Chapter 359

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
Immersed in worry, major Adrian Fogg inadvertently saw the guardian with the same dignified face on one side of his head.

"Guardian, do you know smallpox?" Major Fogg was a little curious. In his opinion, the native Indians in the new world, especially in the new world of North America, should not know about this malignant infectious disease.

"Well, of course I know about this malignant infectious disease." Shi Xiong nodded. Rao Shi is a soul wearer. He has countless kinds of information and technologies from later generations in his mind. However, in the face of this terrible and malignant infectious disease, he still feels numb.

This kind of malignant infectious disease that can be infected through droplets or direct contact with human body is too overbearing. In contrast, SAS, who has brought great panic to China in later generations, is just like a child's family.

Although the death rate of smallpox is not as terrible as that of the black death, the death rate of this malignant infectious disease is as high as 40%. The most important thing is that the disease is more lethal to children and women. It can really be called the "killer of women and children".

"Guardian, do you have any way to deal with this disease?" Major Fogg hesitated before asking. Major Fogg also knew a lot about this big man. He even knew that the guardian, who was once a fool but now seems to know everything, had been guided by the highest spirit of the Indians.

Major Fogg didn't believe it, but as a devout believer, he couldn't help believing it at this time.

Stone bear hesitated a little. Although smallpox is an incurable disease in this era, how can he not know how to treat smallpox from later generations? Well, the word smallpox prevention seems to be more accurate.

But for smallpox, a malignant infectious disease, prevention is equal to treatment

But the question is, how to effectively prevent smallpox, really tell this major Fogg?

Although it is a big guiding ideology to maintain limited cooperation with the British people, this method of preventing smallpox is an absolute "strategic" weapon. It's really uncertain whether we should talk about the method of preventing smallpox now.

From a personal point of view, Shi Xiong absolutely does not mind taking out this method. After all, once this method is taken out, it will save thousands of women and children. But the problem is that the stone bear does not represent an individual. There are millions of North American Indians standing behind him.

Moreover, this is a delicate time. Once the Europeans, especially the British, have mastered the methods to prevent smallpox, will the independent war which will break out in a few years' time be launched as scheduled? Will the British defeated in the war of independence still fail?

Although it was not smallpox virus that helped the Americans defeat the British in the independent war, it was malaria transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. However, at the most critical moment of the independent war, the most serious smallpox broke out in the European continent. Most of the British soldiers' families were in the British mainland. These soldiers attached themselves to their families and did not want to fight, which was also an important reason why Britain lost the war.

"Guardian, do you have any way to prevent smallpox?" Major Fogg is an individual. When Shi Xiong hesitates, he immediately realizes something and asks excitedly.

The stone bear sighed a little, bit the teeth after biting, and then asked: "Adrian, do you know the vaccination method for human pox?"

"Acne? The way to prevent smallpox spread from the ancient east? " Major Fogg was stunned, and then asked.

"That's right. It's the kind of vaccination that was spread to Britain more than 40 years ago through Montagu, the wife of your British Embassy in Turkey." Stone bear's eyes were fixed on major Fogg, and he said with certainty.

Fogg hesitated a little. "I've heard of that kind of vaccination, but it's said that it's not very safe. There's also a chance of infection, and it seems that the probability is not low. If a healthy person is infected with smallpox due to vaccination with that kind of smallpox, it's.... "

Major Fogg's worries are not unreasonable.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Chinese vaccinations spread to Turkey, and Montagu, the wife of the British ambassador to Turkey, decided to vaccinate his son with this kind of vaccinations after hearing the news.

Because Mrs. Montague's brother died of smallpox, and she had contracted the disease herself, she was very afraid of smallpox. She was afraid that her son would also be infected with smallpox, so she asked her son to be vaccinated with smallpox under the care of the surgeon in the embassy. Fortunately, the vaccination was successful!

After returning to the UK, Mrs. Montague strongly advocated vaccination. But she was criticized by society and religion

Opposition and resistance. Under many obstacles, Mrs. Montague had to take advantage of her marriage with Princess Caroline ansba of Wales

Personal friendship, ask her to persuade the king to promote vaccinations. Under the support of King George I, a technique lacking theoretical support

Art, began to spread in rational Britain. However, although vaccinations have protected many people's lives, the number of vaccinated people is still low

People still have a 2% mortality rate.

After returning to the UK, Mrs. Montague strongly advocated vaccination. But she was criticized by society and religion

Opposition and resistance. Under many obstacles, Mrs. Montague had to take advantage of her marriage with Princess Caroline ansba of Wales

Personal friendship, ask her to persuade the king to promote vaccinations.

After returning to the UK, Mrs. Montague strongly advocated vaccination. But she was criticized by society and religion

Opposition and resistance. Under a lot of resistance,

Later, after returning to England, Mrs. Montague began to advocate vaccination in China, but she was opposed and resisted by the social and religious circles. Under many obstacles, the vaccinations were not going well in Britain at the beginning. As a last resort, she took advantage of her personal friendship with Princess Caroline ansba of Wales and asked the princess to persuade the king to carry out vaccinations.

At that time, King George I of England was also interested in this kind of vaccination, so with the support of the king, this kind of vaccination technology without theoretical support began to spread rationally from England.

However, there is a lack of theoretical support for vaccination, so although this kind of vaccination has saved and protected many British people's lives, there are still 2% to 5% casualties among vaccinated people.

That's why major Fogg is worried.

But now that we have decided not to spread the news of vaccinia for the time being, the stone bear can only find a way in this kind of vaccination.

"Adrian, I know your worry, but vaccinations are the only vaccinations that can prevent smallpox at present. Although there is a certain mortality rate, it's better than doing nothing, isn't it? Compared with the death rate of a few percent vaccination, the death rate of nearly half after smallpox infection is undoubtedly more terrible. I think you should be able to make a wise choice. "

Major Adrian Fogg was stunned again, then fell into the tangle with a bitter smile.

He didn't know that what Shi Xiong said was very reasonable? But when it comes to your family, everyone thinks that vaccination is a 100% success, not a few% mortality