Chapter 525

Due to the low productivity, a country consumes too much and too much. In the era of cold weapons, few countries can raise too many unproductive soldiers in non wartime. Basically, they will be recruited gradually only when the war begins.

Liu Yan's need to maintain a standing army of 200000 troops without production is actually the limit that the Han state can afford. No matter how much, he is likely to be unable to live, and this is still under systematic help.

200000 troops, if the young and strong soldiers are temporarily recruited, although the number is large, it is just that. If the military strength of 200000 is perennial, it will not be a big problem for this number of troops to sweep any country except for training.

In the past few years, the trainees have carried out systematic and standardized training for 200000 standing troops. During this period, they will be matched to fight. A real elite will certainly be born, and Liu Yan will be able to take the next step.

By the way, the 200000 standing army is not included in the system force, but because of the great consumption of national strength, most of the "summoned" by Liu Yan are used for production. In fact, the number of system forces has never exceeded 40000.

There is nothing wrong. The consumption of Han has been very large, from grain and fodder to various resources. If Liu Yan hadn't had the golden finger of system, he couldn't support it at all.

After several years of support, the early consumption and normal production are almost gone. That's why Liu Yan agreed to the state to start cultivating students and raising interest. Otherwise, he would still choose to continue to fight wantonly with his personality.

Sang Yu, who once managed the civil affairs of the whole country, knows better than anyone what the state reserves are. The storage of grain and fodder has reached the warning line. On the contrary, there are a mountain of military supplies and equipment.

"... the reason why it is said that there will be small-scale wars is that it is imperative to invade the southwest Peninsula in addition to continuing to fight with Shijie and Murong Xianbei in the north." Liu Yancai will never forget that the southwest peninsula is an excellent grain producing area: "Yu's family wants to invade Linyi. They are the vanguard of the Han Dynasty's march to the southwest peninsula."

Previously, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty purchased grain from Lin Yi state or Funan state more than once. It could buy a large amount of grain from the two countries with only a small amount of copper money.

The climate of the southwest peninsula is very favorable for the growth of plants. People there still live by slash and burn... Wrong, simply throw seeds indiscriminately, or don't throw seeds at all. Anyway, they live on God's reward. They don't have to produce and starve. They can produce exaggerated output with a little effort.

Grain can be purchased from two countries in the southwest Peninsula, which is one of the reasons why the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was rarely short of grain. In view of the fact that the climate of the southwest peninsula was beneficial to grain production, the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was unable to go north and then expanded to the southwest. They went farther than the western and Eastern Han Dynasties, and almost hit the coastline of the Indian Ocean.

When it comes to Yu's outward development, Yu Yi has just had a new discussion, that is, what he talked about before is invalid. Although he is still a vassal, the land laid by Yu still belongs to the central management.

Liu Yan has not given Yu Yi a formal reply, but he has thought a lot. When the topic involved the southwest Peninsula, he put forward some preliminary ideas.

"Ah? Each family can buy seagoing ships to go to sea. They can explore alone or jointly?"

"The land explored can limit the time for horse racing and enclosure. The resources in the territory will be owned by the family within how many years, and will be bought back by the state after the time limit?"

"It's not limited to the southwest peninsula. If it's found at sea, it's the same?"

The identity of those who can come to meet Liu Yan is not low. Even if there is no family before, sooner or later a family will develop. Families need resources to develop. The more powerful families use more resources, which is destined to erode the national strength of the country and form a batch of national moths.

Making his family better and stronger is the nature of all species, and Liu Yan can't and can't stop it. He has witnessed the rise and fall of China in history. In all dynasties, there were too many national moths, which either eroded the country into thousands of square holes or made the people miserable.

The development of families needs resources. However, all families in China exploit internally, and there is no example of plundering overseas resources for development. Liu Yan hopes that this phenomenon will end in his generation. It is to look for resources outside, not just in the country.

It is difficult to deal with the northern model of plundering with a single family or multiple families. After all, the North has been occupied by fierce Hu people for thousands of years, and the national power is often on the defensive. How can the people have enough power to shake it.

