In fact, Han Fei had tried to dress once before. As a result, the clothing group was lazy and directly fooled the style of TV dramas of the Republic of China. Director Li found that the whole clothing group was scolded and sent back to do it again.

The director is really not good at doing. He really needs to make complaints about it. Maybe he is fooled. In the meantime, there will be audiences in the commentary area. Anyway, there is a slot in a movie, which must be the director's pot.

Han Fei took the dress from the drama director and glanced at it. It was a beige shirt and a blue coat.

"The designer said your skin is very good, so your clothes are mainly light colors."

When Han Fei came out of the dressing room, he nodded in front of the mirror. Now he felt right. The feeling of being black was just like that of the underworld attending the funeral. It was wrong in any way.

"Great, Tianshen's clothes rack." the drama manager boasted a little, and then took Han Fei to take a makeup photo. Director Li urged him.

Director Li is arranging the drama arrangement at the scene. A play to be shot soon is that * * * and the teacher arrive at the southern end of the motherland, a place that seems not to be disturbed by the outside world. There will be a rain play soon.

"Director Li, Han Fei's fixed makeup photo comes out." the drama director handed over the tablet computer.

Director Li stopped his work and took a look: "well, this feeling is right. These people are itchy and don't clean up."

As soon as the drama manager shrinks his neck, even if the female director is angry, it is also a frightening existence.

"Is Han Fei ready? Let him come quickly." guide Li ordered.

Soon Han Fei arrived at the scene. Xia Xue also saw Han Fei's familiar greeting. She should also want to see if the actors who play with her have real materials.

The deputy director was talking to the group performers. Director Li came over and patted Han Fei on the shoulder: "how's it going? Aren't you nervous?"

"I'm a little nervous when you say that." Han Fei smiled.

After the group performers entered, Han Fei sat in a position near the window. The scene was a class. It rained heavily. There was no lightning and thunder outside the house. The teacher was still teaching, but the gradual rain and thunder made the students unable to hear his voice.

The teacher put down his textbook and said to the students, "sit still and listen to the rain."

This bearing is really impressive.

The shooting process is also a mirror to the end. The students in front of the class, including the teacher, performed very well. When Han Fei came out, the camera first photographed Han Fei's side face. The resolute face did not squint until the teacher said the sentence "sit still and listen to the rain", and then began to shoot Han Fei's front face.

Then Han Fei stretched out his hand and opened the window. There was already a land of Ze outside the window. Several local children were hiding barefoot under the thatched shed, shivering with cold.

There is a close-up of Han Fei for a long time. Originally, director Li was ready to repeat it many times. Unexpectedly, Han Fei's performance was perfect.

In fact, Han Fei has studied this play for a long time. In the script, he pushed open the window is actually a metaphor - opening the window to see the world also caters to his current state. From the war-torn inland to the south, it seems that the war has nothing to do with him.

But the world outside the window was really muddy. When he saw the child's blue frozen lips, he blamed himself and reason, so this play tested his performance skills.

The facial expression can't change, otherwise it will be too deliberate, so it can only be expressed by eyes. For actors, eyes can really talk. In these seconds, Han Fei's eyes range from loss to guilt and then to entanglement.

"There is light in his eyes." this is Xia Xue's evaluation of Han Fei.

"Ka, OK, perfect!" director Li took the lead in applauding Han Fei.

The staff in raincoats are also clapping for Han Fei, which is absolutely sincere. Originally, they thought that the play couldn't come down for several days when they saw Han Fei as a butter boy. As a result, it passed over again, which saved them a few days of living sin. Let alone clapping, they wanted to kowtow to him.

"Is it OK for me?" Han Fei is not sure whether he has expressed his feelings completely.

Director Li said with a smile, "that's great. If the actors were like you, we'd be good at directing."

As soon as Qin Bailu heard this, it was clear that she was talking about her.

After shooting several rain scenes, the process was also very smooth. Even if the original shooting plan for this day was completed, it was still early. Director Li took a look.

"Since sister Xia is here, why don't we change the scene first and have a section?"

Xia Xue nodded with a smile, stood up and began to transfer with the staff.

This is also a very emotional part of the play. Shen Guangyao returned to the dormitory and found the old housekeeper coming. When he saw his mother sitting in the chair, he was stunned, and then knelt down and kowtowed.

Just here, Han Fei couldn't play the full emotion of suddenly seeing his close relatives. He had no choice but to think of a physical therapy.

"Are there any stones? Help me find some small stones." the drama manager was confused, but the stones here were very common. He picked up a few and handed them to Han Fei.

Han Fei gritted his teeth and put them where he wanted to go. After shooting again, he knelt up with his legs. He was not only full of emotion, but also directly grabbed the close-up of the lens with tears in his eyes.

The people watching next to him took a breath for him and looked at the strength of Han Fei's kneeling... Should it hurt very much?

"Are you all right?" after this shooting, Xia Xue helped Han Fei up. The stone had been stuck with his pants. He pulled up the trouser legs, which had broken the skin and was bleeding out.

Guide Li quickly asked the drama director to bring the medicine box. Han Fei said with a bitter smile: "it's all right. It's just a broken skin. I knew I wouldn't pad so much."

"Don't say, you're really good at this move. It's great to see the scene just now. Why don't we rest first?" director Li really admired the boy's ghost method.

Han Fei waved his hand: "I'd better say goodbye. Take a picture while I'm still in full mood."

The next shot Xia Xue undoubtedly shows what the real acting school is. She drags her handkerchief and her eyes are slightly red. Tears spin in her eyes, but they never fall down.

Until she said, "I'm afraid you... You'll lose your life before you figure out how to live a good life..."

From the moment the lines began to speak, tears finally began to burst.

Even if he is unwilling to admit it, Han Fei must recognize that the gap between him and these old opera bones is still too big. In this shot, he was completely taken away by Xia Xue.

"OK, Ka, it's perfect." director Li felt that today's shooting was particularly smooth and his mood was much better.

Han Fei took a paper towel from the drama director and wiped his tears. Then he bowed his hand to Xia Xue: "teacher Xia, you were just great. Thank you for taking me."

Xia Xue was wiping her tears with a handkerchief. Han Fei said and smiled: "don't be modest. I can only play idol dramas at your age."