Chapter 415

The standing force of the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was only 200000, and it was stationed along the Yangtze River all year round.

Yu Bing used 30000 troops to easily take Xincai County, Ruyin county and Runan County when the Han army contained the Zhao army in Shijie. When Chu Li was accepted as the governor of the three counties, the troops originally belonging to the Yu family retreated and replaced with the regular army of the imperial court and the aristocratic forces of Xie family and Chu family.

After almost half a year's preparation, the three counties newly occupied by the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty formed a defense system in Yu Bing's defense planning, with Ruyang, Nanton, Pingyu, Fuyang, Gushi and song counties as the front defense chain in the north.

Ruyang is located in the West. It is more than 200 li away from Song County from the plane map. However, due to multiple defense chains, the defense line arranged by the Jin army is not a straight line, but a half curved moon.

The Han army went south from Liang County, not Yingchuan county. It is reasonable that the first target should be Song County at the easternmost end of the whole defense chain of the Jin army, but it was the first to attack Gushi, the absolute four war place. From this, we can see that the Han Army... At least Huanwen, who made the attack plan, didn't look up to Chu Li.

When Li Kuang's headquarters in Gushi were captured, they did not encounter a strong counterattack from the Jin army. Even when they attacked everywhere, they always got good results. It was based on the premise that there was no interaction between the Jin troops stationed everywhere. The Han army could concentrate its superior forces to conquer one point after another occupied by the Jin army. While attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold, it also continued to eliminate the Jin army with inferior forces. Gathering a small number into a large number has made quite good gains.

"With the Jin army ambushing Yuanlu, we have killed nearly 5000 enemy troops and captured nearly 30000 enemy troops." Wang Biao looked very happy. He patted the paper in his hand: "there are a lot of defense points to conquer the enemy, a full 34!"

According to Yu Bing's deployment plan, the Jin army can definitely echo each other from a distance while dispersing and sticking to some key points, and even flexibly mobilize the Jin army to a siege and annihilation war with the incoming enemy's attack. Unfortunately, the current commander of the Jin army is Chu Li, the National Father of "static braking", which leads to many opportunities for the Ming Jin army to ambush and encircle the Han army, But was let go again and again.

"The number of Jin troops entrenched in the three counties should be more than 100000?" Li Kuang actually included the regular Jin army, private soldiers of aristocratic families and civilian husbands. He asked, "the enemy has shrunk, and most of them are concentrated on Xincai county?"

"Yes, general." Wang Biao said excitedly, "it is only by constantly intercepting small groups of troops mobilized by the enemy that we can achieve those results."

Li kuanggen didn't mean that. He wanted to know how many defenders of Xincai city were gathered.

Wang Biao was more observant. Seeing Li Kuang frown, he said, "the number of Xincai garrison is estimated to be about 60000."

"So that is to say, except for Ruyin, the rest of the Jin army are concentrated in Xincai?" Li Kuang couldn't understand what Chu Li wanted to do. He asked another question: "what did the locals do?"

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty always thought that it was the king's master. Not only the people who passed by should welcome it, but also unconditionally help the Jin army.

What is the reality? Of course, there are local people who help the Jin army, but they are more indifferent, and there is no less resistance and resistance because the Jin army wants to levy taxes.

Now the world situation is very complex. Liu Yan, king of the Han Dynasty, challenged the zhengshuo status of Sima royal family in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The last time he worshipped Mount Tai Yanhuang Temple shocked the world, which is equivalent to the situation of "two days in a day".

In the past, the Han Dynasty was too tough on the local tyrants in Qingzhou, so that although the tyrants and big families in the newly occupied counties did not dare to resist, the soft resistance of big families and big families never stopped.

Three counties, at least where the Han army appeared, most of the local giants and big families took the action of not helping each other.

Li Kuang has transferred troops from Gushi to Ruyin city again. He has received the news that Huan Wen wants to attack Xinxi from the abdomen of the Jin army. He needs to coordinate in the north, so there is no better action than trying to conquer Ruyin city.

"With the lesson of the last time, the Jin army in Xincai city certainly did not dare to rush to help again." Wang Biao was entering his own responsibility and reminded him, "there are only 20000 troops left in Gushi. I don't know whether the Jin army of Xincai will attack our back road?"

