Chapter 414

It's definitely the truth. Not only Xie Shang and the princes in the court think so, but Chu Li, the abbot of the state in Xincai, found that a large number of Han troops in Chenjun were moving south, so it should be clear that the war is about to start.

"How much?" Chu Li looked very calm because he didn't know that the fleet of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in Jingkou had suffered heavy losses, let alone that Xiao Huanwen had led a large fleet to Yuzhou West. He asked his deputy general Li Mai, "how many infantry and cavalry?"

Of course, Li Mai was born in a family of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. One of the small imperial courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was born in an aristocratic family. Otherwise, he could have an official position. He would usually be an aristocrat, with the largest number of township princes. The news he received was vague and said in a speculative tone: "there should be 60000 or 70000. The leader is the cavalry. You can confirm how many steps are behind. You need to wait for the scouts to explore."

The environment to the north of Xincai county and Ruyin county is definitely different from that of Huainan. The larger water systems are Yingshui and Rushui. There is no dense water network. It is a flat plain terrain. In the scuffle among the princes at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao once defeated Yuan Shu's garrison with cavalry as the leader, almost like a wind rolling remnant building, and rushed all the way to the city of Runan. As for Zhang Xiu, who was entrenched in Runan, Cao Cao also took cavalry as his guide, and also attacked Runan city very easily.

Chu Li more or less checked some geographical records and heard Li Mai say that the leader of the Han army was a cavalry. For a moment, he was very nervous.

"It's strange to find that the color of the Han Army's clothes is not as uniform as before." Li Mai did not know that the Han state had reorganized nearly 200000 servants. He said with a skeptical but expectant expression, "will it not be the Han Army at all, but... Some riot folk armed forces?"

Chu Li was not stupid. He looked at Li Mai with the same eyes as a fool. He pondered deeply and said, "no matter who comes, be cautious."

"The last general will lead the army to Fuyang?" Li Mai looked at Chu Li and hesitated: "just how much is appropriate?"

Chu Li continued to ponder. He felt that the most important thing was to ask for help from the Jiankang center, and the second thing was to find out how many Han troops had come. At this stage, don't act rashly.

The real situation is that as the leader, there are five thousand servant cavalry and three hundred Han cavalry. All five thousand and three hundred people are light cavalry. They were ordered to advance to Gushi and build a bridgehead at the intersection of Xincai county and Ruyin county.

Because Chu Li was careful, the leading Han cavalry only went through a small battle, that is, temporarily building a ladder to let servants dismount from the army and attack the city. With about 600 deaths and injuries, they conquered Gushi, which was defended by only 300 people.

Gushi is about 100 li away from Xincai, 60 li away from Fuyang and more than 110 li away from Ruyin. It is equivalent to the Han army who took Gushi and established an offensive forward base. It will be very convenient to fight anywhere in the next step.

"Convenience is convenience, but Gushi is a four battle field." Li Kuang led 10000 Han army headquarters to restrict 100000 servants from going south from Xuchang. Of course, he will execute Huan Wen's orders. It doesn't mean that he is not confused, but he won't show his confusion: "according to the command of the Lord general, we should attack everywhere frequently!"

Huan Wen's order was very direct, that is, to catch the Abbot's subordinates and beat them hard until the abbot made some effective counterattack or defense, or Li Kuang's headquarters would always be in an offensive posture.

[I hope Chu Li is a very slow responder as the Lord general said.] Li Kuang thought while writing the military order: [before Chu Li reacts, maybe he should try to capture Ruyin and break the connection between Jin army and Shouchun.]

Chu Li's reputation is still quite good. He is regarded as a man who knows books and reason, and is modest and polite enough. Does he seem to be a literati who knows soldiers?

Seeing Chu Li's deployment when he was stationed in the three counties and the stability he had shown over the past few months, Li Kuang was not afraid. In fact, he would appear arrogant. However, despite his doubts, Li Kuang had to implement Huan Wen's orders meticulously and even better.

The loss of Gushi didn't make Chu Li feel very nervous. It should be said that he wouldn't feel any loss in the front layout. What would be nervous was that there were too many Hu people in the Han army.

