Chapter 2242

Although the task reward is very good, it is not the time to do the task for the moment. I just simply looked at the next level and started to rush to the divine power core. The core synchronous reading work of Weina has ended. The next thing to be done is the reconstruction of Olympus Protoss.

The current situation in Europe is quite good for us. Among the major Protoss, there are two great temples: one is our puppet theocracy, the other is a good ally. Although the holy see is our mortal enemy, we have no industry in his sphere of influence, and there is no idea of establishing any new power in this area in the short term. Therefore, the Holy See has no threat to us. The remaining two Protoss are Olympus and Nordic.

The Nordic Protoss and we should not be allies, but the hostility is not counted. This is an uncivilized Protoss, and we do not have much intersection for the time being. After eliminating the Nordic Protoss, the last remaining one is the Olympus Protoss. If we can turn it into a more thorough puppet theocracy than the temple of light, then we can master or influence the ideological trend of more than half of the protoss in Europe. This huge influence doesn't print money directly to you, but it can boost your income in other industries and open up industries that you couldn't or didn't fit into before.

If we want to maintain this influence, we must ensure that the power distribution of European Protoss remains the status quo, or develop in the direction we want, and turning the Olympus Protoss into our puppet theocracy is the most important strategic layout.

There are a lot of people in our guild who know about this matter, and this kind of layout can not be discussed by one or two people. Therefore, when I arrived, there were many people standing here. At this time, the conference hall of the guild was full of people, not only on the seats, but also around two circles of people. The reason why there are so many is not that we have expanded the number of participants in the meeting, but that other members of the meeting, members of the Olympus Protoss, are also on the scene.

Originally, this kind of negotiation like meeting needs to discuss separately and integrate our own internal opinions before we can start to talk. However, our current situation is a bit special. One is that the Olympus Protoss and we are not in the same position. The other side has just won the rebel war with our support, and we are the main force. This determines that the Olympus Protoss under Hera do not have the equal status with us. In addition, the strength of the other side is also a lot more than the other side, which determines that the other side does not have the strength of tough negotiations. Finally, because our guild has internal communication, we can discuss and unify opinions while holding meetings.

Now the two sides in the conference hall have been divided into two parts, but from the position we can see that we are not equal. In normal negotiation, both sides sit on the left and right sides across the table, and the ends of the table are not occupied. But this time we're in a split position. As president, my position on the conference table is at the top of the conference table, and there is a very special throne. All the other seats on the table are the same, but my one is special, which determines that this position represents a higher status existence.

Now my seat has been empty in the meeting hall, and vena, rose and red moon are all sitting on the left and right sides of my position. A group of members of the guild who were eligible to attend the meeting and those provided by the chaos and order Protoss were also standing behind their seats, which were second.

Hera's position is opposite me, but across the whole table. You know, our guild hall director's table is not an ordinary table, but it is larger than Datong shop in the low-grade hotel in the past, and its length is more than 10 meters. If it wasn't for the magic device, we would have to shout out at such a distance.

Hera's men were on either side of Hera's position, but compared with the overcrowding on our side, the numbers were sparse. All the people who could come to participate were Hera's direct subordinates, and they must be confidants. Before that, Hera was still suppressed under Zeus's hand. Of course, she could not have too many subordinates, and even fewer confidants could be selected. Therefore, the staff on her side had just filled the seats allocated to them, and there were three people standing behind.

"Well, now that we're all here, let's start." As soon as I sat down, Hongyue spoke. After a long time, I was the last to arrive.

Hera on the other side nodded and said, "no problem, let's start."

Now that Hera has nodded, we are on our side. Rose first took out more than a dozen documents and handed them to one of his subordinates. The player immediately took the materials and sent them to Hera and her men opposite. After the other party opened the information, rose began to say, "as you can see, this is the material list we just got from the Olympus Protoss, and the remaining material list is in the back. In addition, we listed at the end of the form what we think is very important for the guild, and the Olympus Protoss produces a huge amount of complementary materials. In the future, we hope that the Olympus Protoss can provide us with these materials on a regular basis. Of course, we didn't take it for nothing. We, the frost rose alliance and the chaos and order Protoss, will provide you with international relations and substantial shelter. At the same time, we will try to improve your strength, so that you can have enough self-protection ability in the future"That sounds good." Hera, turning over the information in her hand, asked, "but our people have lost so much. What should we do if the forces of the Lord or Odin invade in a short time?"

