Chapter 649

Gorbachev left the employment problem of hundreds of thousands of people to seliosha, who knew that only industries such as industry and agriculture could digest this group of employed people. However, industry has certain requirements for the quality of the population, especially for automobile manufacturing enterprises such as Gorky Volkswagen, which need skilled workers. The threshold of agriculture is relatively low. In addition, the problem of material supply in the Soviet Union has never been solved. Therefore, Xie liaosha decided to take agriculture as the main breakthrough point.

In the high latitudes of the Soviet Union, the crops that can be planted are very limited, and the farming hours are relatively short. However, the pilot farms that Xie liaosha set up in Ukraine when he worked in the Ministry of agriculture are still in good operation. Xie liaosha decided to invest heavily in developing greenhouse cultivation techniques in Ukraine. If this is done, it will be a good thing for the country and the people. In later generations, many Chinese farmers went to Russia to engage in farming and made a lot of money, which proves that this is indeed a road that can be taken. The Soviet Union has no reason to do this well.

Naturally, Xie liaosha won't personally intervene in this matter. Let the Shenke family do it at the end of the season. Xie liaosha is only interested in the financial industry, because there is nothing more convenient than the business of making money from money.

If hundreds of thousands of people are to be resettled, corresponding jobs need to be created, which means that the state has to make a lot of investment. This is a good opportunity to steal the country's foreign exchange. Now, without the covetous ligachov, there is no one to stop seryosa. As a result, Xie liaosha began to issue a large number of foreign exchange loans to the enterprises under the Communist Youth League system which belong to the youth science, technology and culture center. The name is the introduction of foreign advanced technology and equipment. The loan was paid back in rubles. As a result, more and more foreign exchange has entered his Swiss bank account through his underground bank. Because of the interest rate difference between the official exchange rate and the private exchange rate, the enterprises of the youth science, technology and culture center have made a lot of money. Many of these enterprises are white gloves cultivated by Xie liaosha for many years. They help Xie liaosha to launder money, and they also make a lot of money. Everyone has become a closed community of interests, and they are making a lot of money with tacit understanding.

In just one month, Hassan's production line of building houses with production boards specially ordered from Germany has been running and debugging in Dnieper petrovsk city for a long time, and it is not far from the day of formal production. Some soldiers who have been withdrawn from Afghanistan have been arranged to work in this factory, providing nearly 5000 employment opportunities at once. Because Xie liaosha is in charge of this matter, banjianfang will become the first choice for the resettlement of the country. As for the people who live in it, whether it's cold in the long winter in a high latitude country like the Soviet Union is not something Xie liaosha has to consider. Anyway, he won't pay for it.

It's not winter yet, so the workers who live in tin containers are not at their worst. Thanks for the good reputation of Xie liaosha in the period of building a new worker's city. Many workers did not complain about Xie liaosha. On the contrary, they targeted those guys in the Politburo, especially Gorbachev. There was no way. Who could make Xie liaosha a small official. Anyway, he has solved the employment and housing problems of these people. The tin house is also a house. It's better than setting up a tent.

There is so much work in this period that Yulia is a little busy. Xie liaosha sees it and thinks it's time for nasjia to come back. During his stay in the UK, nasja took a course in economics and got a diploma. In addition, he has worked in the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation for many years and has reached a certain level. Xie liaosha thinks that nasjia can be appointed as the Secretary General of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation to take charge of the work of the whole department. And Yulia was in charge of what he told her.

Such a decision is absolutely good news for nasja, because the Secretary General of the Ministry is one of the senior leaders of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation, and has reached the level of vice ministry. It's just behind seryosa in the rankings. But Xie liaosha is not so enthusiastic about the official position. The Soviet Union is almost finished. What's the meaning of giving a minister.

Now the Soviet Union is in turmoil, economic reform is difficult, and political reform seems to have triggered a greater crisis at the top. Even if Gorbachev's reform plan is really feasible, the biggest problem is that there is no spontaneous reform motivation at the lower level, and everything needs to be promoted by the higher level. In the final analysis, the majority of lower level bureaucrats in the Soviet Union were unwilling to reform, and even in the Political Bureau, they did not agree on the way and method of reform. However, in the past few years, under the leadership of Prime Minister Thatcher, Britain has got rid of the dilemma of economic downturn, and the economy has begun to return to the road of growth, while the French government has followed Thatcher's reform line closely, so that the French economy has also begun to get rid of negative growth, and the information technology revolution in the United States is in full swing, This will bring new economic growth points. But the Soviet Union seems to have no chance.

The Kremlin's top priority now is to resettle Afghan troops and reduce unemployment. These people are not ignorant lotus. They come down from the battlefield. They can do anything when they are in a hurry. But most people don't take risks if they have a chance. In order to provide more jobs as much as possible, Gorbachev, on the advice of Yakovlev, intends to follow Roosevelt's reform measures in the New Deal period and launch some national large-scale projects to provide jobs. But the Soviet government was in debt and lacked start-up funds. So Xie liaosha, the only department that can get foreign investment, began to show its importance.

The relationship between Gorbachev and shariosha is getting hot again. He began to re invite shariosha to attend important meetings in the Kremlin, changing his previous cold attitude. As for the changes made by the general secretary, Xie liaosha naturally had to say something, so he suggested to Gorbachev that he could cooperate with more foreign capital to exploit Siberia's rich oil and gas resources with the help of foreign funds.

Xie liaosha's proposal is to reorganize the Ministry of oil and gas industry of the Soviet Union into a company to form a monopolistic Konzern group. They can attract foreign investment to cooperate in the form of subsidiaries. If so, all the oil and gas enterprises in the Soviet Union will be integrated into a giant enterprise. Under the management of this enterprise, the following subsidiaries will cooperate with foreign countries. In this way, many institutional problems will be solved and the central government's control over the oil and gas industry will be strengthened.

Gorbachev promised to discuss the proposal at the Politburo. Seryosha was somewhat expecting that reality would force Gorbachev to implement the plan as soon as possible.