Chapter 31

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
This hill is not all salt mountain, because in the west of the hill, there are more plants on the hills closely connected with this hill. Obviously, those hills are normal mountains.

Riding around the hill, the stone bear found pieces of limestone at the foot of the hill.

This can be called "double happiness".

The emergence of coal, kaolin and limestone has provided the most basic conditions for iron smelting. As long as iron ore can be found, even with the clay blast furnace of the Communist era, as long as iron can be smelted, there will be no problem in steelmaking.

With kaolin, you can make refractory bricks, and then you can build clay blast furnace. With coal, limestone and iron ore, you can successfully smelt iron.

At the same time of smelting iron, coke can be made in local kilns. As long as you make coke and pig iron, you can make real steel by frying steel!

This is the necessary step to smelt iron ore into steel! This is also the best and most efficient way of steelmaking before the emergence of open hearth.

In this era, coke steelmaking has only appeared in Britain for half a century, and the British people are very strict about the method of coke steelmaking, so this method has not been thoroughly spread in the European continent.

However, I'm afraid the king of the British Empire did not expect that there would be a monster in North America on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, who was born to know these steelmaking methods

However, compared with steelmaking, what makes stone bear most happy is the discovery of this small salt mountain.

As a matter of fact, the reserves of salt on the earth are enormous. Even if we don't mention sea salt, the well salt, rock salt and lake salt produced on the land alone will be enough for the whole mankind to eat for thousands of years.

However, apart from sea salt, most of the salt produced on land contains a lot of impurities, most of which can't be eaten directly. It needs to be processed before it can be eaten. Otherwise, the taste is bad. That thing can really poison people.

This is also the fundamental reason why there are a lot of well salt and rock salt in Europe, and the output of edible salt is still so small.

In this era, besides boiling salt to remove those toxic impurities, other methods of refining salt can not!

It's like the East Cherokee people send caravans protected by many soldiers every year to the pamangi people living in the eastern coastal areas to exchange their fur and grain for salt - the pamangi people living in the later generation of Norfolk have long mastered the method of drying sea salt.

It's no exaggeration to say that once the pamangis cut off the salt supply to the East Cherokees and the chekasa, the two Indian tribes who wanted to turn human brains into dog brains would immediately be in great trouble.

And there is a great possibility that the two tribes that had been hostile for hundreds of years would unite to destroy the pamangis because of salt!

Under the threat of survival, hatred is nothing at all!

As long as the salt of this small salt mountain is refined, the gaoshu tribe will have more strategic materials.

Since there is a comprehensive plan, the most basic materials are indispensable if we want to realize the plan.

The dynasties without strong material support are all buildings built on the beach, which are worse than the five types of slag!

Any dynasty, whether in the early stage of opening up its territory or in the later stage of maintaining its success, needs sufficient materials. Especially in the early days of opening up territory, without strong material support, opening up territory is a joke.

This is the truth of the so-called "digging deep and accumulating grain extensively and slowly becoming king".

If you want the little tall tree tribe to become a big tribe, or even the largest Indian tribe in America, you have to start with the most basic accumulation.

The three men dug some limestone and brought it back to the village. On the way, they met the people called by the big spear. The sharp stone was sent by the stone bear to serve as a guide. After the people dug enough kaolin, they brought back more limestone.

Back to the tribe, they found the grey moose, the stone bear, the grey moose and the fast horse. The three of them went north with weapons, and the target was buffalo mountain.

Bison mountain actually refers to the mountain range composed of four or five parallel small mountains between Dawu Mountain and Tennessee River. Because there are many bison living in this area, it is called bison mountain by East Cherokee people.

As a matter of fact, the height of yeniushan is not high, only 100 meters. It's a bit too high to call it a mountain. Shixiong thinks that this folded mountain system should be called yeniuling.

Stone bears used to be here when they were playing near Knoxville. But in the previous life, it was full of people, not high hills were full of dense trees, and the valley was full of crops.

At this time, yeniuling is a pure original ecology. There is no one to see. There are tall trees all over the mountain, and there are weeds at the foot of the mountain.

At this time of year, the leaves of those trees are almost gone, and the weeds on the ground are yellow. But it's this vast expanse of grass that can't be seen at a glance, and it feeds a lot of bison.

Anyway, before the stone bear arrived at the foot of the mountain, he saw dozens of big bison grazing on the ground. For these bison, in the late autumn season when it begins to get cold, it is the gift of the bull God to have such withered grass to eat.

Most of the bison live on the prairies in the Midwest of North America. Although there are traces of bison in the Appalachian Mountains, it is rare to see so many bison at one time. The valley of bison mountain, the grassland on the nearby plain and the surrounding dense river course are the main reasons for this group of bison to linger here.

For the stone bear, the three of them approached, the bison just slightly raised their heads and ignored the three "little guys". Yes, in front of these big bison, the stone bear and the three of them are really "little guys".

You know, bison is one of the largest bison on the planet, and adult males can weigh up to a ton. And although the opposite corner of the head of the bison is not very long, even the most fierce brown bear in North America and a group of wolves are not willing to easily provoke an adult male bison.

These guys can run up to 60 kmh, and with their huge weight, even Kodiak brown bears can't stand it if they are put on top of a guy by a running bison. So, these predatory overlords on the North American soil only focus on the young and old bison, and no one dares to attack an adult male bison.

Even when the North American Indians with weapons hunt wild buffalo, they usually attack the small buffalo. If they want to hunt a wild buffalo, they can't hunt a wild buffalo successfully without ten or twenty strong soldiers..

Therefore, in the eyes of these "Bull Demon kings", stone bears with only three people are really nothing