"You can turn to page 72 on this point." Rose said: "through our relationship, we will let the light and dark temples hold down the power of the Holy See, so you don't have to worry about threats from the Vatican side. About the Odin Protoss. I don't think that's an unknown number. The Odin Protoss may not attack you, and even if it is, they may not enter into a general attack at the beginning. They must have a trial process

"And what if they attack?" Asked one of Hera's men.

"We'll show up for the first time, and then beat Odin like we did to Zeus, and we can't even recognize him."

"If so, I think we can accept it." "But it's about autonomy..." Hera said

"I don't think it's really a problem to be discussed." My voice stopped Hera from going on. "You want to get your Olympus back, and we did it for you. You want to preserve the power of the Olympus Protoss that Zeus had before, and we will help you stay. If you still want independence and autonomy, then I would like to know why we helped you fight this war? What kind of human resources and materials do we get? We are engaged in a war, not a business. In business, a profit of more than 20% is almost enough, and the war profit is less than ten times. Is there any difference between victory and failure in this kind of war? "

Instead of giving up because of what I said, Hera said, "but we are going to stay here to stabilize the region for you. Our relationship should be maintained in a good cooperation mode, not a slavery mode."

"Did I say again that I would enslave you? You still have your personal freedom. You can choose to stay or leave. The new Olympus Protoss is what we fought down, and we planned to build it, and we naturally have ownership of it. But we have taken a step back because we are interested in the working ability of your gods. We have transferred the ownership of the Olympus Protoss to you. If we can't master its foreign policy, what does this group have to do with us? "


"Well, I don't want to waste time on this." I interrupted Hera directly and said, "that's the bottom line. You can't go beyond it. Either you accept this condition, or there is no need for our negotiation to go on. The Olympus Protoss is there. Although you are in charge of some personnel and have the status of being admitted to the Olympus throne, don't forget that most of the remaining Olympus Gods are still the former wall mounted faction loyal to Zeus. Whether they survive or not is entirely in our mind. Say a bad word, we think, you are the king of Olympus, we do not want, you are not. I think what I mean is very clear. You can tell me whether you accept it or not. I don't want to hear the third answer

Hera fell into silence. Several Protoss around her were obviously angry. They glared at me angrily, trying to stand up and get angry, but after thinking about it, they still held back. They were once proud Olympians, but now that's all it was. After seeing that we have just finished Zeus, these guys dare not show their teeth to us and glare at us angrily. They just express an emotional attitude, which can not be regarded as provocation. They have no courage and are not qualified to challenge us.

"Have you thought about it?" I asked again. Rose, they are all surprised by my toughness, but they are all smart people. I can't dismantle my station at this time. Now that I have said it hard, even if they disagree with me in front of Hera, they can't show it. Otherwise, Hera will find that our internal opinions are not unified, and she will surely think that this bottom line can be overstepped, and it will be really difficult to talk about it at that time.

After thinking about it for a long time, Hera didn't dare to fight against us. I don't think it's surprising that Hera didn't dare to fight against us, but rose was a cold sweat. Not because I'm smarter than them, but because they don't know Hera. I've already touched Hera's temperament in the two previous contacts. This woman has a certain insistence on certain things, so those who do not know may feel that she is a strong woman, a kind of Queen like existence. However, in fact, Hera is only a seemingly queen. Her real character should be a wayward princess. She will be very tough in some things, but it is not that she is really strong, but willful and arrogant. Once you are soft, it will become more arrogant. As long as you are tough enough to make her see no hope, she is actually weaker than many ordinary people.

