Chapter 571

The Chebyshev recommended by Rubik was not impressed by Yakov. Because no one who is capable and trusted by Yakov is not rich in Italy with him. In any case, they will not be sent to Africa. However, since Lubic asked for this on his own initiative, Yakov would not deny Lubic's face. At most, he would send one more person to Colombia.

Yakov and Yuri called roubic over to finalize the matter, and then they started to contact Escobar in Colombia. Xie liaosha also specially called to inquire about this matter, which made Yakov and Yuri feel very abnormal.

As a matter of fact, seryosa is in a bit of trouble now. Since Chernobyl, the central finance of the Soviet Union has suddenly become tense. In order to relieve the financial pressure of the central government, the Secretary of the Secretariat in charge of the economy, Li Jiaqiao, began to extend his hand to the following ministries and commissions. Over the past few years, bureaucracy and hedonism have been prevailing in the official circles of the Soviet Union, and the daily expenses of various departments are increasing. In addition, Gorbachev opened up some areas for economic reform. In order to expand financial resources, many ministries and commissions began to support some of their own tertiary industry companies by using their power. On the one hand, these companies can arrange a decent job for some related customers in the Department, and more importantly, they can make profits for the Department and use them as a small Treasury within the Department. It's almost an open secret. For example, the fishery department focused on the characteristic product of the Soviet Union, caviar. Although there was a marine case of joint smuggling of caviar by the fishery department and the Soviet Navy during the Andropov period, under the condition that the Soviet Union never engaged in a market economy, I'm afraid even Gorbachev can't say whether this kind of behavior in the fishery sector should be blamed in the process of reform.

How can there be only one fishery department doing such a thing? The Soviet Ministry of agriculture, the Ministry of oil and gas industry, the Ministry of metallurgical industry and the Ministry of automobile industry are all doing the same thing. However, these departments have always been unable to bypass Xie liaosha's Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation.

Now worried about the financial problems, ligachov wanted to reorganize these enterprises under the name of ministries and commissions, and put their management power and income into the central finance of the Soviet Union. This is tantamount to weaning the various ministries and commissions of the Soviet Union, and the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation of Xie liaosha will bear the brunt.

Although Xie liaosha is only the Vice Minister of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation, everyone knows that Xie liaosha is in charge of this department. The Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation is definitely the richest ministry in the Soviet Union. Now, Xie liaosha has firmly grasped the two major financial resources of the Soviet foreign trade bank and the Mediterranean trade company. Whether it's cotton from foreign schools of the Ministry of agriculture, electrolytic aluminum from the Ministry of metallurgical industry, or resource products from the Ministry of oil and gas industry, it's inseparable from the export of the Soviet Union, the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation. One of the most technical steps is how to settle foreign exchange after these products are exported. Whether all the money should be put on the enterprise credit account book of the Central Bank of the Soviet Union, or whether a part of the cash should be set aside from the foreign trade bank to directly hand over to the small coffers of these departments, is all a matter of Xie liaosha's words.

Now that ligachov is going to attack everyone, the ministers of several ministries and commissions who are not willing to let it go all run to Xie liaosha. We discussed how to deal with ligachov. But when they got here, they saw a man they never thought of. He is Yeltsin, the first Secretary of Moscow municipal Party committee.

"Why is secretary Yeltsin here?" When these ministers saw Yeltsin, they thought that ligachov had known everyone's little actions and specially sent Yeltsin to discipline them. Seeing this, Xie liaosha immediately called everyone to sit down, and then said, "don't be afraid, Secretary Yeltsin and we have the same problem. Ligachov wants to stop the project of Moscow workers' new city..."

Later, Xie liaosha, needless to say, we all know what's going on. The conflict between ligachev and Yeltsin has not lasted for one day or two. With the slightest mention of seliosha, we can all understand why Yeltsin came today.

"Now that everyone is here, I'll say something first! I still support Secretary ligachev's idea, but Secretary ligachev has some specific problems in the Central Committee. Maybe he doesn't know much about it, or he is hoodwinked by people around him! As members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, we all have the responsibility to point out these problems for Comrade ligachev. Therefore, first of all, we are not gathered here to oppose the Central Committee, but to reflect the problems to the Secretariat of the Central Committee, to Secretary ligachev and to Gorbachev's writings Xie liaosha gathered these ministers together and first set the tone of the meeting, so as not to let someone betray them and give a lip service to ligachov in the future.

"Well, let me talk first." Yeltsin, who was sitting in the main seat, asked to speak immediately after Xie liaosha finished his opening remarks. He looked at everyone present, who were basically the first and second leaders in the domestic industrial sector of the Soviet Union, and most of them had business contacts with Xie liaosha, such as the Ministry of automobile industry. Their products are now sold to South America and occupy the local market, In the past, Soviet cars could only be sold to Eastern Europe and other socialist countries, and even a large part of them were exported as aid. In the past, I didn't dare to think about earning so much foreign exchange. Who is responsible for all this? Isn't it Xie liaosha?

"Workers' new village project is a key project in China, which is related to the housing problems of thousands of families in Moscow. I don't think it's Fair for Moscow citizens who are looking forward to their new home to delay the whole project indefinitely just because of a temporary financial problem. I would like to point out that although the workers' new town was funded by the state in the previous phases, most of its funds now come from social financing. If it stops like this, the citizens who have bought the bonds for the construction of workers' new towns will not agree! Therefore, on behalf of the Moscow municipal Party committee, I would like to make a statement on the issue of a new worker's city. We do not agree with the disorderly conduct of the Secretariat of the Central Committee! " Yeltsin said solemnly.

Xie liaosha looks at everyone with a smile. With Yeltsin's offer, everyone agrees, but still no one takes the initiative to speak. Xie liaosha quietly gives a look to the comrades of the Ministry of automobile industry at this time, and then the other party raises his hand to join the ranks of denouncing ligachov's policy.