"Ten thousand, ten thousand Han troops and one hundred thousand Hu Lu!" Chu Li, like many southern literati, had a fear of Hu Lu from the bottom of his heart. He looked at Li Mai and said, "how many cavalry are there?"

Li Mai said, "the Han people will not allow Hu Lu to have too many cavalry."

Yes, the waste Chai Sima family, who used to fight inside and outside, were attacked by the Hu people in order to fight inside. Why should anyone, whether Liu Yan or Han, learn a lesson? At least Chu Li and Mai think so.

Chu Li couldn't react to the next situation. The Han army who captured Gushi did not stop attacking everywhere, resulting in the request for help and warning "floating" to Xincai like snowflakes. He had worked very hard to find the main attack direction of the Han Army, but he couldn't figure out a credible idea.

It was not until the Jin army reported to Xincai that about 50000 Han troops left Gushi to the southeast that Chu Li and Li Mai determined the main attack direction of the Han Army, and further speculated that the Han army was going to attack Ruyin city.

"Obviously!" After knowing the main attack direction of the Han Army, Chu Li looked very happy and said to Li Mai, "Ruyin is located on the edge of Yingshui. I have asked Jiankang for help, and there will be reinforcements in Shouchun soon."

Shouchun was one of the important military towns of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. There were more than 30000 Jin troops stationed for a long time, and there were a large number of boats. As the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty wanted to take a posture of being attacked, Shouchun's garrison was increased to 60000, and a large number of aristocratic family private armed forces were also located along the Yangtze River.

Chu Li's idea is very simple. There is no shortage of people who can operate boats in the south of the Yangtze River. He and Xie Shang seem to have become the leaders of aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River. They can not only mobilize Shouchun's garrison, but also transfer aristocratic family private soldiers along the Yangtze River. In this way, they may be able to use Xincai and Shouchun to attack the aggressive Han army.

With good ideas, Chu Li and Li Mai began to prepare for the attack.

To be serious, Chu Li's performance this time can be regarded as "breaking through himself". We must clearly understand that in the original history, as the commander of the northern expedition, he was famous for "static braking".

Chu Li's original "static braking" in history was that I didn't do anything, regardless of what the enemy did. (embarrassing)

The plane map distance from Gushi to Ruyin is more than 110 Li, but it can't be a straight line. Considering the need to detour and avoid some terrain that is not suitable for marching, Li Kuang's Department has to go more than 170 Li.

According to the normal marching speed and the coordinated promotion of walking and riding, walking 50 miles a day can ensure the combat effectiveness of dealing with emergencies. Catching up with some hundred miles a day will reduce the fatigue and combat effectiveness of soldiers.

Li Kuang decided to believe Huanwen's evaluation of Chu Li, that is, Chu Li was a person who responded slowly to everything. He decided to go day and night. He started in the early morning and came to Ruyin city that night.

Ruyin city is the capital of Ruyin county. Previously, it was the forefront of the confrontation between Shijie Zhao state and the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It should be a rare city in Shijie Zhao state to build urban defense.

"The wall is about four feet high. You can't see the fortifications floating on the surface. You can see that there is no obvious gap in the wall." Li Kuang arrogantly came out of the range of arrows under the Ruyin city and commented on the city in the pointing of the guard sergeant in white robes at the head of the city. Behind him was the camp where he began to camp, and around him, servants and soldiers cut wood endlessly. It is against this background that he said, "build a siege ladder overnight and try an attack tomorrow afternoon."

Wang Biao (Wang Luan's adopted son) nodded his head and said with a smile, "judging from the way the guards lit their torches in panic, they were surprised at our arrival. It was really time to attack as soon as possible."

Li Kuang didn't like Wang Biao very much. The reason is that Wang Luan ran to Yecheng after the defeat of Xuzhou. Wang Biao is relatively smooth. To put it simply, he thinks Wang Biao is very fake.

It was only seven days since Li Kuang captured Gushi, then the Han army attacked everywhere, and then the Han army came to Ruyin city.

In the seven days, Li Kuang should be said to have achieved great speed. There are only more than 10000 garrisons stationed in Ruyin City, but it is not clear whether the residents in the city will stand over to the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to help the Jin army defend the city.

When he received the battlefield report, the fleet reached the reach not far from Shouchun.