The southwest peninsula is different. Compared with the fierce horseback nationality, there are no powerful nationalities in the southwest. The obstacle to plundering there is the natural environment, but the southwest can take whatever it wants as long as it can overcome the bad natural environment.

"I have sent a fleet to explore continuously. There are only Lin Yi and Fu Nan in the southwest, and there are no other countries." Liu Yan continued in a seductive tone: "there is not only rich in food, but also jade, jade, pearls, agate and tortoiseshell... The number of treasures is far beyond Zhu Qing's imagination. I am willing to share this treasure house with all your loved ones."

It's no lie. Although the southwest peninsula is still in the semi barbaric and semi bronze age, it's because the people who founded the country there are too waste firewood and don't understand how to develop and utilize it. It doesn't mean that the resources there are not rich enough.

The southwest Peninsula has the second largest silver mineral storage in Asia and the fourth largest coal mine storage in Asia. It is also very rich in gold minerals. The reserve of jadeite loved by Chinese and Miao people is the first in the world.

Liu Yan wants to break the cycle of exploitation in the territory and let those guys not think about harming the people all the time. It is ideal to use the southwest Peninsula as a bait.

The main thing is that the country is still the main force to expand northward and westward, so as to fight through the world island one day. The southwest Peninsula and many islands can become folk Adventure Parks, so as to accumulate enough experience for the development of other continents after the unification of the world island by the Han state in the future.

Another reason is that whether it is the southwest Peninsula or various islands, they have never been the cradle of hegemony, that is, who has overall control and has the intention to develop a country. This country is also ruled by a group of lazy and heinous races. The only slightly ferocious race is the product of the hybridization of local aborigines and Chinese Miao people.

"The king said, there is another one here..." Ji Chang rarely spoke in an excited tone: "one... Malacca? As long as you can find this place, you can make the great man set out from the sea and directly land on the boundary of the once resting empire."

Few people can understand what Ji Chang is excited about, and even don't know what the Sabbath empire is.

People who know Liu Yanzhi's direction become excited when they hear it. After all, if they go all the way from land to the west, it's enough to drink a pot in desert and swamp areas alone. It's far better to be able to invade directly across the sea than by land.

Liu Yan coughed a few times. He thought it was still far to mention the unification of the world island. It was better to take care of the reality in front of him.

If the remnants of the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty were cleaned up, the state of Han would be slightly larger than that in the Northern Song Dynasty. The destruction of Shijie Zhao and Murong Yan would only restore the territory of the early Western Han Dynasty, and there was a huge western region waiting to be recovered.

The size of the territory is only the basis of development, and the number of people is ambitious... Well, it is ambitious. Anyway, if Liu Yan wants to unify the world island, the Han country must have at least 200 million people. At present, there are no more than 16 million people in the Han Dynasty.

If we look at the history of world population, the current global population is about 120 million. This is mainly because after nearly 200 years of war in China, less than 20 million remained from 65 million. In addition, wars broke out in Rome, Parthia and other countries.

Now the most populous place is the Indian subcontinent, which has been divided into hundreds of States since the collapse of the Peacock Dynasty. During this period, the kusana Dynasty rose, but the kusana Dynasty soon disappeared in the long river of history. At present, there are hundreds of states in the Indian subcontinent, with a total population of more than 45 million.

It has to be said that according to the records of world population history, China has not won the Indian subcontinent in terms of population in the whole 700 years since the five chaos in China. It did not surpass the Indian subcontinent until the Northern Song Dynasty. However, the Southern Song Dynasty perished and did not surpass the Indian subcontinent again until the middle of the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, apart from the Peacock Dynasty, the Indian subcontinent has never been a complete country. King xuance of the Tang Dynasty invaded India by the Tibetan army. The so-called destruction of the country is actually the destruction of a "state", not the whole Indian subcontinent. This must be clearly distinguished.

The establishment of modern India is not their own efforts. Even if they make efforts, they are also trying to go on a hunger strike. It is not the use of force, but the demand of hunger strike and protest.

