Chapter 648

Although the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan has not officially started, a number of troops have withdrawn to Russia ahead of schedule. However, when they return to their motherland after many years of fighting, they can feel the warmth of their motherland except when they leave the railway station. In the following time, they are like forgotten garbage, and they are still ignored in the barracks.

During this period of time, the newspaper was also discussing the issue of withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, but the focus of the newspaper was to review the losses caused to the Soviet Union by the war that was not worth the loss. Although Gorbachev was also a member of the Politburo at that time, he understood that the war in Afghanistan was a decision made by the Politburo by collective vote, and Brezhnev, who had been suspended because of his illness, also voted against it, Gorbachev and Yakovlev still put all the responsibilities on Brezhnev, Gorbachev also cancelled one of Brezhnev's medals for Soviet heroes. It's really mean.

The withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan has been crammed into the dilapidated barracks of temporary resettlement. As time goes by, the excitement of returning to the motherland gradually fades down. But more is to the future confusion and helplessness. Many people begin to worry about their work and life. During this period, only the newly established Gorky Volkswagen joint venture automobile factory recruited workers from them. However, as long as they have certain mechanical and electronic expertise, many soldiers who used to work as maintenance and support in the rear are wanted to leave by Gorky Volkswagen, while those young people who are not good at anything but fighting still stay in the military camp every day, drinking and playing cards, heave great sighs.

A week later, a month later, with the withdrawal of troops, more and more people lived in the camp, and the living conditions here became worse and worse. In addition, the Soviet government was in financial difficulties and could not make proper arrangements for these people, so fighting occurred from time to time, It seems to have become a powder keg for social unrest.

There are some temporary signs that soldiers who go to Afghanistan to fight will be demobilized after they return home. They can stay in the settlement for two months, and after two months, they have to leave here to make a living. However, most of the people have no place to go, so many people are reluctant to leave, which has caused a lot of difficulties to the later resettlement work. However, when some enterprises under the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League came here to recruit workers, the situation finally improved.

The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League gave these people three ways out, either to work as oil workers in the samotroll oil field in Qiuming, to work for foreign capitalists, or to open up wasteland in Siberia. Or build a gas pipeline near the Caspian Sea. At the same time, the Communist Youth League will be responsible for these people's living space and wages. Most of the soldiers here are young people under the age of 30, and many of them are members of the Communist Youth League. They are very grateful for the help extended by the organization. The torment of these days has made them realize the reality, and it's good to have a living job.

So a large number of soldiers began to pack and take off their military uniforms. After signing work contracts with these enterprises brought by the Communist Youth League, they happily went to Qiuming, Siberia, Ukraine and the Caspian Sea. When they get off the train and are pulled to their work place, many people are enraged by the conditions. The so-called housing is a worn-out and rusty container with a door opened on it. The first thing everyone does when they get here is to pick up the paint bucket and brush their container with antirust paint. Everyone found the person in charge to protest, but the person in charge here said lightly: "those who don't want to do it can leave now, we will pay the toll!"

Some people left at that time, but most of them put up with it. Although the conditions here are hard, there is still some income. It's better than hanging out in a settlement.

Xie liaosha originally wanted to build houses to house these soldiers, but there was no ready-made production equipment for that thing. He needed to build a special factory and carry out some design and optimization work at the same time. Because this is a project supported by the government, the profit is stable. So Xie liaosha gave this good job to Hassan, and let Hassan be responsible for the preparatory work of banjianfang factory. As a result, the old and abandoned containers were taken to serve as temporary accommodation.

Now he has no time to care about the lives of those soldiers. He is busy receiving Gorbachev's big gift - housing and public utilities and social development bank. When he got the account of the bank, he unexpectedly found that there were 500 billion US dollars in the account. Naturally, Xie liaosha was overjoyed. Sooner or later, the money will fall into his pocket. He thought the bank was a mess, but he didn't expect to have money. However, after a moment's thinking, Xie liaosha understood that the money was originally left by ligachov to prepare for economic reform. Unfortunately, there were many obstacles to the implementation of economic reform at the local level, and the economy of the Soviet Union did not improve at all, so the money was left.

The turmoil in Georgia made ligachev completely lose Gorbachev's trust, while Yakovlev became the second person behind Gorbachev. At Gorbachev's suggestion, a lot of work in the Secretariat began to be transferred to Yakovlev. But ligachov didn't know about it until he found that there were fewer and fewer people coming to his office.

There have been contradictions between ligachov and Yakovlev for a long time. Their political views are quite different. One is a loyal supporter of Stalin, and the other is eager to put Stalin on the bench of history. Now Yakovlev has the support of Gorbachev, which makes the moderate reformers represented by ligachev extremely angry. It's a pity that ligachov, who is dedicated to serving the public, has too many enemies and few friends in the Politburo. There are many enemies like Shevardnadze.

The first batch of new workers recruited by Xie liaosha were mainly located in the samotrol oil field in Qiuming state. After the exploration of geological experts from western oil companies, there is still a chance to save this oilfield, but the first thing to do is to drain water for the oilfield. Reduce the pressure caused by groundwater in the oilfield. The work will last at least a year. Because of the arrival of a large number of labor, the samotrol oil field has regained its former vitality. As a result, these soldiers living in tin containers became the first batch of workers in the Soviet Union of the samotrol branch of Glencore group. Unlike most joint ventures in the Soviet Union, samotrol was the first wholly foreign-owned company in the Soviet Union.