In fact, what Wang Biao wants to say is that Huan Wen's order is to contain and attract Jin troops and attack Ruyin City, which is only 20000 garrisons. What should Xincai do with nearly 60000 Jin troops?

"Gushi will only leave 3000 troops." Li Kuang had believed Huan Wen's judgment that Chu Li reacted very slowly. In addition, Chu Li didn't know how to command the army at all. He said: "17000 troops going to Xincai can attract Jin troops out of the city. It's best not to contain them. I believe that with our army under Xincai City, the abbot in the South will be very nervous."

Wang Biao has nothing to say. He can also see that the abbot in the South seems to have done nothing since the war. Oh... There are still some, that is, he gave up the peripheral defense line and transferred the Jin army to Xincai to protect himself, which makes it very easy for the Han Army to tighten up, making it easier for Xincai and Ruyin to become two isolated cities that can't echo each other.

Hu people are not good at attacking the city, but Li Kuang will not send the headquarters of the Han Army to attack Ruyin city. In fact, he does not take Hu people's life as an adult life, and even hates Hu people from his heart. After all, he has caused misfortune by Hu people. However, he did not deliberately consume the servant army composed of Hu people, and the price for the first boarder was even quite good.

"Whoever is the first to attack the city wall, whether or not he conquers Ruyin in this battle, can remove the slave nationality and reward a hundred gold! For those who retreat without order, heaven will decide who lives and who dies!" Li Kuang's voice was loud. After shouting at the servants who were about to attack the city, he immediately split under the sword: "attack!"

Regardless of whether the Hu people understand Chinese with Shandong flavor or not, it seems that the morale of the servants arranged to attack the city is fairly good. Shouting and charging, they entered the range of the archers guarding the city of Jin army, attacked under the city wall in the face of the arrow rain, and then encountered the attack of wood and rolling stones.

At the risk of various means of defending the city, the servant Congjun soon set up a ladder. Soon, some people kept shouting their shields to climb. Their actions were strongly counterattacked by the Jin army defending the city. In addition to logs and rolling stones, there were burning and boiling excrement and urine tilted down.

Guarding the city with "golden juice" is a common means, and it will also appear very effective. The skin of the people who are drenched will soon fester. Even if they don't die on the spot, there are no good means to treat them later. It is equal to that people with insufficient resistance will die even if they are drenched.

Shouts and screams are never uncommon on the battlefield, and there are bound to be casualties on both sides all the time. Li Kuang watched his troops be blocked under the city wall without expression.

"Our troops will soon retreat." Wang Biao observed that there was no one who could climb up the wall. He shouted, "do you want to let the crossbow men come forward to suppress the garrison?"

Siege is never easy to attack, especially when the Garrison has sufficient equipment, such as wood, rolling stone, gold juice and so on.

There are many correct ways to attack the city. The best way is to lure the defenders out of the city. Otherwise, they can only continuously consume the defenders' city defense equipment until the defenders' arrows, logs, rolling stones, gold juice and other city defense tools are consumed. It is also possible to attack the City until the defenders' morale becomes extremely low.

"No." Li Kuang was still expressionless: "after the attack troops retreated, send people to shout to the city."

Wang Biao twitched his cheek and asked, "what are you shouting?", He really suspected that Li Kuang was deliberately consuming his servants to join the army.

"Those who offer the city will be rewarded. Those who resist will be killed after the city is broken. If they resist for more than ten days, the whole city will be slaughtered." Li kuangpi said with a smile, "just see if those big families or powerful people in the city are with the Jin army."

Ordinary residents of Ruyin city? Yes, there must be the most ordinary residents in the city, but they can't decide their own destiny. It must be organized by someone with high moral integrity, which is determined by the social class.

"Butcher, butcher... Butcher the city?!" Wang Biao was shocked. He said impolitely, "depending on the situation, there is no common people in the city. You will make the whole city resist. Once Ruyin becomes united..."

