After being stopped, Wang Ya is very angry! It was not until Qin Zhao came that the embarrassment was resolved!

Qin Zhao is very familiar with Xia Ying and the boss of her brokerage company! That's why it's so convenient! At last, everyone watched the concert!

After the concert, about half a month has passed.

Qin Zhao asked the first lady for a short holiday.

"Miss, I have something personal to deal with! Hope to get approval! " Qin Zhao did well during this period, and Wang Tianxin agreed.

Two days later, Qin Zhao returned to the base in J city. He saw Dr. Tang Xiao!

"How's it going, doctor?"

"Chief, the plan has been completed quite well. Now it's in the mature stage, but it's not open to the other party yet. It's just in the experimental stage!" What Dr. Tang Xiao said is exactly the topic Qin Zhao is very concerned about this time, that is a brand new game, which can simulate the panorama, and is the most complete lineup of the design, as well as the world outlook! Qin Zhao recently plans to enter the game market!

"Chief! The testing machine is finished, you can try it first! "


Then Qin Zhao walked to the huge test machine and put on his helmet!

The game starts!

Ding Dong!

The game begins!

Landy, the capital of Daiyu Dynasty.

"Kata, Kata!"

With the sound of horse's hooves, the noble children rode to hunt and entered the deep forest.

Roe deer have been hunted for more than ten times, and the family members bundle up their prey and take it away.

The four young masters walked in the front together and chatted leisurely with their horses. Naturally, they would not have anything to fear in such a forest.

The young man in purple robe has a strong face and a straight figure. He has the most elegant demeanor sitting on the horse. He looked at the front with a smile and said to himself, "it's coming soon."

The other three nodded.

After walking hundreds of meters again, I suddenly saw light.

There is a waterfall in front of the slippery boulder.

The sun shines on the waterfall, and the water shines.

Reflecting the forest scenery, there seems to be another world in the white waterfall.

Four young masters dismounted in front of the scene. The strong young master in purple put down his bow and arrow, took off his sword, hung it on the horse and pointed to the waterfall.

"Flowing down thousands of feet is the work of nature. Rao is a kind of desperate and dangerous situation that you have profound skills and nature. If you have amazing courage and insight, careful mind, and excellent skills, you will have a chance to survive if you are forced to join in here. "

Young master Huang Yi doesn't understand.

He put his hands on his belly and put his thumbs together.

"Why did the prince say that?"

As a military adviser, only he dared to ask such questions.

The two young men in white looked at each other, puzzled.

The prince looked at everyone's expression and sighed helplessly.

"I'd like to invite you two today, for nothing else. Mr. Zhou and Mr. Qin, you and I have known each other since childhood. I know you have great ambitions. Now ten years have passed. What have you done? "

"This Your highness, we are not ignorant. He has been good at martial arts and archery since he was a child. What happened? Why did your highness ask such a question? "

"Change! Master Zhou Rui, you have the face to ask me! Ten days ago, she molested a good woman in the market, beat her husband and forced her to submit. It's really a good way! The statement of Lan Di's evil youth is really far-reaching! You said, "how can I reward you?"

Zhou Rui immediately sweated.

His knees trembled, his chin closed up and down, and his whole body was obviously shaking. His eyes rolled and his legs fell to the ground.

"Your Highness, please spare your life! I was just confused for a moment, because I made friends carelessly and was encouraged by others... "

"What your highness said is not true."

Suddenly interrupted his words, another childe, Qin Zhao, the young master of the Qin family, stood up.

His royal highness frowned. He never knew what his childhood playmate was thinking.

This is the person he fears the most.

When talking about ideals, the young master of the Zhou family once said that we should enjoy the beauty of the world and conquer the noble women with our own appearance and strength.

The young master of the Qin family said that he didn't want the future, but only now.

But both of them have gone to extremes.

The young master of the Zhou family really practised martial arts and studied hard, but he mingled with the street hooligans all day. After investigation, he even participated in the strength formation of landi, in an attempt to control a force from the people.

The young master of the Qin family, besides practicing Qi every day, only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. It's harmless, but it's useless.

"He's a genius, visionary, but never hard-working. Instead of being arrogant, he has no self-confidence. What happened today? Dare to cut in on this occasion, does he not want to live? "The prince doesn't think he is a kind person, at least he is a violent person in recent years. It's no exaggeration to kill people in anger. How many people have died in his disguise.

This is the only way to become a king, with absolute rules to manage their own ministers.

