Chapter 745

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
In 1814, the spirit of stone bear had been in this space for half a century.

In the original historical time and space, the United States has begun to move westward. A large number of Indians were slaughtered or expelled by the westward Americans. Even many Indians who helped the Americans complete the war of independence were expelled or killed by the greedy Americans.

But in this time and space, it took stone bear more than 20 years to strangle America in its infancy and build a powerful empire dominated by Indians and composed of a large number of Europeans and Africans. Then it took stone bear more than 20 years to expand this empire into a trans Pacific empire A powerful empire that occupied the entire North American continent and the Caribbean.

At this time, the stone bear also changed from the 16-year-old silly head who just came from the soul to the world-famous chief, the son of God.

On April 1 of this year, Shi Xiong, who was discussing with the Empire's high-level officials to expand the influence of the Empire in the Arabian Peninsula, received a top secret telegram just sent from Europe.

After so many years of continuous research and development, now the Empire's radio communication has long had a breakthrough. In order to carry out long-distance communication, many relay stations were needed.

But now, the radio communication distance of Yanhuang empire can reach across the Pacific Ocean. So news from Europe can always be sent to the stone bear desk in North America at the first time.

Of course, radio communication technology is still one of the most secret core technologies of the Empire. Now Europeans only know that the Great China Empire has a method of long-distance communication, but no one knows what this method is, let alone the principle.

It's like the Europeans know that the artillery of the Great China empire is powerful, but they just can't imitate it; The Europeans know that the steel warships of the Great China empire are powerful, but they are also unable to make qualified steel warships

There are many core technologies of the Empire, each of which is enough to change the current pattern of the world, but the stone bear will never be stupid enough to take out such technologies. This is the unique technology of the Empire, and the empire is counting on these technologies to become the first power in the world!

The information recorded in this top secret information is very simple: on March 31, Paris was captured by the sixth anti French Alliance, and Emperor Napoleon was facing great crisis and was likely to be forced to abdicate.

The signature below is, of course, the code name of the chief officer of the French branch of the Imperial military intelligence security agency.

Thanks to the breakthrough of radio technology, the Empire now installed a large number of ears and eyes in European countries, commonly known as spies, to monitor the intelligence of European countries.

All these spies belong to the Imperial military intelligence and Security Bureau under the leadership of rabbit mouth. Only three people in the Empire, including stone bear, rabbit mouth and hekale, know the specific situation of the spy members of each branch. No one else can interfere in the affairs of the military intelligence and Security Bureau.

These spies scattered in European countries spend a lot of money every year. However, thanks to the serial marketing plan implemented by the Empire in European countries decades ago, the cost of these spies in Europe is actually the result of sheep.

Who is the most important person in Europe in the last 20 years? No doubt it was Napoleon the great.

And for this short giant that makes the whole of Europe feel scared, the stone bear has long thought of plans related to it. So over the past 20 years, the Empire has deployed a large number of intelligence personnel in France in order to obtain the specific situation of the great emperor.

Sure enough, the French emperor, who now makes the whole of Europe shudder, had an accident just like in the original historical time and space.

When Paris was captured by the anti French Alliance, Napoleon was forced to abdicate and was imprisoned for the first time.

How good is Napoleon? Among other things, in the 20 years from the first time he led the army to defeat the first anti French Alliance to the defeat of Waterloo in 1815, the whole Europe formed six anti French alliances in order to deal with him.

Well, when European countries formed the first anti French Alliance, Napoleon had not yet become the leader of France, but the first anti French Alliance was defeated by Napoleon.

In other words, except for the last two victories, the other five anti French alliances formed by European countries ended in failure.

And the total number of soldiers in the seven anti French leagues went from tens of thousands in the beginning to 700000 in the seventh.

This is enough to prove how oppressive Napoleon brought to European countries in the past 20 years.

Now the Allied forces of the anti French Alliance have occupied Paris, which is the sixth time of the anti French Alliance. This time, the number of anti French allied forces reached 350000, while the French soldiers under Napoleon's leadership were only about 100000.

Even in the absolute inferiority of the number, the French army under the command of Napoleon also won a large number of battles. Unfortunately, the number of French troops was too small. In the end, the French army did not resist the sixth anti French Alliance, and Paris was still lost.

When the stone Bear looked at the information, the rabbit's mouth beside him asked softly, "chief, do we want to implement our plan ahead of time?"

One side of the bighorn sheep also showed a look of inquiry, but he did not ask.

In fact, the big horn sheep is now in a state of retirement. In his seventies, he has no energy to give advice to the Imperial Army as before. Now he is more to help the backward generation of the general staff. But at this meeting, the stone bear called him over.

Shi Xiong shook his head slightly and said: "that plan is not implemented for the time being, it's not time to implement that plan..."

Napoleon's influence on the European continent is so huge, how could the stone bear let him go easily?

Napoleon's ability is beyond doubt, and the French people's support for him is also irreplaceable.

In the original historical time and space, even if Napoleon was forced to abdicate and was imprisoned in the island of Elba in the middle of the earth sea, he escaped from that island only eight months later.

After Napoleon returned to France with 700 soldiers, he was warmly welcomed by the French, including the French army. Even many French troops who were sent by Louis XVIII to kill Napoleon turned over and became loyal supporters of Napoleon again.

In the original historical time and space, Napoleon led 700 soldiers to flee from Elba at the end of February 1815. By the end of March of the same year, 700 soldiers had become 140000 regular soldiers and 200000 volunteers in just one month!

This is enough to prove Napoleon's appeal in France.

But this guy's fate was not good. The dynasty he reestablished after returning to France lasted only a hundred days. He was defeated in the battle of Waterloo, and then he was imprisoned again, and finally died on the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic.

The plan about Napoleon is that when the stone bear is going to be imprisoned after the fall of Napoleon's hundred day Dynasty, he will rescue this guy, and then help this guy to continue to stir up the situation in Europe.

The only purpose of doing so is to make use of this guy's outstanding military talent and his incomparable appeal in France, continue to contain the energy of European powers, and create more space and more time for the development of the Empire