The navy of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty suffered heavy losses in Jingkou. On the way to the Han Army fleet all the way west through the Yangtze River waterway, some Jin army warships were encountered. Huan Wen's move was to either sink or capture them, and the civilian fishing boats were treated equally.

"Li Pian general entered Ruyin city. After his first attempt to attack, he failed and left empty soldiers." Huan Wen handed the information in his hand to his old friend Yuan Qiao and said with full appreciation, "he took the army to the southwest and went straight to the 20000 Jin troops (including the private army of aristocratic families) starting from Yuanlu to help Ruyin city and fought an ambush."

Yuan Qiao has seen the war report behind him. Li kuanggan's is a typical round of support. Although he said that he could not completely wipe out the 20000 Jin troops from Yuanlu, he beheaded more than 3000 and captured nearly 10000, which can be regarded as a commendable war example.

"There are so many great talents!" In fact, Huan Wen is still a little spirited. As the chief General of the southern expedition, he has nearly 230000 troops under his command. Although 200000 Hu servants joined the army, he thinks he might not have the opportunity to command more than 200000 troops in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He commented: "Li Kuang came from a humble background. He fought everywhere with the king early. He was a county lieutenant and the last Jiangdu order. As long as he performs well in this war, his future will be unlimited."

Yuan Qiao nodded approvingly and then said, "the abbot sent reinforcements but was ambushed. Next, he will continue to lead the army to defend Xincai City, ang or lead the army back to Runan?"

"He can't afford to lose the city and land, and he won't run away for fame." Huan Wen and Chu Li are actually not familiar, but the aristocratic family circle south of the Yangtze River is so small that they will study each other more or less, and probably know who is what kind of character. He judged: "he should try his best to gather up the army and try his best to defend Xincai and Ruyin. He himself stays in Xincai and Li Mai defends Ruyin."

Yuan Qiao immediately smiled. He looked at Shouchun's position and said in a deep tone: "it has been ambushed once. Shouchun's rear reinforcements do not go north, and Chu Li will no longer support Ruyin city from this part of the troops."

Shouchun is definitely a big city. In addition to a large number of troops stationed in the city, the Jin army also set up a camp in Bagong mountain in the northeast.

In fact, Huanwen's fleet has passed the position of Bagong mountain. Before, it was able to see the situation along the river. It was the Jin army that had to be deployed in a panic.

Now, they can see Shouchun city with their naked eyes. There are wolf smoke rising at the intersection of yellow and red. They can hear bursts of drums and banners at the head of the city.

"Leave 300 ships to block the river?" Yuan Qiao has estimated for a long time. In order to be safe, he had to suggest: "after Shouchun, we will directly insert Yingshui and go by water to meet Li Kuang's department?"

Huan Wen wanted to land directly from Runan. He wanted to land directly with the headquarters of the 10000 Han troops carried by the fleet, He took Xinxi (the capital of Runan) by surprise. The reason why he wanted to do so was not that he underestimated Chu Li, or that Xinxi was easy to attack. He just couldn't wait to complete the task, and then went to participate in the world war in Puyang.

On second thought, Huan Wen decided to follow the previous idea and said to Yuan Qiao, "Chu Li didn't expect that we would land from the rear. In order to resist Li Kuang's headquarters, Chu Li is bound to dispatch troops from the rear to the north, and the new interest will form an absolute emptiness. It is a good opportunity to win the new interest and surround Chu Li Xingyuan on three sides."

Yuan Qiao nodded silently and stopped talking. He knew that once Huan Wen decided what to do, it was not easy to change.

In Xincai City, Li Mai kept persuading Chu Li that he could no longer passively meet the attack of the Han Army, otherwise the peripheral strongholds would be lost one after another, and Xincai city and Ruyin city would soon become two isolated cities.

Chu Li looked like he was still not in a hurry. He even had time to climb high and look far. In the face of Li Mai who kept persuading him, he kept a silent attitude. After a long time, he turned back and said with a bitter smile: "it's been brewing for a long time, but I can't brew poetry? It seems that his heart is in a mess."

At that moment, the stunned expression on Li Mai's face was very obvious. He didn't know whether to admire Chu Li's composure or what to say.