"Isn't that true? Could it be that I wronged the young master of the Zhou family. Hum! You let him say it. "

The prince turned his mind and knew that today was an important day. If he can, he wants to keep the two around and serve him faithfully in the future.

"Life and death depend on life and fortune. I was born in a rich family and spent 16 years as a childe. Life and death have destiny. No matter what the ability is, people will die if they die. If they don't die, they won't. I jump down from here today, whether it's life or death. Your highness, please prove it for me. "

"What? What are you talking about. Hum! Jump down and die with your strength. "

"Not necessarily."

He stepped forward.

At this time, Qin Zhao stood in front of the waterfall, on the edge of the cliff.

The narrow river under the waterfall can fall into the river even if it has the ability of accurate orientation control, and the huge impact force can also make people's internal organs rupture and die directly.

"Well Brother Bai. Today, I didn't mean to you or Zhou Shao, but there are some things I want to make clear. I don't want to get rid of you two. On the contrary, if your power can be used for me I want to talk about that. "

"Then, your highness, what do you think I have done in the past ten years?"

"This I have an investigation. Three years ago, Qin Zhao once instructed a swordsman to step into the innate realm. You must have excellent martial arts skills... "

"No, I only have Qigong. I can breathe long and cultivate my internal power. But I have never been involved in martial arts skills. Eating, drinking and playing with money is the life I want. Now the storm is surging. If I want to change, I must change myself first. "

Qin Zhao looks very relaxed, facing the prince is also very strong. But no one knows what he meant.

"Qin Zhao..."


He raised his hand to his mouth.

The move startled the people present.

Then, Qin Zhao made great efforts under his feet, and the whole person went to the direction of the waterfall.



Qin Zhao fell obliquely.


He plunged into the waterfall.

A black spot falls into the river with the waterfall.


The prince looked down at once.

But all he saw was a faint color floating above the river. It's hard to tell whether it's red or purple where the light doesn't shine.

All the people present were gaping.

After ten years, no one knows why Qin Zhao wanted to die.

After the prince gained the throne, he gradually eliminated the old ministers and replaced them with capable ones. If someone resists, the terrible assassin will kill him.

The land of orchid is prosperous and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Zhao Peng, the seventh generation emperor, is known as the king of the iron hand and is loved by the people.

Outside the city of orchid, in the forest of mountains.

On the top of the low mountain, some little Taoists are practicing.

The Taoist in the grey gown, with a book in his left hand and a steamed bun in his right hand, sat in front of the Dan stove, but he didn't even care about the stove he burned without permission.

Then, several Taoists came over.

"Wow, Qin Zhao! Why are you still making pills? Elder Xie said, "if you haven't refined the three materials into a Peiyuan pill, you will be kicked out of the school."

These people are looking at the young people idling around reading books.

He pointed to the seal on the book and said, "I'm going to pass this game. I can't put it down!"

As he said this, the stove next to him suddenly shook violently.

There is a crack on the edge of the furnace.

"No, let's go!"

Several disciples escaped.

Qin Zhao gave a bitter smile and smelled a fragrance.

"Can all this work? Is it so hard to deliberately fail? Alas... "

He was very helpless, and his mind moved. The white pills with exquisite patterns flew out in an instant, but the size of his little finger penetrated into his mouth.

"It's blowing up again!"

"Ha ha, Qin Zhao blew up again."

"That's good. Elder Xie, the medicine refining elder of Qingdan sect said that if Qin Zhao fails again, he will be expelled from the school this time. "

"Ah? Isn't that bad? "

People are talking about it.

Qin Zhao knew that no one had seen him swallow Dan, but he was still quite uneasy. Flustered two swallow steamed stuffed bun, turn around to want to go.

However, it's too late.

From the back of the mountain came a wave of anger, and the golden light bloomed in broad daylight. An old man with white beard suddenly flew in front of Qin Zhao, waving like a chicken, and picked Qin Zhao up."You rubbish! Ten years, qingdanmen has kept you for ten years. Not only do you learn to be unorthodox, but you can't even correct your attitude in alchemy. "

He looked angry.

Looking at the ground with a little doubt. But a look at the residue on the ground, we know that this is almost a material refining failure of the residue.

I'm out of breath.

"Get out of the mountain gate for me, and never mention coming to my Qingdan gate again!"

A wave of the hand.

"Hoo ~"

Qin Zhao is like a meteor, flying out.

He was penetrated by a strange smell.