Chapter 524

When Liu Yan left the palace city, he felt that all the civil and military personnel with some qualifications went to see him immediately. The civil and military personnel gathered in the place where he stayed were enough to hold a meeting to decide the future of the country.

In a few days, the winter solstice festival will come. Once the winter solstice festival is over, it will be five years since the founding of the Han state.

Liu Yanxian rose from Changguang county and spent five years to drive Shijie Zhao to Bingzhou and Shuozhou. He destroyed Li's Chenghan and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Now the old land of the Han family has been recovered.

In fact, it is not difficult for Liu Yan to fight alone, but it is not just to fight for territory. With territory, we have to develop. It is population growth and productivity improvement. When the time is ripe, we will fight against the struggling state of Shijie Zhao, which must be associated with the destruction of Murong Yan, perhaps even Koguryo, Baiji Xinluo and the small countries on the Japanese Islands cleaned up together.

"It happened that all the ministers were there." Liu Yan waited for the people to chat for a while before opening his mouth: "the general of the fourth expedition has been appointed in addition to the general of the western expedition. I have thought for a long time..."

The official positions in the Han Dynasty are still being filled step by step. In fact, many positions are still vacant. The construction of the army is the most important aspect of the Han Dynasty. For a long time, the military system has been sound, but the establishment of the military seems a little chaotic.

Since the early Qin Dynasty, every country has its own military establishment, ranging from less than 100 people to all the officers and men of the whole country. After the establishment of the Han state, the small establishment will not be mentioned, and the field corps is the largest establishment.

Before that, basically, a field corps came together where Liu Yan ordered the troops to be transferred from. The field corps does not have a fixed number of units, ranging from twenty or thirty thousand to hundreds of thousands. There are units of Wu, Shi, Tun, Qu, school, division and army.

Wu naturally consists of five people for one, or ten people. There are 250 people in tun, 1000 in Qu, 5000 in school, 15000 in division and 45000 in army.

After arriving at Qu, in addition to the combat troops, there will also be auxiliary troops. In this way, in addition to 45000 combat troops, if you count the auxiliary troops together, the whole establishment actually has about 60000. However, it should be said that the auxiliary soldiers, civilian men and baggage soldiers are not directly subordinate units of the army, and the auxiliary personnel are directly under the jurisdiction of the prime minister's office of the central government.

"Each general has a shogunate. I think some shogunates should have their own directly subordinate army. In wartime, the center will dispatch troops and multiple armies will form a corps." Liu Yan wanted to confirm the military system of the Han state and immediately let the military generals present listen attentively: "above the Corps, there is a group army. In the face of a strong enemy, he starts a national war, so he can use the group army against the enemy."

Don't think that the group army only exists in modern times. In fact, it already appeared when Chu and Han fought. Han Xin was the first to lead the group army. The emergence of the group army is related to Liu Bang's retention of heterosexual princes and kings after the establishment of the state of Han. In short, it is to convene the princes of the Han camp to fight Xiang Yu together.

The scale of the group army reappeared in the Western Han Dynasty. The second person in command of the group army was Wei Qing. He led the group army to fight with the Huns for many times. The first time was to command more than 600000 people into the grassland, and the second time was to directly take back Heshuo, which had been occupied by the Huns for many years.

Of course, whether it is the struggle between Chu and Han or the Western Han Dynasty, the group army is directly called Hanxin corps or Weiqing corps, which is to crown the name in front of the Corps name. This shows how glorious the person who commands the army should be.

According to the truth, if Liu Yan dispatched the group army, he should also leave the "naming right". For example, under the command of Ran min, it should record in history that "ran min's regiment went to a certain place on a certain month and day of a certain year". However, what Liu Yan wants is to eliminate future troubles. Everything will end badly just because of the people who named the Legion.

"Military system..." ran min asked impatiently before waiting for Xu Zheng to speak, "does the king mean that future generals have their own shogunate Pro army?"

Liu Yan's brain is bad, so that every general who can establish the shogunate can have a pro army. He glanced at ran min discontentedly and said: "it is limited to the four 'town' general shogunate."