Because I know Hera's character, I'm not worried about Hera's behavior at all. I know she doesn't have the courage to refuse us, so it doesn't matter how tough she is. On the contrary, once we relax, she will become very tough and not waiting for communication.

Hera nodded, and we immediately started to draft the relevant agreement. Although I didn't participate in the agreement making work, I knew that rose must have prepared an outline of the agreement in advance. In addition, there was a god of war. As soon as Hera over there confirmed it, we came up with a written agreement in less than five minutes. Compared with the oral commitment just now, the content of this agreement is more detailed, and many details have special notes, the content is very clear.Hera looked at the agreement and carefully turned it over, but it was not long before Hera closed the agreement and accepted it. This situation is not what I expected, but it also conforms to my definition of her character. Hera's Princess disease has obviously been suppressed by our strong attitude, so now Hera has become a little more submissive. The agreement was drafted by us, but she thought that she could not influence our decision, so she simply stopped reading it. In any case, even if there was an unequal treaty, she could only accept it.

"Since you don't mind, let's sign it." Rose then added: "you have to think well, this is the law contract from the God, even we can't break the contract, so once you sign this agreement, it will ensure the implementation of the content of the agreement, and you can't go back on it."

Hera, a little surprised, nodded and quickly opened the agreement to find a place to sign and write her name. When she signed the last word, the agreement suddenly turned into a light spot and flew into her eyebrows, which made her all stunned.

With the signing of the agreement, the relationship between our two sides is relatively harmonious. After all, the agreement has been signed, and there is nothing to argue about now. The so-called "close brothers settle accounts" clearly. Only when the interests are clearly separated and these problems are not considered in life, can the relationship be maintained. Otherwise, it is strange that the interpersonal relationship can be good if they always calculate the interests of each other.

"Now that the agreement is complete, let's take a look at your core." Vena suddenly suggested.

The power core of Olympus Protoss is still in the temporary storage place of Eisinger mobile fortress, and is stacked with our own divine power core. Now that all the operations required have been completed and the negotiations have been completed, there is no need for us to keep this core.

Hera was obviously uplifted when she heard the core of the power. How many years have passed since Hera wanted to be the God King of the Olympian Protoss. Isn't the actual performance of Hera in charge of the core of divine power? Now all of a sudden, this wish for many years is about to come true. How can Hera not be excited? But compared with her excitement, we are much more calm. Although it is to show Hera the core of power, it does not mean that she will be able to take over the power core of Olympus in a short time, because the power core of Olympus is still connected to Zeus. Although Zeus is now our prisoner, the core of the divine power still only recognizes him as the main God. Therefore, if we want Hera to take over the power core of Olympus, we have to work hard with Zeus.

At present, it may be the most direct and effective way to kill Zeus, but Zeus is a god level existence after all. He is more valuable to live than to die, so if possible, we do not want to kill him for the time being. Of course, if he refuses to cooperate and has to hold on to the core of his power, we will still kill him, because his life is nothing compared with our European strategy.

"This is the core of our power?" When we took Hera to the storage of the core again, Hera was obviously a little surprised, because the core was obviously different from that when it was extracted from Zeus.

Vena explained to Hera, "what you saw before was combustion, the one you usually see is stable state, now this is an operable open form. The core of power in this form is unprotected and vulnerable. Of course, the essence of damage is to damage the gods associated with it and the power of faith stored in them, not the core of the power itself. However, you should avoid damaging the core of your power or yourself, so I suggest that you should keep it in a stable state under normal conditions. You should not enter this state unless you need to perform input and output operations. "

"It doesn't sound hard."

"It's not that it's not hard, it's very simple." Vena said and added: "of course, the premise is that we have to deal with Zeus, after all, the control authority is still in his hands."

"When can we get back the authority?" Hera was obviously in a hurry.

"If you don't mind, I think we can start now," she said

"Of course. Where is he locked up? " Hera asked, looking at us.

