Not only as a netizen feel novel, a lot of people in the same industry.

In view of this situation, many people are considering the possibility of eggs.

According to the situation of hypnotist, there are a lot of good comments on this part of the egg at present, so everyone's comments on this part are quite good.

Some people are thinking about whether to do the same in the future?

It's just that they don't know whether this blessing is good or bad for the movie.

After all, "hypnotist" is only the first day of the results and evaluation, follow-up specific how is not clear.

The vast majority of people support the outcome of the egg, but there are also some people who, as Chen mubai said, do not like this too dark ending, which is a double-edged sword.

But for them, as long as they can satisfy the vast majority of the audience is good.

There should be some blessings for the movie, which can also cause the plot discussion of the movie, and even be explained as the ending of the sublimation movie.

Some people even think of foreshadowing the sequel of the film.

It has to be said that everyone's imagination is very rich. Just a concept of colored egg has been thought of by many people as a variety of possibilities and possible development routes.

However, the quality of the film "hypnotist" is very high, so the colored egg will cause so many people to discuss, because the part of the colored egg is very good for the film.

If it's an ordinary movie, I don't know whether the audience will pay for it. This is something that some people worry about.

However, compared with the income, some people should try to do so, and it is estimated that some people are waiting for the second person to eat crabs.

The first person who eats crabs doesn't count. After all, Chen mubai's influence and fame are so great that his success is not accidental. Only if other people succeed, can the quality of the eggs be regarded as success or failure.

Bean sprouts on the "hypnotist" evaluation of a lot more, only one day later, a lot of people in their own way for the film rating.

"Not to mention the specific film quality, Chen mubai chose suspense films in his first three films. It can be seen that he is good at plot reversal and logic setting. In Lenovo's works he usually shoots, he pays more attention to rhythm and quality. Even if the quality of his works is not high, they will not be too bad, It's the work of someone worth seeing. "

"Before Chen mubai, the box office of suspense movies was not too high, and this kind of movies close to supernatural themes were the type that new directors or actors would shoot. Originally," buried alive "was his first work, which could be regarded as a test work for new people, but the third work was still suspense, which showed that I was wrong, but his success made me see the rise of domestic suspense movies, This market is no longer exclusive to Europe and America. We are looking forward to more outstanding suspense films

"Chen mubai has opened the door to domestic suspense films, hoping that more and more works of conscience will be produced. It's not that we like comedy, but that comedy is the film that pays the least attention to plot logic, while most directors ignore the most important logic, forcing us to choose comedy instead."

"The scene of the movie is very good. The lighting and the furniture layout, as well as the use of various graphics, all give people a hypnotic vision. The ruler, knife and other tools on the desk all indicate Xu ruining's psychological problems. This is the detail that I found after watching the whole movie. Chen mubai is really very attentive!"

These comments are basically the comments given by bean sprout's netizens after watching the film. Soon, Roger, the film critic, wrote a full evaluation according to his many detailed records.

"I went to see hypnotist with expectation. Chen mubai is worthy of being the most outstanding actor and director in recent years. This film meets my expectation very much. Tao Yaoyao's acting skills have made great progress, which has opened my eyes."

"In the plot, reversal and reversal, you come and I go in the fight between the two people. Ren Xiaoyan breaks away from Xu ruining's hypnosis in that door. She wakes herself up with a toothpick, and she completes the counterattack from that moment."

"As for the final result, it's really interesting. Xu ruining planned everything, but there's also a question thrown out?"

"People like Xu ruining have mental illness. As the core character of the play, will Ren Xiaoyan have it? I think this is the suspense Chen mubai left us. Why did Ren Xiaoyan wake up at the door? According to the tips given by Professor Fang, she has touched her own life experience, but in fact, it has been exposed after she wakes up. Will there be something hidden because of this incident, and will Xu ruining find out some malpractices? "

"In my opinion, it may be Ren Xiaoyan's psychological problems hidden behind the door. It may be that Ren Xiaoyan lost her fiance after Xu ruining's car accident. Will she hate Xu ruining? Will it be her negative emotions behind the door? In order to avoid this incident, she told Xu ruining about her life experience to shift her eyes."

"Even with Professor Fang, Ren Xiaoyan knows that she will be hypnotized and may be found the dark side of her psychology, so she takes the initiative to throw out the question of her life experience."

"Normally, I may think too much about this situation, but for such an excellent hypnotist as Xu ruining, he can plan the whole event and complete such a wonderful case. Why can't Ren Xiaoyan, who is also excellent, do it?"

"In other words, Ren Xiaoyan has been hiding her dark side. Later, she won Xu ruining's love. Because of this, Ren Xiaoyan is not as beautiful as we saw on the surface?"

