Chapter 358

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
"Major, can't such delicious drinks make you happy?" The stone bear once again touched the glass with major Fogg and asked after a drink.

Since major Fogg led his team to gaoshu tribe, Shi Xiong clearly felt that the young major seemed to have something on his mind. He always showed a strong look of worry.

Major Fogg looked at the stone bear, and the casual worry that had just appeared between his eyebrows disappeared. With a smile, he lifted his glass and drained the wine. Then he picked up a string of Beef Kebabs and slowly said, "guardian, my hometown is in Canterbury, east of London. It's a quiet seaside port, just south of the Thames estuary."

Stone bear thought about it, and finally shook his head helplessly. For the geography of Britain, he only knew London, Southampton, Bermingham, Manchester and other big cities, such as Cambridge and Oxford, just because the universities there were very famous.

As for what major Fogg said about Canterbury, he really didn't know.

"But some time ago, I received a letter from my family, saying that the terrible smallpox disease began to spread again. It is said that there has been a mess in London, and it seems that there are smallpox patients in my hometown Canterbury. Now, people in my hometown are in a panic... "

"Smallpox..." the stone bear murmured and frowned“ Adria, are you sure smallpox is back in fashion? "

Major Fogg frowned and shook his head. "I didn't see it with my own eyes, but that's what the letter from home says, so I'm not sure now. But, guardian, this is smallpox. The last time smallpox was popular in the Empire, it was only more than 30 years ago. At that time, I was still young. It is said that more than 200000 people lost their lives in that epidemic... "

The stone bear sighed a little.

How can he not understand the horror of smallpox?

Although smallpox, the top three malignant infectious disease in human history, has been completely eliminated in later generations, in this era, in Europe in the middle of the 18th century, smallpox is indeed a terrible existence comparable to the scythe.

Later on, someone once counted several malignant infectious diseases with the highest death toll in human history. Influenza ranked first, black death ranked second, and smallpox ranked third.

Let's not talk about the flu. Let's not talk about the past. Even in the era before the stone bear passed through, there was no good way for human beings to take the flu. In the whole history of human civilization, there are so many people who died of influenza that there is no way to count them.

Anyway, a Spanish pandemic alone has caused 40 million deaths, which is four times the number of deaths in World War I!

The black death, with hair standing on end, is actually a plague.

The most famous black death in history broke out in Sicily, Italy, in the middle of the 14th century. In 1347, the disease broke out in Sicily, and then swept Europe in just three years. In the following 20 years, it caused 25 million deaths in Europe.

As long as got this kind of disease, the patient does not have any cure possibility, the skin appears many black spots, the death process is extremely painful, therefore called "Black Death". This disease made a comeback in Europe many times in the following 300 years. Later scholars estimated that as many as 300 million people died of this plague, which accounted for half of the European population!

We should know that the number of people killed in World War II only accounted for about 5% of the European population, and a black death made Europe lose half of its population. It took Europe a full 150 years to recover, which shows the "power" of the black death.

In addition to the flu and the black death, smallpox also makes people talk about it.

No one can tell where smallpox, a malignant infectious disease, came from. Some people say that this terrible infectious disease existed in Egypt as early as 3000 years ago, because the scar left by smallpox was seen on the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs unearthed later.

It is also said that this disease arose from India. Whether it was the smallpox virus of ancient China or Europe, it was spread from India

But no matter how smallpox appears, there is no denying that this infectious disease is definitely a terrible infectious disease comparable to the black death.

The number of deaths from smallpox in other parts of the world can't be counted, but only in Europe, as of the 18th century, as many as 150 million Europeans died of this terrible epidemic.

When smallpox, a malignant infectious disease, began to break out in medieval Europe, it left an indelible "mark" for Europe!

At that time, in Europe, there was an average of one "pockmarked face" among every five people, that is, the mark left by smallpox. Even the supreme kings were doomed. King Louis XV of France, Queen Mary II of England, King Joseph I of Germany and Tsar Peter II of Russia were killed by smallpox.

What is more terrifying is that when the Spanish conquered the Indians in central and South America, they used smallpox instead of guns and muskets.

It is said that when the Spaniards first landed in South and Central America, the force of the Spaniards was far less than that of the local Indians, and even the Spaniards were once beaten by the Indians.

At that time, there were only a few hundred Spaniards, while nearly 30 million native Indians lived in central and South America.

In this case, those damned Spanish invaders began to think of tricks. They gave the Indians the blankets used by smallpox patients, and smallpox broke out on the road. Then came mumps, measles, cholera, gonorrhea, yellow fever and other diseases from Europe. Finally, many infectious diseases, led by smallpox, reduced the number of Indians in central and South America to less than one million in a short period of one hundred years

It's no exaggeration to say that the reason why the Spaniards can finally unify central and South America is the invisible but powerful smallpox virus!

Therefore, smallpox is an extremely terrible malignant infectious disease.

Stone bear knows this from beginning to end. Although he also knew that there was an outbreak of smallpox in Europe in the 18th century, he also knew that in the process of this epidemic, a large number of Europeans died of this disease. Even the present King Louis XV of France would be infected with smallpox in eight years and eventually died!

But he really didn't expect that the news about smallpox appeared so early