The eagle went straight to the wall, grabbed an outstretched handle and pulled it down. Suddenly, we heard a sound of dangling from the top of our head. Then we saw a metal platform descending from the roof. This platform is a circle with a diameter of more than one meter. Zeus was fixed on this platform at this time.

Now Zeus's posture can be said to be more awkward, because his head and hands are fixed in a straight line by a horizontal yoke, but here the height of the yoke is relatively depressed, Zeus can neither straighten his legs nor kneel on the ground, because the height of that thing is not short enough, kneeling on the ground will be hanged, and it is not very high, standing straight If the time is long, the waist can't stand it. Because of this awkward posture, Zeus had to stand upright for a while and keep a squat horse stance for a while. That is to say, he is a Protoss and has good endurance. If ordinary people are put into this position, it will not be long before they are exhausted.

Zeus, who had been twisting on the shelf, saw us immediately after he was lowered. Then Zeus, who was still relatively quiet, suddenly burst out. He suddenly straightened up and wanted to rush up, but because the shelf restricted his movement, he couldn't move at all. He could only drive the hula shaking of the whole fixed frame in vain. Unfortunately, the shelf itself was made of runic steel, and its hardness was far beyond imagination. At least, it must be kept on relying on brute force. What's more, Zeus has no strength in this posture.Looking at Zeus, who was still struggling, I went to a console next to the shelf, and then raised my hand to press one of the buttons. There was no light or shadow effect or sound, but Zeus screamed as if he had been stabbed with a red hot iron, and his muscles were so tight that his eyes were about to pop out.

Looking at the twisted struggling Zeus, I didn't have any pity. It lasted for more than ten seconds before I let go, and Zeus was paralyzed on the ground like collapse at the moment when I let go of it. He even couldn't breathe because his neck was stuck by the fixator.

Looking at the dying Zeus, I slowly went around to his front, and then raised my foot and kicked him. Zeus didn't even hum, looking like a dead man. Seeing that he didn't respond, I thought he was prosthetic, so I approached him and knocked him on the head. Who knows this guy suddenly burst out after I was close to me, and then frantically wanted to rush up and kick me with his feet. Now his neck and hands are fixed. He can't bite or punch. The only thing that can move is his legs.

Although he tried to attack me with all his heart, he didn't do me any good when he burned the core of his power. Now he is bound up like this, and naturally he can't touch me. I lifted my hand to block the leg that had lost strength because of the angle reaching the limit. I went directly back to the control panel. Then I took out a hammer in Zeus's frightened eyes. Then I looked at Zeus and said, "since you still have the strength to toss, we are not in a hurry. This is for you to enjoy. We'll have a meal first and talk to you when we come back. " So I put the hammer right on the button that I just pressed. When Zeus saw that I was going to put the hammer on, he struggled to stop it. I also saw his action and understood his intention. However, I deliberately ignored the action and put the hammer on it. So Zeus immediately began to scream, and the words that were supposed to be exported were also abruptly interrupted.

Looking at the screaming Zeus, I turned to Hera and said, "I think we'd better discuss the reconstruction plan of Olympus first? If you have any requirements, please don't hesitate to mention that our frost rose league construction team is world-famous, with fast speed and good quality, and we will help you with the construction for free this time. No one else can ask for it. "

Hera was a little anxious, but she was not stupid, so she knew that the more anxious she was, the more likely Zeus would think that he had grasped us, and that it would be even more difficult to handle. So we gave up negotiating with him, and then we went to other things. Anyway, the power core was not urgent. Except Hera was a little anxious, we could not use the power core in a short time. Besides, as long as Zeus was not allowed to touch the core, we also had certain operation authority. We could solve any problems by ourselves. The only trouble was two After all, we only indirectly control it by simulating the fluctuation of the power core of Olympus through the divine power core of chaos and order Protoss. Therefore, without the power core of chaos and order, the power core of Olympus cannot be controlled. Fortunately, we don't have to operate it for a while and a half.

With Zeus screaming and howling, a large group of us really left the room, and then out of the door, I asked wama and Sumei to come up with a pile of large-scale drawings, and let Hera choose what style of building she liked and what special functions she needed.