In fact, the generals of the four towns are the frontier guards of all parties. Their duty is to guard the national border. Of course, there will be border troops guarding the national border, so it makes sense to have a directly subordinate army.

It is an "army", not a corps or group army. When there is no great border threat, a 15000 strong army can ensure the stability of the border. It is enough to suppress a country and temporarily increase several armies.

"The general of the fourth expedition does not have his own direct army?" Ran Min said in wonder, "the four 'Crusades',' four towns', 'four levels' and four' caresses' are all at the same level. Only the four 'Crusades' have their own directly subordinate army?"

Not only ran min wondered, but ran min couldn't hide his mind.

As a military general, it is very unpleasant to have no direct army, which is equal to a bare pole. In fact, this situation is quite common in Chinese tradition. Generals below the general level, such as Duwei, can be governed by county soldiers of a county at any time. On the contrary, most people above the general usually stay in the center and wait for war to arrive at all fronts. Some special generals have troops under their command, but the basic number is not large. Only when there is a war, can they recruit County soldiers or young soldiers from the center to form a battle Corps.

In terms of concept, the four expeditions, the four towns, the four plains and the four fuks are all level generals, but usually the four expeditions generals are considered to be more noble. If the generals can choose themselves, they must be more eager for the four expeditions generals. After all, the four expeditions generals can command the army to develop, and the rest are not guarding the border, but they can be used only in case of rebellion.

Sang Yu listened in silence as Liu Yan talked about some construction concepts of the military. He is so worried that he is surprised that Liu Yan shows his alienation, and the king's alienation from his officials has always been the most worried thing as a minister.

The basic national policy of the Han state in the next few years has been determined. In general, it is to enter the cultivation of students and recuperation. There will be more civil affairs involved than the military, and the officials in charge of civil affairs will be ignored from the original.

As the king of a country, Liu Yan cancelled the prime minister and then immediately announced that he wanted to cultivate students and recuperate. Sang Yu, the right prime minister who was originally in charge of civil affairs, became an imperial envoy doctor. It would be strange if he would not cause many associations among officials.

There's nothing wrong. As usual, as soon as sang Yu shows up, someone will talk or talk to him. After today's meeting, there was no one in the hall. When he left the hall, there was only ran min's sarcasm. In addition, no one approached. It was obviously caused by Liu Yan's action.

Sang Yu knew that Liu Yan was out of the palace and was prepared to be rejected when he asked for an audience. Fortunately, Liu Yan didn't refuse the audience, which calmed the uneasy sang Yu a little.

Liu Yan is really deliberately alienating sang Yu. When discussing the military system with many generals, he will pay special attention to the situation of Sang Yu.

The state of Han was established by Liu Yan, but not for an aristocratic family or simply for any class. It shows that white dot is for the whole Han nation. How could he allow a specific class to enjoy it exclusively, especially when he could not tolerate a moth like family who could only enter and leave and betray the country in distress.

Earlier, Liu Yan thought that sang Yu would really understand his ideas and would gradually change the family after he became the leader of the family, but sang Yu didn't do that.

A certain class in a country cannot be eliminated, but can only be transformed into the right direction that the king thinks. Liu Yan does not want to completely eliminate the aristocratic family, because he knows that the aristocratic family cannot be eliminated at all. That is the class that exists in modern society.

Liu Yan hopes that the aristocratic family can become the power of the country, not the moth of the country as at the present stage. If all aristocratic families were like those lords in ancient and Pre-Qin times, he would not be stingy with support and help. Unfortunately, the aristocratic family tasted the sweetness after corruption and showed no sign of turning back.

"In the future, big men without large-scale national wars will only retain 200000 field corps." Liu Yan's voice just fell. One of the military personnel present was stupid. Ignoring the crowd, he continued, "it's a field corps. The soldiers of counties and counties are not within the limit of 200000."

At present, the registered population of the Han country has just passed the 10 million mark. According to speculation, it is difficult to exceed 15 million in the end. With a population of 15 million, the future is an important stage for the whole country to resume production. In fact, such allocation is a little too much.

