Chapter 261

Name:Super express Author:wu dou xiao min
From their mouths, Wu Hao knew their nicknames: boxer, tank, heavy artillery, gunman and divine arrow.

The boxer is the black man.

They are all experiments of gene warriors.

However, they can only be regarded as failed experiments.

Because their life span is not long and their ability is weak.

It was also because of their weak ability that they were sent to catch the weak dragon 13.

The strongest of the gene warriors, such as Superman, Captain and Titan, will not appear in front of the world.

Citigroup now needs an opportunity to launch gene warriors such as Superman, Captain and Titan.

Citigroup wants the whole world to know that they have Superman.

"These foreign devils are very good at tossing. By the way, how many of these gene warriors are there? " Wu Hao asked.

"There are about 600 ordinary gene warriors, while only six are as powerful as Superman. Superman, Captain, ORC, God of war, Thor and Titan are called the 'six gods'. "‘ 'dog man 'replied.

"Where do they usually appear?" Wu Hao asked.

"We are usually at gene headquarters."

"Superman, will they be there too?"

"Yes, under normal circumstances, they will assist in completing the research of the 'super soldier' program at the gene headquarters."

"What is a super soldier?"

"Super soldiers use the captain's blood to make serum. Injected with this serum, ordinary people will become very powerful. And it has no impact on life. "

"Why not use Superman's blood?"

"Because only the captain's blood can work on ordinary people. Superman's blood, once injected into ordinary people's body, powerful energy will burst ordinary people in an instant. "

"When will you go back to gene headquarters?"

"Someone should change our shift soon."

"OK, I'll wait a minute. Wait, go to gene headquarters with you. "

With that, Wu Hao found a seat and sat down.

Superman, Captain, Titan, ORC, God of war, Thor and so on are all very interesting.

It would be a beautiful thing to take them all as their puppets.

At that time, when the foreign devils announced that they had Superman, but found that Superman didn't listen to them, the expression would be very wonderful.

Half an hour later, another group of gene fighters came to replace the five boxers.

Because 'Dog Man' plays a great role, so 'Dog Man' can't rest.

Of course, these five gene warriors soon became Wu Hao's puppets.

Then Wu Hao left Chinatown with the boxers.

In a tall building in the city of angels, this is the nest of the gene group and the place where five boxers will go.

Before long, Wu Hao followed five boxers into the building.

Because there were five boxers with them, the two security guards did not want to check Wu Hao.

Although the five "boxers" are among the gene fighters, they are not very powerful.

But in front of ordinary people, there are still some privileges.

The gene building is like a video game. There are weak gene soldiers living below.

The higher up, the stronger the strength of the gene warrior.

If you want to see the final boss, you have to fight up layer by layer.

Since it's a game, go up layer by layer.

In the "Boxer" these traitors, Wu Hao easily went up layer by layer.

At every level, under the leadership of the traitors, Wu Hao's puppet symbols shine brightly.

Wu Hao has more and more puppet men.

Let the foreign devils know that the "superheroes" they made at a high price have been accepted by Wu Hao as little brothers one by one. I don't know if they will spit blood three liters.

An hour later, Wu Hao made preparations to go to the top under the leadership of his new younger brother... No, it was his younger sister.

This little sister is a beautiful foreign girl, nicknamed 'nvxia'.

"Nvxia" is second only to the existence of the "six gods".

In terms of rank, the strength of "nvxia" is the peak of vigorous Qi.

However, she is genetically modified and will never break through to heaven and man.

But it was so close that she could only succumb to the "six gods" forever.

"Master, where shall we go first?"‘ Asked the nvxia.

"Go to the 'Captain' first." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Wu Hao has also seen the "Captain" film of Citigroup. After being injected with super serum, the captain has become far more powerful than ordinary people.

I just don't know what kind of person the "Captain" with the same nickname as the superhero is in this implementation.

On the top floor, nvxia took Wu Hao outside a room.

When he came outside the room, Wu Hao heard a 'Bang Bang' sound from the room.

The door of the captain's room was not closed, and the nvxia pushed the door and went in.

"Nvxia, what can I do for you?"

The 'Captain' is a man of about 30 who is more than 1.9 meters tall and almost perfect blonde.

At this time, he was madly hitting the sandbag in front of a 3-meter-high sandbag, and the sandbag was shaken greatly by him.

And that 'Bang Bang' sound was made under his fist.

Moreover, his footsteps moved quickly.

However, at a glance, Wu Hao saw that the "Captain" was a strong man with both strength and speed, and his strength reached the "realm of heaven and man".

"Who is he?"

At this time, the "Captain" also saw Wu Hao.

Suddenly, the captain's face changed and his feet moved. He suddenly came to Wu Hao and punched Wu Hao in the face.

The 'Captain' punch is very powerful. If ordinary people are in front of him, this punch can blow ordinary people's heads like watermelon.

It's just that Wu Hao is not an ordinary person.

Wu Hao's spirit moved, and the "Captain's" fist stopped in front of Wu Hao and couldn't move forward any more.

At the same time, his body stopped.

Can't move another half minute.

"What did you do to me?"‘ The captain looked at Wu Hao in horror.

"I didn't do anything to you. I just calmed you down and I'll make you my man." Wu Hao said.

"Is it like 'nvxia'?"

The "Captain" now knows why the "nvxia" brought Wu Hao up.

"Nvxia is also very good now. Is it worse to follow me than before?" Wu Hao smiled.

"Citi is the most powerful country in the world. I am the most powerful soldier of the great Citi. You can control my body, but you can't control my spirit. I won't give in. I'll never be a slave."

The "Captain" struggled angrily, and even Wu Hao's mental strength could not control him.