Seeing the pile of drawings, Hera looked at me in surprise and asked, "didn't you just lie to him?"

I looked at Hera in mock surprise and asked, "why should I cheat him?"

"But if he keeps pressing like that, will he die of pain?"

Hera, of course, didn't love Zeus. She wanted him to suffer more than us. The reason why we ask this question is that we may accidentally play Zeus to death, and then there will be no revenge.

"You may not be very clear about it. Let me explain it to you." Volma, who was nearby, took the initiative to talk to Hera about some theoretical aspects, but I think Hera, like us, did not understand. Of course, she understood at least one point, that is, the punishment method of this thing is relatively special, which will make people feel miserable, but it will not kill people, or even leave trauma, at least there will be no physical trauma, as for mental trauma …… Who cares about that thing? Zeus is not a relative of our family. What's the big deal even if it's broken?

After understanding the characteristics of the thing, Hera stopped worrying about Zeus and began to focus on the reconstruction of Olympus. Because the mobile fortress of isinger stops right above the Olympus mountain, the transnational transmission array can directly gather the materials and personnel of our guild from all over the world to help the Olympus Protoss rebuild the temple mountain.

With the help of our guild staff, it took only one day to clear up the ruins. At this time, there was a debate in Japan. Shinzo Matsumoto was competing with Matsumoto to see who had more evidence. Of course, the matter was carried out according to our plan, so Jishou Shinji didn't think of anything other than being treated as a liar.

After we had cleaned up the ruins of Mount Olympus, we sent out the construction teams, which would begin to rebuild the mountain according to Hera's own drawings. This new drawing is said to be designed by Hera. In fact, it is our basic set of drawings. However, Hera has changed a lot, so it looks quite different.We were busy until midnight, and most of our guild members went offline to have a rest. The construction team had to rebuild the Olympus mountain in the third shift, and I, the president who didn't need to sleep, took several Protoss to the storage place of the divine power core again.

As the one meter thick explosion-proof gate gradually opened in front of us, the scream in the room immediately passed into our ears, but compared with the time when we left in the afternoon, the sound was much smaller, and there was a sense of tone change. Yelling at the top of your voice all afternoon, even the protoss will have problems with their voice.

After entering the room, I didn't go to get the hammer first. Instead, I circled Zeus twice to make sure he was about to collapse. Then I went to the console and picked up the hammer that pressed the button. Zeus suddenly fainted at the moment when I popped the button, but I pressed the button again with my hand. Of course, this time it was just a touch and put, but Zeus was successfully awakened.

"How do you feel? My majesty I asked Zeus in a sarcastic tone, playing with the hammer over and over. My eyes were watching it carefully, as if I were appreciating a work of art. Of course, a hammer is nothing to enjoy. Even if it is a weapon and has magic runes on its surface, it is not worth appreciating for a long time. The fundamental purpose of this series of actions is to intimidate Zeus and let him know that I can make him continue to suffer with only one thought.

Because this very ordinary hammer is an important prop that caused Zeus to be tortured for an afternoon, Zeus has now had a fear of this hammer in the heart. Although he may not have noticed this, his mind is already afraid of the hammer. I play with the hammer in this way, which is a kind of psychological hint. This is to tell him that the hammer can make him suffer, and my power can manipulate the hammer at will. From this, it can be concluded that I can operate his pain, and I am a powerful existence above him.

It is certainly useless for you to speak directly to Zeus about this idea. As a Protoss who didn't know how many years he had lived, Zeus, like most adults, had a fixed mode of thinking and had his own complete theoretical system. In this case, if you say "I'm better than you", he won't have any reaction at all. Maybe he'll laugh at you, idiot. This is the same as that of an ordinary adult. He has his own cognition. What you say is different from his original cognition. He usually ignores or believes on the surface, and doesn't care at all. This is the mindset of adults. However, the thinking of adults is not unchangeable. Through psychological suggestion and psychological transmission, and can say the information you want to write into the other party's subconscious, this kind of hint is a bit more complicated than direct speaking, but the effect is definitely much better than verbal communication.

