Chapter 515

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
For such a result, the stone bear is no surprise.

In fact, before the joint meeting, Shi Xiong made an analysis on whether to carry out the Northern Expedition now.

At this time, it is of course beneficial to carry out the northern expedition. For example, in the past two years, the stormy bear army has conquered the southwest and northwest, especially the fierce Soviet Grand Alliance and the Xiayan people, which directly shocked all the Indian tribes in the north.

The valiant of the Sioux is not just about talking about it. It's really valiant. There are so many powerful Crees living in central and eastern Canada. Originally, the Crees wanted to go south. As a result, they were beaten back by the Sioux and have been staying in cold Canada.

You don't want to go south when you're a Kerry? Don't want to live in the warmer Central Plains? But the problem is that the Sioux are like a great wall, firmly blocking the south of the Crees.

The fact that the Soviet Grand Alliance, with a population of only about 100000, can keep the CRI people, who have twice their population, in the north is enough to prove the strength of the Soviet people.

As a close neighbor of the Sioux, the Xiayan people not only fight with the Sioux, but also fight with the Koros in the north. What's more, the Xiayan people not only fight with the two neighboring Sioux and the Koros all day long, they are also the enemies of the Kiowa people in the south.

In other words, the Xiayan people had no strong enemies except in the West because of the existence of the high rocky mountains. They had deadly enemies in the north, East and south. However, the Xiayan people, who also had a population of less than 100000, resisted the attacks of the Sioux, the kros and the Kiowa people, and they were quite comfortable.

This is enough to prove the valiant of Xia Yan people.

It is definitely a terrible tribe that can be compared with the Sioux and even surpass them in some ways.

In less than three months, these two powerful clans in the northwest and even the whole North fell into the hands of the Cherokees. How powerful must the Cherokees be?

Didn't you see that even the kros moved northward even the Yeju? If the crows did not leave, no one would doubt that the crows would also fall.

And the rest of the tribes in the north already know that the powerful tribes living in their South have now been conquered by the Cherokees!

Who is not afraid of such a powerful tribe in the south?

If the fierce bear army attacks at this time, those tribes in the north will be easily disintegrated.

Therefore, the northern expedition was also beneficial at this time.

However, Shi Xiong is also worried that the fierce bear army's three-year campaign will produce fatigue, which is not only physical fatigue, but also more serious psychological fatigue. Moreover, many soldiers of the fierce bear army have been soldiers for so many years. It's time for some veterans to retire from the first line and become instructors of the second line troops.

Moreover, we have conquered so many tribes in the past three years. It also takes time for these conquered tribes to integrate.

Therefore, from the perspective of stability, it is also very reasonable to suspend the northern expedition.

Now, with the end of the joint meeting, Shi Xiong has made a decision in his heart, that is, to suspend the Northern Expedition and make every effort to consolidate the current situation.

In fact, even if the northern expedition was delayed for two years, Shi Xiong didn't think it mattered.

Now the tribes living in the Great Lakes region are either colluding with the British or the French. If they are moved rashly, maybe the British and the French will join in.

Especially the French, because of the rapid rise of tribes, and moved the royal court to the Bank of the Mihe River, directly cut off the Mississippi River, so that the French suffered a great loss. In addition, a few years ago, the French were unconvinced to send people to attack Fort okron and Fort Memphis, and they were beaten by the fierce bear army. Therefore, the tribe and the French have long been enemies.

In the vicinity of the Mihe River, the French are powerless to the tribe. But once the tribe really made the Northern Expedition and entered the Great Lakes region, no one could guarantee that the French sail battleships would enter the Great Lakes along the St. Lawrence River.

Moreover, the Great Lakes region is a region that has been operated by the French for a long time. The French have a deep-rooted influence in that region. It is obviously not an appropriate time for them to engage with the French there.

Similarly, the British have just won the seven-year war and are now busy taking over the Great Lakes region. The British also regard the Great Lakes region as a forbidden area. If the tribes go northward, maybe the British will do the same.

Although the stone bear is not worried about the French and the British, even if the two join hands, the stone bear is sure to beat them away. However, it is obviously not a good strategy to provoke two powerful enemies for no reason.

If so, why not wait until the war of independence broke out?

Once the gunfire broke out in Lexington, a small village north of Boston, the French, not to mention the British, might not care about the Indian tribes in the Great Lakes region.

If there is no big change in the deviation of history, it will be four years before the shooting of Lexington.

If we take advantage of these four years to consolidate our present achievements and integrate all the conquered tribes thoroughly, then it is definitely a good time to take advantage of the outbreak of the war of independence to attack those tribes in the north.

Even if this historical time and space has changed because of its arrival and the rise of the Cherokee people, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, it's also a must to develop the internal affairs well. It takes time to improve the grain production, increase the population, promote education, integrate other tribes, and integrate mixed editors.

If the internal affairs of the tribe can be done well before the northern expedition, it will be much easier during the northern expedition.

The most important thing is that the radio team led by gaddie Roy has achieved certain results. But it also takes time to really apply radio.

There is no doubt about the importance of communication, especially once the tribes have conquered the northern tribes and established a vast empire, then an extremely effective and rapid way of communication is needed to manage this vast territory.

Now the tribe has controlled half of the territory of the whole new continent of North America, the narrow and long place on the west coast and the cold zone areas in northern Canada. For the stone bear, it's like chicken ribs. It's not too late to fight until the empire is established. Therefore, how to better stabilize such a large territory has become the most important thing.

Combined with one of the major leaders of the joint conference, Shi Xiong also wanted to wait for everything to be done before the northern expedition.