"In the movie, Xu ruining has a saying that is very reasonable, and it is very consistent with the situation of both of them. Especially when I wrote this film review, I still think it is very right. This sentence can be put in many real events, and it is right, [sometimes smart lies are more credible than the truth]."

"Xu ruining finally cheated Ren Xiaoyan, willing to use this lie to make up for the rest of her life. Ren Xiaoyan lives in Xu ruining's dream. Similarly, Ren Xiaoyan may have cheated Xu ruining and concealed her true feelings for him."

"But there is no doubt that this ending is the best for both of them. At least there will be no better ending. Xu ruining and Ren Xiaoyan are afraid that after this incident, it will be difficult to find another person to love. Then they cheat themselves and each other and regard each other as their lovers. This is another [happy] ending!"

Roger said a lot, but also pointed out that Chen Mu Bai may throw the audience suspense, this angle is unexpected, his film review let "hypnotist" suspense soared again!

Roger as a well-known film critic, his film review value is higher, the influence of this film review soon out of the circle, once again for "hypnotist" added heat.

"I don't know, I didn't think of that!"

"According to Mr. Roger's point of view, there is something wrong with Xiaoyan."

"I feel like I'm playing with werewolf. Are we all wolves?"

"Professor Fang, as their teacher, is there any problem..."

"The whole play is what happens because of lies. Sure enough, smart lies are more believable than the truth!"

"I thought I understood it, but Chen mubai told me that I didn't understand it. Now teacher Roger's comments make me think about it very carefully. This wave, I'm on the first floor, and Chen mubai is on the fifth floor!"

Because of Roger's film review, the suspense of "hypnotist" soared again. Everyone made all kinds of guesses about the plot, and even many people thought more than Chen mubai thought!

The key is that the evidence they said can be connected, and it is reasonable and convincing!

It has to be said that the netizen's brain is really strong, and the divergent thinking is perfectly reflected.

The more heated the discussion, the more heated the topic and popularity of the film. More and more people said they would go to the cinema, and the box office of the next day was much higher.

In view of the popularity of the film, naturally can not escape the first day of the film box office results.

This list has been published on wechat for a long time, but not many people have discussed it. Because of the quality of the film itself, the topic is not high, but the box office is very high. More news is about hypnotist, analyzing the plot, because there are many netizens discussing it.

#"Hypnotist" box office on the first day of 86.9 million!

#"Comedy master" won the first day box office 200 million!

#"Hypnotist" box office is not good, encounter Waterloo, or be kicked out of the Spring Festival file ahead of time!

#"Hypnotist" first day box office ranked fifth, Chen mubai new film or will fail!

For a commercial film, the box office is the most important thing. No matter how high the word of mouth is, it's useless. After all, the film is still used to make money, and the artistic film needs high word of mouth.

Although the score of "comedy master" is not as good as "hypnotist", but the box office is more than several times, which is success!

On the first day of comedy master, the box office gap was more than 100 million. As time goes on, I'm afraid there will be more and more!

Although the number of people watching movies on the first day of junior high school is large, it is not large compared with the next few days. After all, the new year's greetings are the main theme of the first few days. Once the new year's greetings are over, it is time for entertainment. At that time, the box office of movies will usher in an explosive growth!

As for the box office ranking on the first day, we also began to discuss that some people complained about the injustice of hypnotist. After all, the quality of the rest of the films crushed, but it was only a few people who saw this type of film on this festival.

Chen mubai and Tao Yaoyao are still actively doing publicity, but because of the first day of word-of-mouth and evaluation, the box office of hypnotist did not decline in the next two days, but increased a lot.

On the second day, the box office broke 100 million, and on the third day, it was still the same result!

The box office in the next few days is getting higher and higher, but the box office on the first day has become a low box office!

The counter trend of the box office has attracted everyone's attention. Chen mubai's strategy of relying on the quality and reputation of the film to drive the box office has been successful!

More and more people will choose to watch "hypnotist", especially the online discussion is very hot, many people with the mind to solve puzzles, after watching, really impressed!

It's no wonder that this film has been discussed by so many people. There are many hints in it. According to everyone's conjecture, some things are extremely frightening and seem to be true.

The part of colored eggs is amazing as it is said on the Internet. Chen mubai's eyes when he finally looks at the camera seem to be looking at them.

That pair of calm and wise eyes seem to be able to penetrate everyone's heart through the screen, which makes people have a kind of fear and shiver from the depths of the soul.

However, it was just a look in Xu ruining's eyes.

This look is creepy, and this shot has also been rated as one of the best shots. Countless professional performers praise this look which makes people feel goose bumps.

It seems calm, but it's frightening. This is the interpretation of eye play. We are shocked by Chen mubai's acting skills once again!

This play is basically a one-man play between Chen mubai and Tao Yaoyao. Their performances are praised by everyone. They hold up the whole situation and have excellent acting skills!