"Force shield? "Whirlwind chop?"

See the monsters behind each braved question marks.

Lott smiles, pulls the screen back, fixes it, enlarges it and says, "look here."

They all looked around their necks.

In the picture, it's the scene when the big flying dragon's fireball hits the Black Warrior, and then the flame is ready to spread around. However, at that moment, the monsters clearly see that the Black Warrior is carrying his left hand upward, making a movement that seems to be blocking.

In fact, when the fireball touched the front of the Black Warrior's left hand, it was like hitting an invisible force field and was separated on both sides.

"He used the force to make a shield to block the fireball attack, which is not what ordinary Jedi can do."

After Lott finished, he let the picture start again. The fireball formed a heat wave and spread around. Vader's figure was submerged in the sea of fire. The next second, the red light wheel, which decided the final key, darted out of the fire. After cutting off the boss's wing and shoulder, the light wheel circled a whole circle in the air, Finally, like a boomerang, it flew back into the hands of the black warrior who walked out of the fire smoothly.

It's his red lightsaber, which he used as a kickback.

"The lightsaber weapon is really powerful. It can cut nothing continuously. It can also bounce off all kinds of beam energy weapons. Of course, the premise is that the force can sense the impact position of the opponent."

The more Lott said it, the more excited he was. He was in pursuit of Star Wars movies and settings for a long time ago. Later, with the rise of halo series, his attention shifted.

Thinking of this, lotton found that he didn't know if there would be a sergeant in his dream... But then he shook his head. The protagonist in halo is a positive character, and it won't become a nightmare.

As for the black samurai, it should be the impression I left when I was a child watching movies.

The image in the picture continues. After the Dragon falls to the ground, it starts to roar and struggle. Especially when it sees the Black Warrior approaching, it suddenly gets angry. Just as it straightens up, it just wants to breathe in and spray out flames

All of a sudden, the dragon's neck was like being pinched by something. People clearly saw that, Flying dragon's mouth was smoking black smoke while twisting its body, struggling like a tuna to be slaughtered, but its body was still lifted into the air by an invisible force.

And Vader just reached out and pinched his neck and grabbed it in front of the void, no matter how the lizard struggled. Dozens of seconds later, a large number of death knights and magicians with Pikachu arrived around

Maria looks at the lizard being pinched by the void, When he was attacked by a large number of Pikachu with electric shocks in turn, he immediately said without expression:

"I know this move. At the beginning, he held me like this. It's useless to struggle. It's terrible."

As soon as Maria said this, all the monsters behind her subconsciously turned their heads and looked at her back. At the same time, there was a surprised expression on each face: can anyone control such a terrible monster? It's amazing!

Then he turned his head and looked at the black warrior who grabbed the lizard in the middle of the picture. Then all the monsters had this idea: when the knight came back, he must take him to the sword!

Different from the monsters, Lott looked at Vida and thought for the first time: can he have a big sword?

Maria learned from Lott that Vader's three limbs are all mechanical structures except one arm and the main body, and the internal organs in his body are also maintained by breathing apparatus. Then the question comes: what should he do when he eats?

The above is the question of Lott and Maria about the Black Warrior, and the author's question is: does he need to take off his pants when he goes to the toilet?

Of course, these questions may never be able to be answered. In the end, we have to make up for them by ourselves.

At the end of the battle of Feilong Valley, Vader asked the death knights to sweep all the Dragon caves, and take away all the gold coins and eggs that they could bring. It's the labor cost of this trip.

The big airship floating in the sky below, when people celebrate the victory, began to shoot out a large number of advertising leaflets - there are detailed addresses on them - indicating that people in Feilong Valley can enjoy a 10% discount if they take the leaflets to the underground city for shopping. At the same time, people here are welcome to send representatives to establish diplomatic relations in the past.

In this regard, the generals who held their posts before became the core of the high-level after the war. They played a very positive role in promoting the integration of the two ethnic groups and the close cooperation with the underground city.

In the later city-state alliance established by Lott, it was almost what the dungeons said they wanted to do. The representatives of Feilong Valley immediately stood up and showed a "big brother, who are we going to cut today?" Such an attitude.15:30 p.m

In the realm hall, Lott receives the message that the black warrior has passed through the Dragon Valley safely, and then continues to move towards the sea.

"My Lord." The goblins took a look at the tablet computer in their hands, looked up at loteway and reported: "we have more than 780 flying dragons at present, but the grain base has just started to operate, and their food consumption is afraid..."

"Let all the lizards hibernate and bring out a few more when they are useful."

Lott leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes. Then he realized something. He straightened up, looked at the goblin and asked:

"I asked you to get some biological and soil samples from Feilong Valley to study. How is the progress?" Naturally, the person in charge of the research is the little witch, and her journey to the West has to be suspended.

Feilong Valley is so rich in materials that it can make these lizards who only know how to eat live for more than a hundred years without reducing their production. Maybe there is something strange in it that makes the vegetation flourish. At the same time, even in the face of the threat of Feilong group, the animals are still desperate to live there.

After hearing this, the goblin looks a little helpless

"I'm sorry, sir. The time workshop was specially designed by the skeleton Lord for our family. There was no special biological research room in it. The equipment needed for the development of the spirit pulse bomb was also made for the recorder. Those things were far less professional than those made by the second generation Lord. Therefore, if she wants to meet your requirements perfectly, she can only stay in her own magic workshop and study slowly. "

As expected, there will be a long way to go. Anyway, the little witch is idle. However, some samples of biological research will be shown to the trained human biologists. Maybe they can break through first or bring inspiration to the little witch.

This is the end of Feilong valley.

Next, let's see how to use the nearly 800 flying dragons in our hands. I hope they can bring huge energy to the underground city!

At least it can let people come from different places to see the elegant demeanor of Feilong and increase the passenger flow for the underground city.

Lotte, sitting on the sofa, looks at the mood index on the big screen in front of him. The hooligans are smoking blue cards

19000 Each adventurer emits 121 points of energy on average, totaling more than 2.3 million.

31000 There are more than 150000 ordinary people, each of whom emits 5 points of energy on average.

Plus 1.8 million of energy left.

Therefore, the current reading in the energy display is 4.25 million

Adventurers give more than half of the energy to dungeons, while ordinary people give only a fraction.

In this way, it seems that ordinary people don't have much use for the underground city... Is that true?

With a large number of adventurers, energy revenue is fast. The reason why a large number of adventurers can be attracted here is nothing more than the prosperous society built by ordinary people.

Everyone is playing their own role, without who can not, whether ordinary people or adventurers.

"So next." Lott sat back safely on the sofa and ordered, "set up the Flying Dragon Pavilion and let everyone cheer up!"

"I'm afraid not, my lord..."

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