"About 40 people support a war soldier. At present, it has been a little difficult for the folk of the Han Dynasty." Ji Chang is not singing the opposite tune. He tells the truth: "don't forget, the standing army in the early Han Dynasty (referring to the western and Eastern Han dynasties) is only less than 50000."

With a population of more than 60 million in the Western Han Dynasty, there was no time to call a million troops. The most time was to send more than 700000 troops to fight against the Huns. At ordinary times, the troops fighting with the Huns were less than 100000. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were only thirty or forty thousand standing armies (the northern army and the Southern Army) that did not produce. The maximum number of troops sent out was more than four hundred thousand, while the population of the Eastern Han Dynasty exceeded 65 million.

In the Han state established by Liu Yan, he had to maintain a standing army of 200000 without national war. In fact, it has completely surpassed previous dynasties, or did he intend to continue to open up after fully recovering the old land of the Han family, or it would be like maintaining a standing army of less than 50000 in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The real situation is that since the Eastern Han Dynasty, few dynasties in China have maintained a standing army. They all learn from the Geng pawn system, that is to say, let the people accept Fu as soldiers, regardless of the soldiers of counties and counties, the border army or the central army.

After the northern and Southern Dynasties, the emergence of the government soldier system changed the pattern, so that there were no pure soldiers in China. They were all "militia" working for soldiers rather than agriculture in wartime.

The phenomenon of "militia" changed slightly in the Song Dynasty, but soon after the founding of the Song Dynasty, the forbidden army lost the edge of the field army, and the forbidden army directly under the central government evolved into a "performance army" that usually does business, housework and agriculture for generals. In some festivals, it performs various programs. Several times, the forbidden army went out for slaughter and play, In the true sense, it is an army that does not accomplish enough and is more than defeated.

As long as a general wants more soldiers in the army, only when there are more soldiers can he become a powerful general, or a bare pole with the title of general. There are not many generals in the Han country, where even the general of the western expedition is vacant. In fact, there are still vacancies in the class of Zhonglang generals, but the number of Lang generals is a little more.

In the military system of the Han Dynasty, Qu was under the direct command of the marquis. Of course, the school was the captain. Up there, the general led the division, and the partial general led the army. The partial general above was the Lang general.

If you understand the classification, the general is actually a modern lieutenant colonel. The general is a colonel, the general is a major general, the lieutenant general will be a lieutenant general, the four expeditions, four towns, Siping and four Fu are generals, and those like Hussars generals are field marshals.

Generals with directly subordinate troops are real generals, otherwise miscellaneous generals will not be looked down upon. Now the generals of the Han state are worried. There are no miscellaneous generals in the Han state. Don't let the generals who should have real power fall into miscellaneous generals.

Liu Yan just talks about an intention. He won't say that he will make a decision without discussion. He was able to see the military's uneasiness, and was unable to laugh or cry about their uneasiness.

The state of Han is only a kingdom now. Liu Yan will not always be a king. It will be a matter of time before he becomes emperor, but it does not mean that the country is an empire.

"During the period of cultivating students and recuperating, the external war will not stop." Liu Yan set the tone: "I don't want to repeat the old things of the early Han Dynasty."

One by one, I agree. To increase population and resume production does not mean to be weak externally. The state only slightly turns its attention to the interior, not to allow foreign hostility to bully.

"The war against Shi Jie..." Liu Yan looked at Li Tan, the general who was fighting for the north, and said, "it's still a small-scale but frequent attack. I hope Li Qing will surprise me."

Li Tan didn't expect that he would become a general of the northern expedition. Up to now, he still seems to be dreaming. Excited, he stood up and promised loudly: "Your Majesty, I will follow the old story of champion Hou."

The only person who can be directly called champion Hou is Huo Qubing. His life was accompanied by fierce fighting. He rarely led a large regiment. On the contrary, he often used a small number of troops to make amazing achievements. The most famous was the great cause of fenglang juxu. He not only killed the core of the Huns, but also robbed the golden people used by the Huns for sacrifice.

A burst of well intentioned laughter appeared, which provoked bursts of glare from Li Tan based on performance.