After the collapse of the British colonial system, more than 100 countries in various regions of the world were independent or still linked to the Commonwealth system. Before Britain withdrew from the Indian subcontinent, the colonies on the Indian subcontinent were divided into India and Pakistan. In desperation, they did not have any good intentions to create a disputed area of Kashmir, and their means of differentiation were also slapped in the face by Assad. For example, behind the enclave of Pakistan, India forced them to become independent.

It was not only Britain that was beaten in the face by ah San. Not long after Liu Yan crossed, ah San sent troops to invade the territory of Tian1 Dynasty. However, just like the jadeite country bombing Tian1 Dynasty, Tian1 Dynasty faced ah San's invasion... MMP's "ha ha" two words that are so profound that they can extend countless ideas can represent everything.

Liu Yan turned the southwest peninsula into a family paradise, which soon aroused heated discussion after they dispersed.

In fact, this is not the first time in Chinese history. It was at the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty that some sites were first set aside to make domestic families revel. At that time, the king of Zhou gave a rough reward to meritorious officials. Pointing to the map, he said, "this land belongs to family X and that land belongs to family O. the xxoo took people to fight it down by themselves, that's the xxoo family". That's how the territory expansion of Chinese Miao people in the early spring and Autumn period came from.

The history of the spring and Autumn period is not difficult to check. Sang Yu was the first to release news in order to atone for his sins. For example, Liu Yan wanted to follow the example of Zhou Dynasty and set aside land to give each family a development opportunity. He not only released the news, but also called all aristocratic families. He waited for the aristocratic families with enough weight to come together. According to Liu Yan's will, he went outside to do all kinds of evil, not staring at the meat at home.

"Is it the king's land in the world..." Cui Wan was embroidering and saw that the clothes were for children. She hesitated and asked Liu Yan, "is this really good?"

It was snowing heavily. Liu Yan couldn't walk around any more. Apart from holding the court meeting or summoning ministers for face-to-face business, or staying in the harem cat winter.

The speed of news transmission is fast and slow. If you can feel the good news, if you intend to spread it, the speed of transmission is very amazing. Liu Yan moved his eyes from the book to Cui Wan, smiled and said, "your family asked you to ask?"

Cui Wan doesn't hide that the Cui family are of course interested in going to the southwest peninsula. It should be said that as long as they are a little powerful families, they are very interested. After all, the news about the southwest peninsula is a treasure house is that Liu Yan said it. As a king, Liu Yan has to be more responsible than anyone and can't be easily deceived.

"Is it the king's land?" Liu Yan didn't say that whoever occupied the land would be able to establish the country independently. No matter who occupied the land, it was still the land of the Han state. He smiled and said, "the country gets the land, and all families get the benefits. If Cui is interested, he should hurry up. Step by step is fast. Don't wait for others to eat dry and wipe clean."

Cui Wan, who got the answer, was not very happy. She said waxily, "shen'er..."

"What happened to shen'er?" Liu Yan went out in a word and responded: "don't think too much."

Liu Yan now has only one son and is still the real eldest son. Under the orderly human relations, Liu Shen is a well deserved candidate for the crown prince. He didn't know whether he should be pleased that Cui Wan thought of the interests of the king's office or worried that Cui Wan had taken it for granted that Liu Shen should inherit everything and protect food.

The state wants to cultivate students and raise interest. Liu Yan delimits the southwest peninsula for families to toss about. First, there can be no accidents in China, and then try this model to see if it works. He expects to cultivate students and rest for only five years. Then he should start the national war to destroy Shijie Zhao and Murong Yan. Next, he will try to appease Zhang Liangguo. If Zhang Liangguo is not interested, it will be destroyed. The next expansion goal is the western region.

In addition to resuming production, the cultivation of students' interest mainly increases the population. If the current sanitary conditions were not too bad, Liu Yan wanted to force couples to have more children and more children, so how to improve the medical level is also a necessary course during the cultivation of students' interest.

How could Cui wan not think much? Liu Shen will soon be three years old, but the identity of the crown prince has not been established for a long time. She thought for a moment and really wanted to find a way to make her mother's family grow up and give her son more protection