Chapter 677

The Tula airborne division in lebed took off from its base overnight by military transport aircraft to Georgia to control the situation there. From receiving the order to departure, it took only one hour for the Tula airborne division to prepare for the airborne landing of a series of equipment, including heavy weapons such as armored vehicles and tanks.

Lebede would never have thought that he would receive an order to put an end to the rebellion in his lifetime. From the general secretary of the Soviet Union to the people, who could have expected that the situation in Georgia would deteriorate to such a situation.

When the plane crossed most of the territory of the Western Soviet Union and finally landed in Georgia in the south of the motherland, lebede could not help feeling some pressure. He didn't know what the Georgians would think of his troops when he took them out of the hatch and drove their tanks into the streets of Tbilisi.

So without warning, lebede's first troops took control of the airport, and lebede himself read out the Ministry of Defense's order for air traffic control in Tbilisi. Then the tanks on the IL transport plane began to leave the plane and slowly headed for the highway outside the airport to the urban area of Tbilisi.

The airborne troops were the elite of the Soviet Union, while the Tula Airborne Division was the elite of the airborne troops. From the Khrushchev era, almost every leader of the Soviet Union regarded airborne troops as the first choice to deal with the crisis. They appeared in the October incident in Hungary, the Poznan incident in Poland, and the Prague incident in 1968. However, to solve economic problems by military means is fundamentally in the wrong direction.

Lebed's troops soon contacted the armored convoy of the Soviet Red Army in Georgia. Under the authorization of the Ministry of defense, lebed took over the command of the Georgia tank convoy. After the two troops joined up in Tbilisi, the tank troops first opened up the road ahead, and then the Tula airborne division in armored vehicles.

The mighty troops went to Tbilisi, which made the turbulent opposition in the city panic. At this time, gamsakhurdia, who was still silent, began to make a new speech, calling on the people of Georgia to bravely show their courage to the enemy and block the way of tanks with their own bodies. Under the instigation of gamsakhurdia, some Georgians who have lost their senses and been brainwashed are really marching towards the armored forces with their bare hands.

The airborne division of lebed and Tula saw that the road ahead was blocked and had to get off. After that, lebede, like the airborne division of Tula, gave the order to fight and arrested all the adult men present. Lebede only targets adult men because the Ministry of Defense's order specifically emphasizes the need to be careful with women and children, as well as the elderly. Because once it hurts these special people, it will not only make the contradiction more uncontrollable, but also give the western media a word of mouth.

It took only half an hour for the fighters of the Tula airborne division to clear these people. They were tied up, hauled into trucks and handed over to the local garrison in Georgia for strict supervision. Then, the airborne division of Tula continued to advance, and within 20 minutes, it entered the urban area of Tbilisi.

When lebed led his troops to the city of Tbilisi. The situation here is much worse than that outside the city. The Georgians held hands and blocked the way of the troops with their bodies. Lebed stood at the top of the armored car and looked into the distance. He couldn't see his head at all. I'm afraid there will be tens of thousands of people. This is what to do.

Lebede ordered the troops to change into rubber bullets, and they were not allowed to shoot until they had to. Meanwhile, the Tula airborne division began to use tear gas to drive the crowd. Dozens of smoke bombs were thrown into the crowd. The gathered Georgians finally began to flee. A lot of Georgians can't stand the smell of tear gas and start running around. At the same time, the officers and men of the Tula Airborne Division also began to pick up their rubber sticks and drive away the Georgians who blocked the road.

The soldiers of Tula airborne division put on gas masks. Most of them put down their guns, picked up rubber sticks and wooden sticks to drive out the crowd and open the way to the seat of Georgia's central government. At this time, the extremists of Georgia in the crowd began to provoke. In the face of the officers and men of the airborne division holding sticks, some people took out daggers and spears and began to attack the soldiers of the Tula airborne division.

Several soldiers were injured and fell to the ground because of this sudden attack. Most of them were stabbed to the core because of carelessness. At this moment, has been in the back of the team as a guard task of the soldiers can only helplessly beat down these thugs with rubber bullets.

"Bang... Bang..."

"The army has fired... Someone has been shot... Run..."


"Mom... I want mom..."

A few gunshots made the chaotic crowd panic, and everyone began to crowd in one direction as if they were possessed. Then someone fell down, and the people behind him stepped on him impolitely. After a few screams, someone fell in a pool of blood. It seemed that the tura airborne division really killed people.

The sound of gunfire made the onlookers in Georgia totally stupid, and their rout caused more deaths and injuries. Lebede could not help but cry in his heart.


Paji ashvili, the first Secretary of Georgia's Party Central Committee and the general office of Georgia's Party committee, is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Now he is waiting for the airborne troops from Moscow to take over the city. In this situation, persuading is meaningless. Paji ashvili is looking forward to the team entering the city to help him regain control of Tbilisi and impose a curfew on the whole city. At this moment, all members of the Central Party committee of Georgia have become grasshoppers on a rope. At last, they began to abandon the past and discuss the plan to deal with the opposition.

Now the only comfort for the Party committee of Georgia is that most of the enterprises and institutions in Georgia are still under the control of the government. The Party committee decided to let these units transfer some personnel to serve as workers' pickets to maintain social order in Georgia. Now the orders have been issued. Most of the units have not yet made a clear reply. At this time, Paji ashvili suddenly heard the distant gunshot in the window.

"Dada... Dada..."

"What's the matter? Why is there a gunshot?" Paji ashvili couldn't help blurting out.