serve China. They have never heard of barbarians living in China to control the world.

Since the transfer of Jin Zuo, Hu captives have taken over China, and they have failed to surrender all over the world. This is not manpower, but a gift from heaven. At that time, the emperor was bright and the subjects were good enough to guide the world. However, people with lofty ideals still sighed that their titles and deeds were inverted

... the imperial court is the foundation of the world; Rites and righteousness are the great defense of the world.

If he acts like that, how can he be trained in the world and later generations!

And his descendants sank into famine, lost the way of kings and ministers, and exercised the exclusive power of the prime minister. The Constitution and Taiwan complained, and there was drug abuse. Therefore, the people rebelled, and the soldiers all over the world rose, which made our Chinese people lose their hearts and minds, and the bones and flesh of the living are not guaranteed. Although it is caused by personnel, it is also the time when Heaven hates their virtue and abandons it... "