If a person's consciousness is regarded as a military base, then language is the main road connecting to the base. Although the road conditions are good, there are many barriers, and different opinions can not be input here. The psychological suggestion is similar to a small path connecting to a military base. There are few guards or even no defenses. It is only very difficult to find such a road, and it may not be able to send the information.

In any case, my suggestion was successful. Zeus kept staring at the hammer in my hand with fear, and then his eyes began to show fear. This is the sign that the hint takes effect.

"What are you going to do?" Zeus looked at me timidly and asked. Although he was tortured all afternoon, he was able to maintain his physical strength. In any case, it's a Protoss. It's not as untouched as humans.

Hearing Zeus's reply, I smile, and then throw the short handle Warhammer in my hand up and down. At the same time, I watched him smile playfully. When Zeus began to appear, but by his expression of fear, I continued to say, "I think you should know what I have. It's not that thing yet? Now that you're doing it anyway, is it really useful to keep control of the core of the divine power? Yes, it's not five meters away in front of you. However, these five meters to you is a natural moat, is a lifetime of distance. You will never be able to touch it again, because we will not allow it, so it is of no importance for you to retain this right except to retaliate against Hera. What's more, your revenge is really naive. As you can see, we can manipulate your core through our own core, so even if you don't release the authority, we can still operate the core of Olympus, but some things will become more troublesome. Don't you think it's uneconomical to make yourself worse than death just to cause us a little trouble? "

Zeus had been listening to me, but he didn't say anything. I know he moved, but it's not easy to express it, so I added strength and continued: "I think you're a smart man. Although Aphrodite and Hephaestus say you are cruel and harsh against your opponents, I think it's just a matter of communication, and there's nothing wrong with your intelligence. So, as a wise man, don't you think it's better to trade your little revenge for something more real? "

"Like what?"

Zeus suddenly came up with such a sentence, so that I was stunned, but soon I reflected, and then said: "for example, to relieve your pain. Of course, if you cooperate well, we can even give you limited freedom. ""Do you think I will believe it?"

I suddenly extended my hand holding the hammer, and the hammer hung over the button again, and I asked, "do you think you have a choice?"

After 13 seconds of the standoff, Zeus suddenly collapsed, then shrugged his head and said, "call your men, I'll give you the core control rune."

"The wise man's choice." I quickly took back the hammer and said, "by the way, I may be very bad, but I'm absolutely on my word. What I said will be carried out. "

Zeus looked up at me in surprise, but soon his head was lowered, and I quickly called Hera. Of course, vena had to be present.

Zeus, who had given up completely, did not resist any more. He decisively released the core control Rune of Olympus, and Hera accepted this Rune with the help of vena. However, before the rune was injected into Hera, vena made a few stealthily with our cover. She punched a small piece of Rune into her body, and the rest was inserted into Hera after splicing the light from the core of chaos and order Protoss.

Hera was completely silent because she could not open her eyes or use any strength when she heard wiena say that she would accept the rune. Therefore, she almost closed all her senses. She could not see or hear the changes around her. What's more, she didn't know the little movements of Vina.

Unlike Hera, who knew nothing about it, Zeus saw vena's small movements clearly. In fact, we didn't intend to hide it from him. I even squeezed my eyes at him intentionally, while Zeus showed a strange smile. This kind of smile is mixed with a lot of complex emotions, but mainly a kind of abnormal pleasure. Because Hera has seized his throne, and now Hera has been manipulated by us, which means that we have also controlled her. Zeus felt a kind of pleasure of revenge. Although he did not get any substantial benefits, and Hera may not have any bad results, he just felt very happy.

In fact, similar to what I have analyzed before, Hera is not the kind of person who knows how to be measured. Before we were confined to the treaty, there was still some convergence. After we got the core of the divine power, we obviously felt a little confident. We even asked us to give Zeus to her.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we can't agree on that." As I said this, I pushed the switch on the wall, and Zeus's restraint was immediately lifted up on the roof and sealed tightly again. The reason why Zeus was sent up was to prevent Zeus from hearing what I was going to say. But Hera obviously misunderstood him and thought that this was my way of refusing. Of course, I really wanted to refuse her.

