Chapter 678

The anti insurgency activities of Tula airborne division were provoked by extremists and had to shoot for self-defense. Even if the rubber bullets were fired, they still caused the panic of the crowd. Then there was a stampede, causing casualties. According to statistics afterwards, 16 people died and more than 100 people were injured in the incident, including 13 women and three men. Subsequently, with the assistance of Tbilisi police force and workers' picket team, Tula airborne division successfully imposed a curfew on Tbilisi city.

In this way, the storm in Georgia that lasted for several months was forcibly suppressed by the Tula airborne division, but the national division and the people's dissatisfaction with the government caused by this incident did not disappear. The fundamental problems of Georgia have not been solved at all. Gorbachev made a special speech on TV about the incident called "letter to the Communist Party members and all the workers of Georgia". In the speech, he expressed his deep sorrow about the incident in Tbilisi and expressed his belief in the rationality of the people of Georgia, and did not put forward any practical measures.

Two days later, at the plenary session of the Party Central Committee of Georgia, PADI ashvili was removed from the post of the first Secretary of the Central Committee of Georgia, and gongbarize of Shevardnadze's Department was elected as the first Secretary of the Central Committee of Georgia. However, this still had a serious impact on the Leningrad Special Economic Zone in shariosha. Because it eventually led to bloodshed, and most of the dead were women. Therefore, some media hostile to the Soviet Union began to make rumors. So under the instigation of Western media, many investors who were optimistic about Leningrad Special Economic Zone planned to withdraw their investment.

Xie liaosha, of course, can't allow these investors to withdraw. He took out the contract he signed at the beginning, which clearly stipulates that if an investor wants to withdraw, he can only execute it one year after the funds arrive. This article is protected by the law of the country where the investor is located. Otherwise, they would have to pay a huge amount of liquidated damages to the Leningrad construction company of the Soviet government, but in this way, many people chose to withdraw. It is conservatively estimated that about 150 billion US dollars will be withdrawn from the Leningrad special economic zone plan. Although your part of funds has not caused problems in the early construction of Leningrad Special Economic Zone, for those overseas customers who are optimistic about Leningrad special economic zone and want to invest here, the withdrawal of funds will seriously shake their confidence.

At this time, far away from Hungary, a news that shocked the whole world came out. Hungary's ruling party, the Hungarian working people's party, lost its unshakable position in the National People's representative election. This news is no less than a thunderbolt. As the front line of defense of the iron curtain, Hungary's changes made the Soviet Union and its allies feel very incredible.

According to Hungarian law, the Hungarian working people's party is the only ruling party, but now the number of representatives of the ruling party in the people's Congress is less than half, and a large number of non party members of the Hungarian working people's party occupy the seats of the Congress. This makes it difficult for the Hungarian people's party to implement the policy of funding in the Congress in the future. Moreover, the current constitution stipulates that the Hungarian people's party is the only ruling party, which has seriously deviated from the actual situation. Does it deny the legitimacy of this election. After this result appeared, the Hungarian labor people's party finally had no choice but to admit the reality and give up its position as the only leading Party.

The Hungarian incident made him realize that the changes in Eastern Europe may be coming soon, when the Communist regimes in these Warsaw Pact countries will fall one by one like dominoes. In these countries, however, the Soviet Union has stationed a large number of elite troops, which will soon be driven back to the Soviet Union, just as the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan,

Their housing, employment and other problems will make the Soviet Union's already overdrawn financial situation worse. At that time, if the special economic zone of Leningrad was not on the right track, these people would become the most miserable people in the Soviet Union.

Xie liaosha now realizes that his plan to defraud the capital of European countries can only succeed, but not fail. If it fails, the Soviet Union's economy will collapse completely, and the order of the whole country will be completely disordered. However, the funds needed for the construction of the Leningrad special economic zone are astronomical, and the difficulty of resettling the Soviet Union's millions of troops will far exceed the difficulty of resettling the Afghan troops. The key is how those foreign investors can keep their money in the Soviet Union when the upheaval in Eastern Europe really comes.

The reality makes Xie liaosha have to think about how to make a quick sum of money. He went to the U.S. market to salvage a sum. Although his total assets are close to $5 trillion, he is still not a rival of big consortia like Goldman Sachs. Do you want to go to Japan? Maybe it is possible, but now Japan's real estate and stock markets are still strong, and Japan has the most abundant foreign exchange reserves in the world. The strength of this country may be stronger than that of Goldman Sachs. As early as a few years ago, Xie liaosha mistakenly judged the form of Japan and thought that Japan would soon collapse, but until now, there is still no sign.

Xie liaosha thought for a long time in his office. He decided to call Yakovlev. Yakovlev is an expert on international issues, and he wants to ask about the withdrawal of Hungarian troops.

After a short time, the phone was connected. Xie liaosha asked Yakovlev about the Hungarian labor people's party, and then he slowly turned the topic to the Soviet garrison in Hungary.

"Secretary Yakovlev, I want to ask you, what if this Hungarian government asks our troops to withdraw from Hungary? I know that we have 200000 troops stationed at the border between Austria and Hungary. Now Austria and Hungary have bypassed us and reached a separate agreement on opening the border. Our troops can do nothing and can not play their due role at all. I want to ask if I have to reserve some posts for these people when building the Leningrad special economic zone? " Xie liaosha asked seriously on the phone.

Yakovlev replied: "you may not know that just half an hour ago, the Hungarian government had sent a note to our ambassador asking to negotiate with our country on the withdrawal of Hungarian troops. Shevardnadze and I are talking about this right now. This time, Hungary is resolute and extremely unfriendly to us. I'm afraid we won't be able to wait long... "