
The meridians were broken instantly.

Qin Zhao only felt that he was flying in the air and could not use his strength. He seemed to be pushed by a strong force all the time and flew to the distance.

"Ah ~"

abdominal pain.

He knows that his meridians are broken by energy, and his body will be unable to cultivate all his life - that's how he is expelled from the school.



his shoulder hit the ground and broke. The whole person kept rolling on the ground, rolling out more than ten meters.

Qin Zhao lost consciousness.

It's getting dark.

The cool air rose, which made Qin Zhao frown. He slowly opened his eyes and stood up with his left arm supporting him, staggering forward.

"It's far away It's far away

His eyes were empty and his whole body was tattered, as if there was something to support him.

This person is not the same as Qin Zhao who jumped off the cliff ten years ago.

The appearance is totally different.

He staggered to a shady spot.

The top of the boulder was covered with moss.

In the shade, it's mud.

He went straight to his knees.


There was a strange sound from his chest. Qin Zhao's left hand was digging on the ground.

Soon a pale man was dug up.

His lips were purple, his face was pale, and his eyelids were clear and green.

Qin Zhao's left hand made a seal, and suddenly his eyes lost their look.

The whole person sits on the ground and falls back naturally.

This is dead.

Then, in the mud, the man whose body has not yet rotted breathes slightly in his nostrils.

Huff and puff.

Under the moonlight, the skin of the young people who breathed Yin Qi in the dark gradually became white, and the dirt on their bodies gradually fell off.

At noon the next day.

Finally, the young man opened his eyes, climbed to the boulder, brushed away the moss, sat on the top, and put his hands under the Zhengyang.

Three hours later.

The young man took out seven jade bottles from the corpse lying on one side and put them in his arms.

He spread his arms and flew down the mountain quickly. At the foot of the stone, the body seems to float out like the wind, but Noda, like a piece of paper, flits over several miles, then falls down, steps on the branches, and floats up again. Born in the Qin family.

Both parents are inferior members of the family, but because of their good roots, they are given the status of "young master". A few years later, the real parents left the Qin family and had already left Lan Di City, completely ignoring Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao did not care about them.

He was going to have a good time crossing here. I didn't expect that the heir of the royal family had been staring at him since childhood, trying to pull him to his side.

Qin Zhao, by virtue of a good relationship with the prince, did not learn anything and began to muddle along. He was also happy.

In the past ten years, Qin Zhao's research has become more and more extensive. Gradually, he learned from his good friend Zhou Rui, the young master of the Zhou family, that the martial arts masters are afraid of a kind of person, a kind of person called a monk.

Friars also practice martial arts, but their martial arts often lead to the power of heaven and earth, and their power carries through heaven and earth, no one can rival. Even if the martial arts of the martial arts reached the congenital level, in the eyes of others, it is just the entry level.

After that, Qin Zhao began to study how to practice. He found a lot of secret books, but they were not reliable. His parents began to force him to practice martial arts as soon as possible to earn fame. However, Qin Zhao learned a piece of news when he was 16 years old.

There is a mysterious sect called Qingdan gate. Everyone in it is a monk.


Now that we have come to this world, we need to contact these advanced forces. So he used his talent to master a secret skill to control the soul.

After he plunges into the waterfall, he flows with the waterfall and falls directly into the water. Miraculously, he survived without much damage.

I found a boy who wanted to seek Tao but was killed.

Originally Qin Zhao wanted to go to the mountain to practice himself, but he changed his mind temporarily. But he felt that he would learn a lot of rules, and he didn't want to pay for them.

Therefore, he first used his soul to warm up the corpse for seven days and nights, so that his body could recover its function, and then he left the minimum soul in his body with breathing, relying on the secret "incantation" to attract the surrounding grass, insects and small animals to come here regularly, and to survive by sucking these energy.

At the same time, the way of breathing is modeled on the way of demon cultivation, absorbing the Qi of Yin. The Qi of extreme Yin can protect his body from being corrupted by the natural environment.

After incarnating as this child, he began to learn Taoism. However, the way of teaching is not good. People in qingdanmen directly teach simple ways of cultivation, no matter whether you have understanding or not. They provide students with pills to improve as soon as possible.However, pills are useless to him, because Qin Zhao doesn't want to waste any resources on his body.

All the pills were put in the jade bottle by himself. Until he was able to control the flame, he began to think of a way. Finally, he had a way.

With the power of the soul wrapped pills, isolated pills and the ability to communicate with the outside world, and then stored in the soul.

