Chapter 514

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Judging from the speeches made by these people, it is obvious that these high-level officials in charge of internal affairs are inclined not to launch the northern expedition for the time being.

However, as a leader, Shi Xiong is very clear about the principle of "listening to both sides is bright, listening to one side is dark". He will not ignore the opinions of the red city alliance just because these high-level officials in charge of internal affairs have expressed their own opinions.

So, the stone bear naturally led this topic to the Red City League.

"Big horn sheep, tell me what you think. You are the top commander of the bear army. If you have any ideas, just say what you want

The big horned sheep nodded and stood up. "The first thing to say is that the morale of the fierce bear army is booming now, and the soldiers are full of confidence in the northern expedition. The map about this continent drawn by the chief a long time ago has been seen by all the soldiers of the fierce bear army. They are looking forward to laying all the land for the chief and our tribe. The soldiers are always ready to open up territory for the chief and the tribe, and then build their own empire. "

Big horn sheep's words let the atmosphere of the main hall of giant bear palace burn up immediately. At that time, the expedition team with only 100 people has now developed into a huge army with eight divisions and a total of more than 80000 people. In addition, the fierce bear army has been invincible in the eastern and Western wars over the years, and has become the biggest force guarantee for the whole tribe.

Even the stone bear is proud of the fierce bear army.

Obviously, the top commander of the bear army said the current situation of the bear army, that is, very good, very good. All the soldiers are waiting to be ready to conquer the next tribe for the tribe and the chief.

This kind of exuberant morale is undoubtedly very exciting, even the high-level of these tribes are excited after hearing these words, because it just shows the strength of the tribe.

The bighorn sheep looked around and then continued: "the 80000 soldiers of the fierce bear army have been ready for a long time, but whether they want to launch the Northern Expedition depends on whether your support is in place. We all know that once the war machine starts, the daily consumption is astronomical. Even if we only need to send three or four divisions in the northern expedition, we can't carry out the northern expedition to the end without sufficient logistic support. Therefore, my opinion is very simple. Whether the Northern Expedition can be carried out depends on how much support you can give. "

After a pause, bighorn sheep hesitated a little, "chief, I have a little heart to heart here. I don't know whether to speak or not."

The stone bear nodded with a smile and said, "big horn sheep, if you have a word, just say it. You are the force of our tribe. No matter what thoughts and opinions you have, we will attach great importance to you. "

"That's good." The bighorn sheep nodded, "in fact, if you follow my idea, I'm not inclined to go northward at once. We have just pacified the major Soviet Alliance and the Xiayan people in the northwest. Although the bear storming army has not suffered any losses, the ninth and tenth mixed divisions to be formed need to add more soldiers. So I think we should suspend for a period of time, so that the subsequent mixed division officers and soldiers can better integrate together and form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. In this way, during the northern expedition, in case our main forces encounter any problems, the mixed division can immediately pull up to share the worries for the main forces. So, dear chief, and all of you, my personal opinion is to suspend the northern expedition. "

Stone bear nodded slightly again, then he looked at the horse, bone spear, mad cow, black wolf, hard bone and so on.

These people are representatives of the military's strength, division leaders of various divisions, and black wolf is the commander of the air force. And he has been following the hard bone of the stone bear. This little guy who fled from longmaoniu tribe to gaoshu tribe with the stone bear and Kuaima has become a strong young man, and he has become a father.

Kuaima, bonspear and kuangniu, as the most powerful division leaders of the first, second and third divisions of the fierce bear army, undoubtedly have a lot of power to speak. However, after the three of them looked at each other, Kuaima said on behalf of the three main divisions: "chief, we also think that what commander dajiaoyang said is very reasonable. In the past three years, we have been fighting. Although the morale of the brothers is very strong and they are looking forward to winning those tribes in the north, I know that the brothers need a period of time to have a good rest, otherwise, It's easy to go wrong. "

Kuaima is one of the most trusted brothers of the stone bear. Without him, the stone bear should pay special attention to his words.

Black wolf said: "chief, although our air force has no problem, I think our air force needs more hot air balloons, so as to form a more powerful cluster bombing capability, open up a better battlefield for the army brothers, and reduce the casualties of the army brothers. It will take time. "

The power of the air force is now known to all. This kind of service that only they can beat others but others can't beat them is too fierce. It's just restricted by the weather and wind direction. Otherwise, if the bear army has more than 200 hot air balloons and there is no weather and wind direction, the air force alone can easily beat a tribe to collapse.

Although the current air force is far from being able to compare with the real air force of later generations, it has also made its debut. The stone bear must also pay attention to the words of the black wolf.

Nodded, the stone Bear looked at the hard bone again.

Hard bones have been working in the water army all these years. At this time, they have grown into the leader of the Cherokee water army. Their status is the same as that of the black wolf.

If it is a northern expedition, it is undoubtedly the best way to transport troops and logistics materials by means of the Mississippi River waterway. Therefore, it is particularly important to be a hard core commander of the Navy.

At present, the water army of the Cherokee people is very large. The armed river transport ships traded from the Fernando family, intercepted from the French, and built by the tribe itself have enabled the tribe to have more than 140 armed river transport ships with a loading capacity of about 50-60 tons.

Before, the role of the water army was unparalleled, whether it was to pacify the southwest or conquer the northwest. Eight of the soldiers in front of Chengdu were transported by water army.

Hard bone slightly pondered and said: "boss, there is no problem with our navy. We can go out at any time. Moreover, the shipyard has built two inland river sailing warships that can be equipped with 76mm cannons. As long as the cannons pass the test, our navy can act as the vanguard. However, since other brothers feel that this is not a good time for the northern expedition, I will not express any other opinions. I can only tell you that our navy can start at any time. "

After listening to the hard words, the stone bear pondered for a moment and said, "well, then stop the northern expedition, repair the whole army, and make great efforts to prepare for the northern expedition."

They all said yes.