Chapter 30

Name:Super Chief Author:Hermo
In the late autumn of a previous life, when the stone bear visited the Museum over there in Gansu Province, he saw many sheep "gnawing at the earth" on the empty land. At that time, the stone bear said with heartache: "these sheep are really poor. Why don't their owners prepare more feed? Look, these lambs are so hungry that they even chew on the soil... "

As a result, the colleagues in the Museum over there gave the stone bear a very embarrassing answer - these sheep are not gnawing on the soil, because it is very saline and alkaline land, so these sheep lick the soil here to replenish the salt in their bodies

Shi Xiong clearly remembers that he was embarrassed by the answer at that time. It was the end of cancer

Later, Shi Xiong specialized in this aspect of knowledge, so today he can see what those animals are doing under this hill.

After confirming that the hill is a salt mountain protruding from the earth's surface, the stone bear's mind immediately became active.

Salt is a good thing in this era. It is no exaggeration to say that the value of this thing in this era is absolutely no lower than gold!

This is not an exaggeration. Before human beings mastered the methods of large-scale salt mining and production, salt was the most scarce material in the world, and there was absolutely no one!

Salt is the top of all tastes. As long as people live, they can't live without salt! Salt is no less important to human beings than air, water and food.

It can be said that the history of salt is a history of human civilization!

Whether in ancient China or in the west, salt was very precious, and even once played the role of currency. In ancient Rome, when the aristocratic ruling group with vested interests, even based on the "salt covenant" established by God as the source of law and legal principle, legislated to prohibit the cooking and selling of illegal salt. At the same time, they also paid for the "value of salt" as the salary in kind to organize the employment of professional army, hoping to bring the interests of the army into full play, It is closely bound with the enforcement of "salt production and trade monopoly law".

In Medieval England, the salt bottles were placed at the top of the host's seat. Sitting at the top of the salt table, that is, sitting at the nearest place to the host, was highly respected by the host, which was equivalent to "respect as the guest of honor", while sitting at the bottom of the table were small people and ordinary guests.

On the Royal table of the French royal family, there are usually large and beautifully decorated boat shaped basins filled with salt. Salt symbolizes not only health, but also the way of long-term preservation, conveying the meaning of the king's health and sustainable inheritance.

Before the 20th century, there were countless wars because of salt.

There is a term in China called "Zhulu Zhongyuan". This word is used in war, which means that all the Heroes rise together to fight for the world.

But in fact, according to the research of historians, the word came into being at an early time, far more than "Qin lost his deer, and the whole world chased it" recorded in the biography of Huaiyin marquis in historical records So late.

The earliest large-scale and organized war in China was carried out by the three tribes of Huangdi, Yandi and Chiyou, the ancestors of China, in order to fight for the Yanchi in Yuncheng area of Shanxi Province.

Qian Mu, a famous Chinese historian, pointed out in his book introduction to the history of Chinese culture that Jiexian Yanchi was a common goal of all the tribes in the Central Plains of ancient China at that time. Whoever occupied Yanchi was qualified to be the common leader of all the tribes.

When the Yellow Emperor launched a war against Yan Emperor and Chiyou, it was essentially to control salt, a very important livelihood and strategic material. Because Huangdi defeated Yandi and Chiyou successively and occupied and controlled Yanchi, his tribe became more and more powerful and eventually became the ancestor of China.

After Yao, Shun and Yu became the emperors of unified China, they chose Pingyang (Linfen, Shanxi Province), Puban (Yongji, Shanxi Province) and Anyi (Yuncheng north, Shanxi Province) near Yanchi to build cities, which were historically known as Yaodu, shundu and Yudu, just for the sake of protecting Yanchi.

In ancient China, salt was called "Zhuolu". Because of the homonym, "Zhuolu" gradually became "Zhuolu", and later became "Zhuolu", so later generations called the war of ancestors fighting for salt (brine) pool "Zhuolu Zhongyuan", which later became the pronoun of war.

In ancient Central and South America, there was a highly developed Mayan civilization. In 1000 BC, the Mayans were able to produce sea salt by solar evaporation in Yucatan Peninsula.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the Maya had a huge industry and extensive trade related to salt. The scope of trade included not only salt, but also salted products processed with salt, such as salted fish and leather.

The Maya civilization flourished because of the production and trade of salt. Similarly, it was the rich salt resources of the Mayan civilization that caused the European colonists to covet. Then the Spanish colonists who controlled the hot weapons raised their butcher knives to the friendly and hospitable Mayans. Continuous wars broke out in central and South America, and finally led to the historical tragedy of the extinction of the Mayan nation and the annihilation of civilization.

In the American War of independence, the British Army seriously weakened the combat effectiveness of the Washington led army by cutting off the supply of salt, and restricted and delayed the process of American independence.

During the American Civil War, the northern army led by Lincoln destroyed the salt fields in the south, resulting in an extreme shortage of salt in the south, which seriously affected the combat effectiveness of the southern forces and accelerated the war process.

Thus, the history of salt is not only a history of human civilization, but also a history of human war!

At the same time, it is enough to prove the importance of salt to human beings.

Now, let alone North America, even in Europe, salt production is extremely low. In fact, a very important reason for the hundred year war between Britain and France, which lasted for more than 100 years, was salt.

In this era, salt is also in great demand in Europe, especially in North America. The main reason for this situation is that the technology of human salt mining and salt making has not yet reached the standard, so the situation that salt is not enough now is formed.

As we all know, the cost of using sea water to dry and boil salt is very high. Even in later generations, the cost of sea salt is much higher than that of well salt. Whether well salt or rock salt, most of them are mixed with many impurities. If they are not refined, the salt produced is not only bad in taste, but also poisonous, which can kill people.

So now in Europe, the amount of well salt is not much. All the salt is supplied to the nobles. The common people and soldiers in the army mainly use sea salt.

But salt drying is greatly restricted by the weather, so there is not enough salt in Europe.

However, Europeans don't know how to refine well salt and rock salt, and they don't know how to remove a lot of impurities, but they know

Squatting in front of the small salt mountain, the stone bear squinted and thought, and his face showed that strange smile unconsciously.

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