Huohuo 1941 is a war film, and it is also a rare film made in the later stage of the war of resistance against Japan. The story of three young people was used to describe this anti Japanese elegy. Male No. 1 was born as an ordinary farmer and lived with his face facing the Loess and back facing the sky. He was bullied. When he grew up, he accepted the ideological wave at that time, joined our party, and the war of resistance against Japan broke out, From then on, he embarked on the road of resisting Japan and saving the country.

Male No. 2 was a local ruffian in the old society. He committed all kinds of evil. Later, his family was killed. Since then, he has also walked on the road of the war of resistance against Japan.

Shen Guangyao, the third male played by Han Fei, is the son of a general. Three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have sacrificed their lives for the country. In order to be afraid that their son would die in battle at the same age as his father and brother, his mother asked him to study hard since childhood. As the saying goes: industry can also save the country.

Shen Guangyao listened to his mother's words and studied hard. At the peak of the Anti Japanese War, he did not join the army, but retreated to the southernmost place where there was no war at that time. However, the war still spread here. Watching his companions die one by one, Shen Guangyao finally understood that this is an endless war, and he can't hide, So he resolutely joined the air force at that time, and finally collided with the enemy warship and died in one mission.

Han Fei likes this role very much. He not only has the spirit of a scholar, but also can rise up and join the army for the country. When this role is played well, it can add a lot of color to the film and add a bright color to his actor's resume. This is not an irrelevant role like Wu Xie in the tomb robbing notes. Therefore, Han Fei will treat it so carefully.

Originally, Han Fei thought that the cast would not be too strong. Unexpectedly, there were a lot of stars. Hua Yi and Hua Yi played one man and two men. They were definitely the big guys in the circle. Even the one who played Shen's mother, that is, Han Fei's mother in the play, was also the head actress of qianxiangjiang TVB TV station. Although he was a little older and his appearance declined, his acting skills were absolutely first-class.

"Hello, Mr. Xia. My name is Han Fei. Please take care of me in the future." Han Fei hurried forward to say hello while the play hasn't started yet.

Xia Xue is over sixty, but it doesn't look different from his forties. Seeing that Han Fei is so polite, he covered his mouth and said with a smile: "I thought you would say: Mr. Xia Xue, I grew up watching your TV series."

Not only did Han Fei laugh, but the actors around him also laughed.

Han Fei didn't expect that this man was so friendly. He thought that such an old man would generally carry a shelf and be difficult to get along with.

Xia Xue seemed in a good mood. She chatted with Han Fei in non-standard Mandarin: "in fact, you are male number three. It should be you who took care of me, right?"

Han Fei smiled awkwardly: "dissatisfied with you, I just graduated from Beijing film. This is my first film. You are an elder. Naturally, you carry me."

Xia Xue looks a little surprised. She lives in Xiangjiang, so she is not familiar with the film and television industry in the mainland, but Han Fei's external conditions, including temperament, have to be said.

"It deserves to be the mainland. It's really an outstanding place. Xiangjiang hasn't had such a clever young actor for many years." Xia Xue sighed here.

It's true, not only Xiangjiang, but also Baodao. Otherwise, we won't hold a female model who can't play.

In contrast, the mainland has not only broken the monopoly of various resources in Xiangjiang film and television circle in the mainland market with the output of excellent students from various film and television colleges in recent years, but also made many Xiangjiang directors begin to prefer mainland actors.

Soon, it was officially turned on. It was the scene of male No. 1 weeding in the field. The other actors were either making up or watching.

Han Fei and Xia Xue are naturally onlookers.

Han Fei found that with just a few simple shots, the scene was paved with two orbital cameras and a boom. The total picture was only a few seconds, but three cameras were used to capture it. Sure enough, it was completely different from the shooting of TV dramas.

I vaguely remember that the teacher said in class that the biggest difference between the small screen and the big screen is the width gap between the two. For example, the TV lens often frames people in the middle, and the gap left on both sides will not be too large. The audience can see who is the protagonist at a glance.

But it's different on the big screen of the film. The huge screen picture will give people a sense of emptiness, just like a landscape painting. There will be a lot of "white space" on the left and right sides.

If the leading actor's acting skills are not outstanding enough, the audience will have too much experience to pay attention to other things. This is the so-called play, and a film, if the leading actor can't replace the audience, it will be a very failed film.

It has to be said that the Hua Yi culture does have two brushes. The hoeing action on his hands has been practiced at first. What's more interesting is that when shooting his sweating lens, he first walked in place for two minutes, and then the field work on him, dripping water on his forehead. The whole shooting effect is very good.

"Ka, good, next group." director Li is also very satisfied with the acting skills of this.

Then there is the play between male No. 2 and female No. 2. Male No. 2 is a local ruffian, and female No. 2, that is, Qin Bailu, is his mistress.

I have to admit that Qin Bailu still has some capital to get to this point. Wearing cheongsam is really a bit of the flattery of contemporary Fengyue Huakui.

Today's shot is a passion play between male No. 2 and Qin Bailu. Of course, it's a passion play. Domestic films understand it. Anyway, it's enough, but Qin Bailu is still a card play.

For the first time, male number two had a fierce face. Her expression was too in place. She thought others were pretending to take advantage of her. She was angry on the spot and scolded Li daoniang. Such a good performance by male number two was in vain.

Then there was crying afterwards. Han Fei shook his head. According to the setting of this role, she was a romantic woman. She should have expected such a day. Her first reaction afterwards should be dazed and flustered, but Qin Bailu didn't have any emotional excess and began to cry directly. Obviously, she hadn't studied the role psychology.

There was no Han Fei's play in the next two days. He was also happy to see how others acted. He got familiar with male No. 1 and male No. 2. However, there was no intersection in the play, so they didn't talk too deeply with Han Fei. After all, they were not in the same position.

It's not just for Han Fei. Even if they are in the same company, they are indifferent when they meet. Obviously, they also have a competitive relationship.

After a while, the deputy director finally informed Han Fei that he was going to shoot his play in the afternoon.

"By the way, when you change your clothes, take a fixed makeup photo. I'll show it to Director Li first."