"Zeus has handed over the core of his divine power. Now I am the king of Olympus. You will control the Olympus Protoss through me. What do you still keep Zeus for? You might as well call it to me, and I will let him live and die. " Hera said excitedly.

I still shook my head firmly. "No, Zeus is useful to us. You also know that our guild has a strong research ability. How precious is a living research material of God level? Do you not know

"But..." Hera also wanted to persuade.

I interrupted her directly and said, "OK, be careful. The premise that we help you is to make the Olympus protoss have enough self-protection strength, not to sacrifice our interests to help you meet your personal needs. I hope we don't need to remind you about this in the future, otherwise we don't mind changing to another Olympus God. If you don't know, you don't have to go back and sign the agreement

Hera was not angry when I gave her a lecture. Instead, she was quiet. Her Princess disease is really annoying at ordinary times, but as long as you master its characteristics, it is still very good to deal with.

Hera, who had been trained by me, was finally sent out of Eisinger mobile fortress. According to the plan, she should meet the Olympians captured by us in the following time. These people are not members of Hera's group, but since they have surrendered, it means that they are not loyal to Zeus. It can only show that these people are less assertive or have no courage. The reason why they followed Zeus to resist US was not to support Zeus, nor to hate us, but just to worry about being retaliated by Zeus for disobedience. As for whether we will retaliate, they are not worried. These people are timid but not stupid. At least in the case of most people, we tend to treat our enemies or bad people more leniently than our own and good people. You will hate your own person because he did not help him, but you will not hate an enemy because he helped another one. It sounds like a matter of course, but if you think about it, we are more strict with our own people.

The timid Olympians felt that as long as we listened to Zeus, Zeus won't blame them for his victory. If we win, they just have to surrender. They are all Protoss. To put it bluntly, they are high-end talents. As long as they are not diehards and willing to give up the secret, few people will be killed by them.It has to be said that the analysis of these people is extremely accurate, and we are now going to do what they want to do, and bring them back under the banner of the new Olympus Protoss.

Hera was taken by the vena to meet the captives, and I made an excuse to leave for a while, return to the storage of the divine power core, and release Zeus. When he saw me again, Zeus's eyes were very complicated, but there was no hatred. He seemed to be more afraid.

After putting Zeus down, I didn't speak. I went up directly and unloaded the shackles of Zeus. Zeus was obviously stunned for a moment, then moved his sour joints and frowned at me and asked, "take off my shackles, and you are not afraid that I will kill you and run away?"

While pulling the mechanism to lift the fixed frame, I said casually, "I can beat you once, I can beat you twice, as for running away..." I looked him up and down on purpose, and then asked provocatively, "do you think your two short legs can run past our guild air cavalry? Don't think about it when you're OK. It's good for you

I said that will directly throw a crystal communicator in the past, Zeus instinctively caught, and then do not know, so have to look at me.

"Is this

"Your temporary status." I said, "we are not as humble as your Shanzhai. Eisinger mobile fortress has a complete city control system, and you can't get through any door without an identification mark. It has an identification sign inside, which can temporarily provide you with temporary access permission, and it can also locate your location and act as a communicator. If you want to run, think about how to get through the blocked gates without it, and we can always know where you are if you take it with you. Do you understand? "

"I am still a prisoner?" Zeus said with a wry smile.

"Or what do you think you are? Is it hard to climb on my head after losing the battle? " I said, I started to go out, and then said, "you go to the cross-border transmission array, and then you will be transported to the twin cities of eisenegger. When you get there, someone will pick you up. I'm going to meet with your wife now. You can go there by yourself

Seeing that I actually went out, Zeus was surprised and asked me, "are you really not afraid of me running?"

"You can try it." From afar came such a sentence that my man had disappeared at the end of the corridor outside. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!