"It's daybreak..."

The veteran generals looked at the flying dragon group which used to block the sky in front of the scarab. At this time, a large number of them fell from the sky one by one. All of them burst into tears.

Scarab internal command room

Sitting in the king's chair, Vader quietly looked at the virtual image displayed on the holographic platform in front of him. Four cruise missiles with cluster warheads exploded in the moment of approach.

The concentration of hypnotic gas reaching the lethal level to human body instantly dominates the positive airspace, and all lizards rush forward with their tongues one second before, and then hit the ground with their tongues one second later.

A few seconds later, there were only a dozen lizards fluttering their wings in the sky. They survived because of their peripheral relationship. However, under the bombardment of a shuttle of anti-aircraft guns, they also lay on the ground and slept soundly.

"At present, there are 512 on the ground, 32 of them died on the spot because they hit the head when they fell down, and the rest are more or less fractured to a certain extent."

The virtual image of artificial intelligence stands on the holographic platform, pointing to the flying dragons on the ground, while calling out a large number of data to list in front of Vader, which is convenient for him to have a clearer understanding of the current situation.

"How many more in the valley?"

"At present, there are 116 nests in the cave, all of which are concentrated together. One of them has a huge life reading, so it should be the leader."

After listening, Vader thought for a moment and asked, "where is it?"

Luna reaches out her hand and points to one of the highest and largest virtual peaks. The picture zooms in. At the top of the peak, a huge flying dragon nest suddenly appears, which is full of a large number of neighing flying lizards. Among them, quite a number of dragon eggs can be seen. The most remarkable one is the one in the middle, which is much larger than ordinary flying dragons.

The last leader?

Vader nodded and calmly ordered, "open the No. 20 missile module."

"Cruise missile silos are ready, please order."


With Vader's command, there was a harsh roar from the outside of the mecha. Then, the image projected on the holographic platform showed that a missile was flying straight towards the mountain with a long tail flame.

In this picture, the speed of the missile seems to be a little slow. Of course, the distance between the mountains is not far away.

But in fact, the distance between the two sides is more than 20 kilometers, only the hologram shortens the scale of the terrain for easy viewing.

"Five seconds, five, four, three, two, one..."

With the artificial intelligence playing down the reading, the virtual missile on the holographic platform broke into a large number of light spots after flying over the mountain peak, and then slowly fell down. After that, all the light spots exploded and a mass of gas covered it.

Inside the mountain, the lizards, who were originally raising their heads and hissing, all went to sleep quietly without much effort.

But the biggest one kept sneezing, then flapped his wings, darted into the air, rushed to the sky, and then rushed straight to the direction of scarab.

"The enemy leader is coming."

Looking at the fierce look of the Dragon boss, the black warrior who felt his dignity was challenged gave a low roar:

"You are looking for your own death!"

Directly stand up and walk towards the door, through the gravity elevator, came to the outside, walked dozens of meters, stopped.

In front of the Black Warrior, on the ground far away, the flying dragons scattered all over the mountains and fields, snoring incessantly. The scene was really spectacular.

After the previous panic, the human Legion behind the Scarab calmed down and went back to their original positions one after another. Then they kept patting the horses at the old generals who held their posts. When they saw Vida coming out, they asked curiously:

"Look, general, There seems to be a man coming out of the devil

"What's that general? How can there be a human in the body of the iron devil? "

"Well... In my opinion, it's like a coachman driving a carriage."

"Oh!! I'm worthy of being a general. I've seen a lot

"What's that coachman going to do now?"

"He's looking at the booty!"

"Oh, oh ~ ~"

A group of people were chattering behind happily.

Just as people were about to discuss how to celebrate after recovering their homes, one of them suddenly found that a black spot was approaching in the sky far ahead. With his cry, everyone looked up one after another. The next second, everyone's face was full of panic.It's a flying dragon. It's a super giant bipedal flying dragon with a wingspan of 50 meters. When it's blown, there's a strong wind on the ground.

There's the leader!

At this time, it was hovering over the Black Warrior, the throbbing dragon power came down, and all the people behind turned pale. At the same time, their legs trembled and they wanted to escape, but they could not move as if they had been leaded.

Vader looked up at the giant flying dragon in the sky, and the flapping lizard looked back at him. The long and narrow almond eyes were full of ridicule for the tiny human in front of him and endless anger for the steel quadruped beast behind him.

"Come on, lizard."

The Black Warrior calmly took the handle of his lightsaber in his hand, and then with a yelp, the red beam appeared, ready to fight.

This surprised the people behind. The knight in black armour was going to kill the Dragon by himself??

Not only human beings were surprised, but even the lizards in the sky were also surprised. But then, the Dragon boss shot a firebomb without any nonsense.

Whew - boom -!

The flame soared into the sky, and the fireball shell instantly drowned Vader's figure, which made the people behind scream.

Just as everyone was covering their mouths and looking at it in disbelief, suddenly, a red rotating wheel rushed out of the flames.

It flies to the Dragon boss in the sky at a very fast speed like a boomerang, and its target is directly at its wings and shoulders.

With a peep, the tendon of the dragon's wing was cut off. In people's gaping expression, the big flying dragon screamed and fell from the sky, and finally hit the ground heavily.

At this time, the big airship, which had been waiting in the sky, heard a sound of force

"Here! It's the power of the dungeons! "


In the studio of the underground city, Lott and the monsters quietly look at the image from the front line of Vader. When they see the big flying dragon being cut across the board, all the monsters on the scene all cry out. Then they ask the knight how to do it, and how the fire dragon bomb didn't hurt him?

"Force shield + force whirl chop." Lott crossed his arms and leaned back on the seat, pretending.

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