The storage time can't be too long. It's only seven or eight days.

Qin Zhao mastered 31 basic low-level prescriptions, and also learned about arrays and seals for entertainment. I thought these books would be obscure, but after communicating with others, I gradually found that seal and array are the biggest entertainment games in the world.

Everyone's unique array rules and weird seal are the games they develop.

As long as the seal rules are analyzed, it can be cracked smoothly, although the cracking time is not necessarily very short.

Qin Liandan has not been able to break the seal of the book, so he is reading some books at the same time. Qin Zhao doesn't know much about the form of energy, otherwise he can easily crack the array in actual combat.

"I have mastered the way of practice. I just need to transform the Yin Yang Qi I have absorbed into my aura. Vomit ~ "

lie down by the river and vomit out the undigested mucus in the stomach.

I don't know how far I've gone.

He has been running for a month, and he even feels tired of the scenery. All the way along the edge of the road, although I don't know which direction to go, at least where there is a road, he won't encounter any monsters and beasts.

In qingdanmen, Qin Zhao heard of monsters eating people.

"It's very easy for monsters to prey on friars. They are born with the ability to hide their breath, which is hard for friars to detect. Once the friar is close to the monster, he has no ability to fight back. Brother Wen's left arm was bitten off by a monster. If he didn't have the magic weapon to protect his body, he couldn't come back alive. "

Qin Zhao was afraid of monsters from then on.

It's nothing else. He's too low. After the foundation was built, there was no progress any more. I just read the operation method of aura that can be cultivated to the golden elixir stage, but I didn't practice it. If that body has good roots and bones, and those old guys like it after cultivation, and then harvest some disciples, don't you want to be separated from Qingdan gate?

But now Qin Zhao has some regrets.

He is familiar with qingdanmen, most of them. Now I don't know anything outside. It's troublesome to get in touch with people again.

"Can I live well?"

I wiped my mouth.

Qin Zhao knew that this time he had vomited dirt.

In the process of transforming the Qi of yin and Yang into aura, his meridians are very thick. There are many mixed energies in them, which he unconsciously absorbed. After all, it has been ten years.

There is no doubt that in the world of practice, only the meridians of monsters can perfectly store a large amount of Qi of yin and Yang, otherwise they will not be able to practice. This is a point that demon cultivation must understand. The only way to understand Yin and Yang is to "feel heaven and earth".

Monsters must have spirituality, otherwise they cannot be cultivated.

It's hard for human beings to practice in the way of monsters. Qin Zhao was able to do it because he learned that he could use the way of separating souls to let the minimum soul exist in the body, and his personality was reduced to a little instinct, so that he could feel "spirituality" and spontaneously breathe in the sun and the moon.

In fact, at first Qin Zhao liked to practice internal skills and wanted to be a martial arts expert, but he had no talent. It's not that I don't want to practice moves, but it's just that it's too showy to practice.

So until he studied the secret skill, his internal power was extremely thin.

"Ha ~"

Qin Zhao yawned a lot.

Now his spiritual power is far beyond the level of Qingdan gate, which is the "first pass" in the world of practice.

The sign of Qi control period is that you can fly and practice flying sword.

The sign of Hinayana period is that it can fly with imperial instruments and integrate with heaven and earth.

So Qin Zhao felt that he was at least in the period of Qi control. Another magic weapon should be able to reach the Hinayana period, and he should be regarded as a little genius in the Qingdan sect. It's a pity that he has no magic weapon and will not go back to "seek his own death".

There is a city ahead.

Qin Zhao saw the city happy to run in the past, Yuqi flight is also very fast. But the closer he got, the worse he looked. When he got close, it was as if he had seen a ghost.

Next to the mountain, behind is a strange natural environment of yellow sand, so big a city, magnificent gate appeared in front of us.

It says "capital of things".

Qin Zhao has never heard of this place. He just keeps running, trying to find a prosperous place to settle down and have a good meal.

But come near and have a closer look.The city is not good from the outermost layer.

There is a trace in the outermost layer around the edge of the yellow sand and the edge of the high mountains, which is like the uncanny work of nature, but it is undoubtedly intentional - at least with the help of this natural power.

This is the trace of "Fengtian Jedi extermination array".

What is the "heaven and earth killing array"? Before he left Qingdan gate, he read a book about alchemy. He saw an array called "juetian Fengdi array". That array was isolated from heaven and earth and naturally formed a confused array.