It's not how shocked Wang Biao was about slaughtering the city. There are many ways to attack a city. There are those who break the city without any offense, those who liquidate the garrison after breaking the city, those who kill the garrison after breaking the city and indulge their own alchemists and soldiers in looting, and those who kill the whole city after breaking the city, that is, the so-called statements of attacking, conquering and breaking the city. In history, the broken city heralded a feast of slaughter and robbery. What he was shocked by was that Li Kuang was making it more difficult for him to conquer Ruyin city.

Li kuangdu didn't bother to explain. He assumed a confident attitude.

Soon, the first batch of servants who attacked the city retreated. The Han Army Headquarters gathered the retreating servants and escorted them to another place. One pottery pot after another was brought in. The servants who ordered the retreating servants to take out a stone from the jar. Those who drew the black stone were either relieved or ecstatic, while those who drew the white stone collapsed or cried.

A very simple means of punishing the defeated army is usually to kill one out of ten. Those who get the black stone are lucky to live, and those who get the white stone will be executed. This is a set of rules handed down from the Shang Dynasty. The Romans in Europe also took the same means of punishing the defeat of the army.

The execution was carried out in public. The ugly unlucky people knelt down in a row and were killed by other lucky people with sharp weapons from behind.

Servant Congjun didn't get restless because he saw such a scene. They just watched quietly.

Of course, the headquarters of the Han army would not have any ideas. If they were allowed to retreat in advance during an attack, they would also be killed in ten strokes.

However, the Jin army in Ruyin City screamed. They should not understand why the Han army killed a large number of their own people. They felt that the Han army was barbaric and unreasonable. After all, the attacking army escaped only after a narrow escape.

"Really... Cruel enough!" Li Mai felt a fear he had never felt before. In fact, he knew what the Han army was doing. He turned to a man dressed as a scribe and said, "they are bound to win the city of Ruyin."

The scribe is the master of Ruyin's house. His name doesn't matter. It's really important that his face is white and his hands and feet tremble.

Before they could talk about anything, they found that the Han Army in uniform... That is, the soldiers in the headquarters of the Han Army, should have more than 500 people lined up.

"Five hundred men will attack the city?" Li Mai didn't show his fear. Seeing that only the headquarters of the 500 Han army was moving forward, he laughed and said, "aren't they crazy?"

Of course, the five hundred Han soldiers did not want to attack the city. There were about five thousand servants behind them, including those in the West and East.

This group of Han troops came beyond the arrow attack distance of the garrison at the head of the city and began to shout in unison: "offer a great reward to the city, resist to kill, and kill all the city in ten days."

Only 500 people certainly can't spread the shouts all over Ruyin City, but the garrison at the north end of the city can definitely hear what they are shouting, and these people who hear clearly will spread the shouts of the Han army all over the city.

Although it's hard to imagine, Li Mai's expressions began to turn green and white. He stared at the Han Army still shouting. Waiting for the reaction, he shouted at the Jin Army soldiers at the head of the city: "shoot an arrow, shoot an arrow!", This sentence roared at least twenty or thirty times in a row, which showed how frightened it was. Then he ordered: "no one is allowed to pass what he heard to the city, and those who violate the order will be beheaded!"

The response of the scholar's office was more direct. He fell back directly and was caught by his servant. Then the master and servant disappeared at the head of the city.

Looking at their reactions, it is clear that the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which occupied Ruyin city for less than half a year, has little relationship with the city. Otherwise, they should surprise the Han Army at the first time and force the residents in the city to cooperate in defense.

Li Maigen didn't find that the scholar's house was missing. He walked around the city himself and repeated that he couldn't pass the Han Army's shouts into the city. Another thing he has to do is to send someone to invite some big families and giants who have been friendly before, and to monitor those who have not cooperated for half a year.

As for ordinary residents in the city? I'm sorry. I'm not kidding. Li Mai and Li Kuang, who may have been a family 500 years ago, have also ignored them. For today's social situation, it is not unreasonable for them to do so.

Wang Biao was very melancholy. He quietly looked at the servants who would be ready to attack for a while. When his eyes turned to Li Kuang, he thought: "it's just a one hammer deal. If someone offers the city, it's easy to capture it. If the city becomes united, I'm afraid it's moving to Xincai?"