Chapter 744

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
After Japan was annexed by the Empire and became a colony of the Empire, the entire Pacific Ocean basically became the Empire's own swimming pool.

At present, there are almost no European colonies in the Pacific Ocean. If the stone bear didn't think it would be useful to leave Spain and Holland, the colonies of Spain and Holland in Southeast Asia would have been taken back by the stone bear.

But even so, the former famous Spanish East India Company and the Dutch East India Company ended their missions early.

In the original historical time and space, because of the outbreak of the French Revolution, the Dutch East India Company, which was established in 1602, was dissolved in 1799, and the French East India Company, which was established in 1664, was dissolved in 1794.

However, in this time and space, although the great Chinese Empire had occupied the Indonesian islands for a long time, and trapped the Spanish and Dutch colonists in a small area, the stone bear did not kill the two countries' East India companies, which led to the fact that the two countries' East India companies, which should have been dissolved long ago, are still struggling.

In fact, Shi Xiong doesn't know why he wants to keep these two East India companies, but intuitively, Shi Xiong thinks that it should be useful to keep these two East India companies.

Up to now, except for Europe, the stone bear has not been excessively involved, resulting in a greater overlap between Europe and the original historical time and space. For example, the Americas and the Pacific Ocean have already undergone earth shaking changes. Even the golden finger that the stone bear has been relying on is not very useful now.

The Pacific Ocean, which should have been occupied by the British colonists, now belongs to the Great China Empire, and the British power has been completely expelled from the Pacific Ocean.

Without the many colonies in the Pacific, the sun never sets and the Empire will certainly be gone.

In fact, the Empire not only expelled the British in the Pacific, but also began to invade the European colonies in Africa.

Before the end of the Napoleonic War, the main energy of European countries was on the European mainland, and their control over the outside colonies weakened a lot. If we don't seize the time to occupy those key areas at this time, we won't have this shop after this village.

So the Empire took advantage of this opportunity to seize key areas around the world.

For example, in May 1809, the Empire dispatched its fleet in Maputo, the colony of Johannesburg, South Africa. Under the escort of eight class III windsurfing battleships, twelve large-scale personnel carriers sailed all the way north along the east coast of Africa and landed in Djibouti in the southern part of the Red Sea. They had a fierce fight with the British who were preparing to colonize Djibouti.

After the British were beaten away, the stormy bear soldiers began to build bases in northern Djibouti. The location of the base is near mululi. At the same time, the fleet went deep into the Red Sea and landed on the Sinai Peninsula.

At that time, Sinai Peninsula, including Egypt, was colonized by the French, so it was no accident that the bear Stormers had a fierce fight with the French troops stationed here. With guns with a range far beyond that of French coastal artillery, the Empire beat the French hard... The French said they were helpless. Why me?

After the French were defeated, the soldiers of the bear army quickly landed. The soldiers of the bear army of the whole four regiments rapidly expanded along the isthmus of Suez, occupied the ancient city of Ismailia, and began to build a military base based on Ismailia.

At the same time, the stormy bear soldiers took the isthmus of Suez as the center line and expanded westward for a full distance of 20 kilometers. Only then did they stop westward expansion and strongly declared that the area to the east of this line belonged to the Empire.

Another part of the soldiers continued to expand eastward, occupying half of the Sinai Peninsula.

With the cooperation of the Imperial Navy and army, the Red Sea and the isthmus of Suez were successfully controlled in only four months.

At this time, only Napoleon, who was still the emperor, proposed to build a canal connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean in the isthmus of Suez. However, Napoleon was still at his peak. His deterrent power frightened the whole Europe. In addition, the energy of France and other European countries was involved in the European mainland, So no one realized the importance of the isthmus at this time.

Under such circumstances, the Empire occupied the isthmus of Suez and blocked the entrance and exit of the Red Sea at the southern end of the Red Sea, completing a beautiful strategic layout.

The most important thing is that the imperial army did not wantonly expand, which made many European powers a little relaxed about the imperial action.

After all, the whole of Europe now knows that the Empire rising on the other side of the Atlantic is really not easy to provoke, even worse than Napoleon's France.

As long as the powerful empire did not reach into Europe, most of the European powers turned a blind eye to the Empire's small moves in Africa. Even Napoleon didn't want to offend the Empire at this point because of a Suez isthmus.

Throughout the past half century, the French have suffered a lot in the hands of the powerful chief, so that the French have a psychological shadow.

Napoleon was busy dealing with the anti French Alliance. With his intelligence, he would not offend the powerful empire at this time.

With the military bases established in Ismailia and several military fortresses established in the border area, the Empire soon firmly controlled this area.

And the Empire didn't stop. When the Empire gained full control of the Red Sea and the isthmus of Suez, the imperial fleet sailed out of the red sea again, and continued to go north along the Arabian Peninsula, and then quickly occupied the narrow valley where heseb lived

Heseb is a small city at the northernmost tip of the Cape of Oman. In later generations, if you just look at the map, maybe many people will think that this city located in the northernmost corner of Oman belongs to the United Arab Emirates, but in fact, this city belongs to Oman, which is an enclave of Oman separated by the United Arab Emirates.

However, at this time, the borders between countries are far less clear than later generations. At this time, the UAE still belongs to Oman

And at this time, France was the colonist who ruled here... France: what's so special about me?

Needless to say, the French colonists in Oman were beaten up by the Empire again. However, this time, the Empire did not forcibly expand in Oman. Instead, it stopped expanding after it just hit the nearby heseb.

This made the French colonists put down a little bit of a snack. After all, Cape Oman is full of mountains, and the place is very poor. Although the Empire occupied there and could directly control the Strait of Hormuz, no one realized the importance of Middle East oil, so the French did not care about the Empire occupying such a small enclave at the top of Cape Oman.

By 1810, the great Chinese Empire had controlled about 300000 square kilometers of the Johannesburg colony in Africa, the isthmus of Suez and the sea mouth of the Red Sea at the junction of Eurasia, and the Strait of Hormuz at the corner of Oman.

And the imperial logistics troops also began to quickly build large military bases in these places, making these key areas into fortresses that can not be broken!