Chapter 262

Name:Super express Author:wu dou xiao min
Wu Hao was slightly surprised. Isn't the strength of the gene warrior fixed?

How can the strength of this' Captain 'grow.

Thinking, increased the mental ability to control the 'Captain'.

The "Captain" who had signs of breaking away was once again controlled by Wu Hao's mental strength.

The "Captain" is biting his teeth, his forehead is blue, and he is still struggling to give up.

His spiritual strength has increased, but it is still far from Wu Hao's spiritual strength.

"Don't struggle. Is struggle useful in front of absolute strength?" Wu Hao said“ Just like your country, when you bully some weak countries, don't you just believe in the supremacy of strength? "

"Our country is different from you. We are just and you are evil."‘ 'Captain' is still holding on.

"You are so naive. Isn't evil and justice defined by the strong. And now, I'm better than you, I'm just. Well, don't struggle any more. Join the arms of justice quickly. " Wu Hao said with a smile.

"Give up, I will never give in, and I will never be a slave."‘ 'Captain' roared.

"All right, all right, you can't move no matter how you roar. Save your strength. "

Wu Hao said and took out the puppet symbol.

Really, the "Captain" has a good skin bag. If he can control him to become the president of Citigroup in the future, there is also a possibility.

There's no way. As soon as this guy looks, he gives people a feeling of loyalty and honesty.

With such appearance, patriotism and strong strength, as long as he has been a hero for several times, he is definitely a good hand to participate in the election.

Therefore, such people still have to master them.

As soon as the puppet Fu came out, even if the "Captain" shouted the slogan "never be a slave", he had to kneel down in front of Wu Hao and lower his noble head.


The captain knelt in front of Wu Hao.

"Get up and tell me about the abilities of Superman." Wu Hao moved a chair and sat down.

The captain's room is very large, but it's basically training equipment. It's not easy to see even a chair.

"Superman is the most powerful combination among the six of us. His body density is hundreds of times stronger than ordinary people. His eyes can shoot hot light, and his strength and speed are a little stronger than me."

"Titan, ordinary state is an ordinary person. But as soon as he changes, he will become a giant with a height of more than 5 meters, and the whole person will enter a state of madness. The speed is a little slow, but the power is the strongest among the six. "

"The orcs and titans are somewhat similar. They are mainly transformed. When Titan becomes a giant, ORC will become a bloodthirsty monster. There are various wild animal genes in his body, so every time he changes, his shape is different. "

"Thor, with lightning power, strong body and natural divine power, ranks second among the six people in terms of comprehensive strength, second only to Superman."

"God of war, master all kinds of fighting skills. With fearless courage. He can, under the first round of charge, disintegrate the enemy's momentum. "

The "Captain" told Wu Hao about the six gods.

As one of the six gods, 'Captain' is naturally very familiar with Superman.

"OK, let's go and find Superman first."

When Wu Hao finished, he got up from his chair.

"Don't look for me. I'm coming."

The s sign on the chest representing Superman in Superman clothes was replaced by the gene sign representing genes.

With Superman's almost perfect figure, he really Cosplay the superman in the cartoon.

Since his name is Superman, he must have Superman's super hearing in the cartoon.

It's not too difficult to hear the dialogue between Wu Hao and the "Captain".

"Captain, I always believe that your willpower is the strongest among our 6 gods. But why did he subdue you so easily. I hope you can wake up quickly, or I can only destroy you myself. "

Superman said as he walked towards Wu Hao step by step.

Wu Hao took a good look at Superman and suddenly said, "sure enough, underwear is worn outside."

Hearing Wu Hao's ridicule, Superman's face was suddenly cold and said, "you controlled the 'Captain'. Kill your 'Captain' and you can come back."

"You can try." Wu Hao said with a smile.

"Then die for me."

Superman punched Wu Hao.

And the punch of "Superman" still didn't hit Wu Hao.

This time, Wu Hao did not use his mind to control him, but the "Captain" blocked Superman's fist with a shield.

Indeed, the "Captain" used a shield.

"Captain, if you don't get out of the way, I will destroy you first."‘ Superman said coldly.

"Everyone says I'm the weakest of the six of us, so I'm going to challenge the strongest you today."‘ "Captain," he said, kicking at Superman's chest.


The captain kicked Superman's chest heavily.

But Superman did not move.

The "Captain" was shocked by the anti earthquake force and retreated a few steps.

"Others are right. You are indeed the weakest of the six of us."‘ Superman is full of domineering attitude towards the captain.

"Then try it."

The captain took the shield and began to work with Superman.

Originally, the strength of "Superman" was stronger than that of "Captain", but when they hit each other, they even hit 50-50.

"Superman, do you still think I'm the weakest of the six of us?"

The captain's shield was hit with a set of fists and feet, and Superman had to be on defense for a while.

"It seems that we really underestimated you. But even so, you can't beat me. "

"Superhuman power."

For a moment, Superman was like a halo of Jiajing, and his strength soared.

The captain retreated several steps with one punch.

Then there was another punch.

The captain could only reluctantly block it with a shield.

However, the powerful fist power even made the captain's special shield punch marks one by one.

Even so, the captain insisted.

Unexpectedly, after holding on for a while, the captain began to open with Superman again.

You punched me, and I kicked you. It was very lively.

Seeing that he couldn't win the captain for a while, Superman was also a little flustered.

The eyes also emit hot rays.

But the captain had a shield and blocked Superman's rays.

Superman is not the omnipotent Superman in the cartoon. He just has the same ability as the superman in the cartoon. He is just a genetically modified man, not a real Superman.

After watching Superman do his best, Wu Hao didn't want to see them waste time.

Take the six gods early and you can deal with the Thomson family.